I must be doing something wrong, because getting training orbs is a pain in the ass.
Not really. There will come a point where credits are the issue though and your training droids just stack up.
Man IG-86 is a lot of fun to play with, he's great in my alt team because he feels like a mini Geo Soldier. Is 88 considered better? Or are they more functionally as a pair?
Question on the shard store: Do people use it to just get rare shards, or the ones they need? I've got Luminara at 7* so I've been turning it in for 15 points a piece. It seems odd to me to trade 20 of her shards for 2 of Ashoka, who I am working on leveling up currently. I've seen Vader shards in there once, but couldn't afford them at the time.
When do the guilds actually start?
They're up now.
I had about 5 guild invites waiting for me this morning. Then I look at some of the descriptions of the guilds. "Must be top 50/100, must play daily, must refresh energy, etc" yea no thanks. I joined some random guild just to poke around and then left the guild.
I made it up to rank 22 last night in arena before reset though. I like that I seem to be doing better now with less time invested ever since I quit playing GW
I'm just auto doing GW as I am trying to get Phasma up to level 7. I have an idea of trying some sort of Phasma/Fives team.
I'll make one if people will join.
It's called NeoGAFFI Sticks. My ally code is 923-423-588.
It would be helpful if you also let me know your in-game name either here or in a personal message.
And to keep my Ally List clean and not full, once I accept you and you are officially in the clan, I will probably delete you from my Ally List. So don't be offended.
I've got 3 members already. It's too bad I spent all my Squad Cantina energy today already...
I must be doing something wrong. I just spent a days worth of squad cantina points on some barriss matches and I have no guild points. This makes no sense
Also, be careful in the shipments screen. They added shipments that require crystals to purchase now. They are no longer all cash minus the characters shards
Which one are you?
It's called NeoGAFFI Sticks. My ally code is 923-423-588.
It would be helpful if you also let me know your in-game name either here or in a personal message.
And to keep my Ally List clean and not full, once I accept you and you are officially in the clan, I will probably delete you from my Ally List. So don't be offended.
I was able to change my username to match GAF on the guild management screen. Was that kind of functionality always in the game?
It's called NeoGAFFI Sticks. My ally code is 923-423-588.
It would be helpful if you also let me know your in-game name either here or in a personal message.
And to keep my Ally List clean and not full, once I accept you and you are officially in the clan, I will probably delete you from my Ally List. So don't be offended.
It's called NeoGAFFI Sticks. My ally code is 923-423-588.
It would be helpful if you also let me know your in-game name either here or in a personal message.
And to keep my Ally List clean and not full, once I accept you and you are officially in the clan, I will probably delete you from my Ally List. So don't be offended.
It's called NeoGAFFI Sticks. My ally code is 923-423-588.
It would be helpful if you also let me know your in-game name either here or in a personal message.
And to keep my Ally List clean and not full, once I accept you and you are officially in the clan, I will probably delete you from my Ally List. So don't be offended.
Sent ally request, how can I send a guild request? Name is Xypher
Edit: Found it and also sent a guild request
I just tried to add you, but got an error saying you canceled.
It's called NeoGAFFI Sticks. My ally code is 923-423-588.
It would be helpful if you also let me know your in-game name either here or in a personal message.
And to keep my Ally List clean and not full, once I accept you and you are officially in the clan, I will probably delete you from my Ally List. So don't be offended.
It's called NeoGAFFI Sticks. My ally code is 923-423-588.
It would be helpful if you also let me know your in-game name either here or in a personal message.
And to keep my Ally List clean and not full, once I accept you and you are officially in the clan, I will probably delete you from my Ally List. So don't be offended.
It's called NeoGAFFI Sticks. My ally code is 923-423-588.
It would be helpful if you also let me know your in-game name either here or in a personal message.
And to keep my Ally List clean and not full, once I accept you and you are officially in the clan, I will probably delete you from my Ally List. So don't be offended.
Looks like people are already getting kicked out of guilds they joined and donated their daily cantina amounts into. People are already abusing the system in place. At least we don't have to worry about that.
I could only imagine if you spent how much time and resources to helping to defeat a rancor only to be removed by the guild before it's defeated and get no loot and all your progress is lost. That's some great QA testing they did with guilds
Ally Request Sent.
My ally code is 536-757-283. Name is Yub Nub.
I'm already part of another guild, but would join the NeoGAF guild within the next couple days if invited.
It's called NeoGAFFI Sticks. My ally code is 923-423-588.
It would be helpful if you also let me know your in-game name either here or in a personal message.
And to keep my Ally List clean and not full, once I accept you and you are officially in the clan, I will probably delete you from my Ally List. So don't be offended.
We did not REMOVE anything from shipments. All of the old gear is still in the shipments. We simply ADDED full pieces of gear for crystals. Every refresh should change what you see.