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Star Wars : Galaxy of Heroes |OT| The best chance to unlock Kylo-Ren


RE Chromiums: the issue with Chromiums for non-whales is if you don't put in serious $$$, you're just going to be left with a bunch of 3-5* heroes with no point in using them. Congrats, you pulled a Leia at 3*, she'll be absolutely pointless since you can't farm her elsewhere. You either buy more packs or your SOL.

Yes, there's a chance or pulling heroes you can farm and get a headstart/boost on... or you could spend that energy on refreshes. It's really not even close IMO, unless you're dropping money consistently on this game you simply should not buy chromiums ever.

My Arena order would be:

Sidious > ST Han/Ackbar > Oppress > IG88/HK47 > Asaaj > Greedo/Nute > Eeth > CUP/Ugh.

But honestly, anything past sidious is pretty up in the air and even he isn't 7* necessary.

Not Spaceghost

RE Chromiums: the issue with Chromiums for non-whales is if you don't put in serious $$$, you're just going to be left with a bunch of 3-5* heroes with no point in using them. Congrats, you pulled a Leia at 3*, she'll be absolutely pointless since you can't farm her elsewhere. You either buy more packs or your SOL.

Yeah this is why I have never once considered dropping money on the game because once you do the only way to actually get any real benefit out of it is to keep pumping more and more more into it.

I pulled a 3 star aalya out of my 2nd ever 350 pack and i was pumped as hell about that, but i think after about 2 weeks she was basically useless since her shards arent farmable.
RE Chromiums: the issue with Chromiums for non-whales is if you don't put in serious $$$, you're just going to be left with a bunch of 3-5* heroes with no point in using them. Congrats, you pulled a Leia at 3*, she'll be absolutely pointless since you can't farm her elsewhere. You either buy more packs or your SOL.

Yes, there's a chance or pulling heroes you can farm and get a headstart/boost on... or you could spend that energy on refreshes. It's really not even close IMO, unless you're dropping money consistently on this game you simply should not buy chromiums ever.

The Shards/Crystal ratio on refreshes is so terrible that if you don't care who you are getting shards for you'll come out ahead with Chromium packs, even discounting the shards which are Chromium pack only.

The progression of my overall line-up has hugely improved since I stopped wasting crystals on Refreshes that generally didn't get me anything anyway and switched to buying packs. The number of times I purchased refreshes to get zero shards was infuriating. I would rather just wait for them to be in the Shipment shop and spend crystals directly on shards if I was going to not go the pack route, as 50 crystals per shard is about what you get out of refreshes in my experience with them.

I'm not saying my way is "the right way", I'm presenting an alternate viewpoint.

This is not a General Grevous situation where the implementation is clearly BS if you aren't a whale. Chromium Packs are way better than people give them credit for, even if you aren't paying $ for them.

EDIT: Note, I freely admit that if I hadn't bought packs I'd probably have a couple of extra 7* units that I don't currently have. But I really can't name one who would have changed my fortunes so drastically that it would be worth the reduced rate of shard acquisition, to me.


replaced obi wan with fives

so my team is now
Dooku (L)
Qui Gon

I feel pretty good with it
I also have high star/level/gear Obi Wan, Daka and IG88 but I don't feel they'd be much better than any characters already on the team


I'm not sure how much I like the raid. My guild of my friends and I just unlocked the T4 level.

I really only have one main squad up to my current max level (74), because of how strapped for credits I am. So once they are dead, the rest of my characters are level 60 and below, and not at purple gear level, so I'm basically done, since they do trash damage and die almost instantly.

Do you basically get 5 tries every day until you beat it? Then do you have to save up the credits to unlock t4 again? Is the a time limit for how long we have to beat it?


I'm not sure how much I like the raid. My guild of my friends and I just unlocked the T4 level.

I really only have one main squad up to my current max level (74), because of how strapped for credits I am. So once they are dead, the rest of my characters are level 60 and below, and not at purple gear level, so I'm basically done, since they do trash damage and die almost instantly.

Do you basically get 5 tries every day until you beat it? Then do you have to save up the credits to unlock t4 again? Is the a time limit for how long we have to beat it?

Up until the Heroic battle, there is no time limit. You get 5 tries every day, but once someone is eliminated, they can't be used until the next day. I've only got 10 5* toons, as I've been building up my jedi to try and get Yoda. So I only get to do 2 battles at the tier 5.


I'm not sure how much I like the raid. My guild of my friends and I just unlocked the T4 level.

I really only have one main squad up to my current max level (74), because of how strapped for credits I am. So once they are dead, the rest of my characters are level 60 and below, and not at purple gear level, so I'm basically done, since they do trash damage and die almost instantly.

Do you