Jedi Knight Anakin is the daily login character for July.
Geonosian spy has been added to the game, and will be available via the Aurodium pack on June 30th
Tusken Shaman is available once again in Chromium Packs.
Character shards for Dengar are now available in the Guild Store.
The Profit Mining event has been removed.
The MK 5 Arakyd Droid Caller will no longer appear in Shipments.
The MK 7 Nubian Security Scanner now has a chance to appear in Shipments.
Chewbaccas Wookiee Rage ability now displays more information when he has the Maximum Health increase buff.
The Credit Heist event is a new type of event that will appear on a random weekday. The first day of this event will start on June 29th. Here are some details on the event:
There is a level 50 and a level 70 version
Requires 5 Scoundrels
Each version (level 50 and 70) may be completed twice for free. 150k credits for each level 50 completion, and 350k credits for each level 70 completion.
The event will run for 15 hours each time it appears.
Any guild spots open? 772-315-752
Any guild spots open? 772-315-752
Invite has been sent
There are also additional spaces in the guild if people are looking to join. Just post your ID and we will get you in
We have some people that no longer play. I'll check the roster once I get to work and get a spot for you
Thanks a bunch, I'm in!
Looking for a quick vector check to make sure I'm not totally off base with the characters in currently focused on. Level 46 and slowly working my way up, but I know nothing about end game teams or best characters.
Light side
Dark side
Royal Guard
Old Daka
Geonosian Soldier
Darth Maul
I'm trying to unlock Rey now.
Hey Iceman:
I'm a part of a small but active guild, and we're at a point where we can't find new members and we're too small for the higher level raids or challenges. Would we be able to merge our guild with the GAF guild as a group, even if some of them aren't GAF posters? If so, should I just post their ally codes?
You can get Rey shards in guild shipments, so that will help you with that. QGJ, Lumi, Leia, RG, Daka and Geo S are all useful in most if not all modes. Any of the p2p characters I can't comment on since I don't have them. You can ask questions in guild chat about things and more people will respond. I mainly bumped the thread to see if more people were looking to join the guild so we could replace players that quit.
You can get Rey shards in guild shipments, so that will help you with that. QGJ, Lumi, Leia, RG, Daka and Geo S are all useful in most if not all modes. Any of the p2p characters I can't comment on since I don't have them. You can ask questions in guild chat about things and more people will respond. I mainly bumped the thread to see if more people were looking to join the guild so we could replace players that quit.
How many total players are you talking about? Depending on the number we might need a few days to check over the roster to remove the members that have completely stopped playing.
It's a guild of 22, but we probably don't need a home for all 22.
I think we have about 5 empty / inactive spots right now. Just post any IDs of people that want to join and you can keep a list of the other ones should spots free up
New Ewok Assault event is really fun!
Tier 1
Tier 2
Thoughts: Very fun! The Ewok Scouts are very low health but very high damage. I used Tarkin lead at first because that's what I use in Arena, but Vader lead is definitely the way to go for this event. I actually lost Tier 2 on my first attempt because I kept trying to single out the revived scouts, but you have to ignore them and take the hit while you focus down the Elder. AOE is king.
Here are our migrating players:
Me: 739-529-336, level 67
754-548-431, level 80
935-918-359, level 80
914-859-891, level 46
289-794-499. level 80
We're finishing up our raid tonight, so could you wait until tomorrow to add us please?
I sent everyone an ally request / guild invite. I was unable to invite you to the guild because it shows you as being in a guild and blocks out the invite button
They really messed up GW. I am 0 for 3 this week.
My best team at full health wouldn't be able to take down those 2 teams, let alone after a challenging level 6 and 11.
Double Cantina rewards today
I was tempted, but I fought the urge myself.These days cost me lots of crystals.
I was tempted, but I fought the urge myself.
Only needed 5 more shards for Ahsoka level 7, so I can wait.
The next major update for Star Wars™: Galaxy of Heroes will unlock a new feature called Mods! Mods are a new progression system for Characters level 50 and above. Mods will allow you to enhance and customize your Characters’ stats in a way never before seen at the holotables!
What are Mods?
Mods are a new type of item that allow you to customize the stats of the character to which they are equipped. A character can equip up to 6 different Mods at once and each one will add stats to that character.
Mods come in 6 different shapes, and you can assign one of each shape to a given Character. Mods affect a Primary stat (for example, Health) and may also affect additional Secondary stats once the Mod is leveled up.
We'll be sharing more information about Mods and our next major update in the coming days. In addition to Mods, we'll be adding even more features, as well as fixing a large number of bugs.
Limited time Galactic Gear Pack Need extra gear to get your remaining character ready for Raids? The Galactic Gear Pack is now in the Store! For a limited time you can get the gear you need, and have a chance to get exclusive Raid Gear. This pack is available for 660 Crystals and may be purchased up to 3 times a day. These packs will only be available until July 11th.
For the next 7 days you can now refresh the Shard Shop with CRYSTALS. During this time you can purchase exclusive Raid Gear in addition to General Grievous and random character shards. This Event ends on July 11th.
A new Booster Pack is available during each Grand Master Yoda event, the Jedi Order Bundle. This bundle is priced at $59.99 US dollars and includes:
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Old Ben) 4-Star
Jedi Knight Anakin 4-Star
25 Qui-Gon Jinn shards
25 Jedi Consular shards
25 Jedi Knight Guardian shards
30 3-Star Training Droids
1,000,000 Credits
40 Ability Material Mk I
20 Ability Material Mk II
10 Ability Material Mk III
3 new achievements have been added to the game (and will be retroactively awarded to those who already meet the requirements):
Guild Raider: Finish 5 Raids
Guild Earner: Earn 5000 total Guild Currency
Guild Contributor: Contribute 10000 Guild Bank Currency
Pass the summer days with the 2 Day Double Drop Event! For July 6th and 7th, rewards will be doubled (excluding XP, Crystals and First time rewards) for all Cantina Battles! UPDATE: this event will now run for 48 hours from the time the update went live
The Grandmaster's Training event has been reset to its initial value of each 2nd Thursday in a given month. This change is to return the event to its initial values, following the cancellation of the Force Champions events.
Fixed a bug where Talia's Water of Life ability does not drain health from the caster when this ability is a mission-specific ability
Fixed a bug where Luminara's Master Healer's Blessing is not healing the user's squad when used as a mission-specific ability
Fixed a bug where General Grievous lightsaber slightly ignites the air after performing his special ability on specific backgrounds
Fixed a bug where units with active foresight buff can dodge all extra attacks from Chief Chirpa's Tribal Unity ability
Kamino Landing Platform ground texture has been udpated
Messaging on the "Defeat" screen has been updated to be less repetitive
Fix an issue with hero descriptions being cut off in the "Borrow a Hero" screen
Fixed an issue with the Sim Tickets number overlapping the energy icon
IG-88's "Rapid Fire" ability block now retains the Ability Block icon for 1 turn
Fixed an issue with the Merit Token quantity overlapping the Close button
Fixed an issue with the cost for changing the player name not fitting in the Confirm button
Fixed an issue with the Training Droids and Ability materials being displayed in a higher brightness state
Fixed an issue in several localizations where text was being overlapped by badging in the Store
Why were the force Champions events cancelled?
Today the team made the decision to turn off the Force Champions: Kit Fisto event. After a number of meetings it was decided that the event was not well received by the community and it was not meeting the level of quality we wanted, so its going back to the drawing board.
Gearing up is such a pain at Level 9 and above. I need 30 more shock cuffs to get Rey to 9. The drop rate is so atrocious, I expect to hit this next year.
If I leave my guild can I keep my guild coins or do I need to spend them first? I desperately need a full guild that raids at level 6 more often, I need hundreds of these stupid mark 5 furnaces to keep progressing in this game.
So I've got 3 level 70 Scoundrels, and a 61 and a 63. They still get eaten by the 2nd challenge.
Whatcha got? I have level 7* 77 Lando, 7* 76 Cad, 3* 70 Dengar, 3* 45 Greedo and 5* 62 Boba
ANd beat it fairly easily. Those two that are a bit higher are a big help though
Got a nice kick in the nuts for my first post patch GW
Always a welcome sight
Got a nice kick in the nuts for my first post patch GW
Always a welcome sight
Got a nice kick in the nuts for my first post patch GW
Always a welcome sight
It's been fun guys, but I think I hit my breaking point. I dropped from the guild and deleted the app. I donated any gear I could for people with open donations and spent all the energy I had 1 last time. I left my Darth Vadar alone as my arena squad.
Best of luck to you guys and if anyone plays on xbox you can always look me up. Cya
Peace out dude, it's been real! You were always a helpful guy to have around.
I think I am going to massively drop my play time to just daily activities and that's it. Probably won't even bother to complete a GW or all 3 of the arena dailies.
It's been fun guys, but I think I hit my breaking point. I dropped from the guild and deleted the app. I donated any gear I could for people with open donations and spent all the energy I had 1 last time. I left my Darth Vadar alone as my arena squad.
Best of luck to you guys and if anyone plays on xbox you can always look me up. Cya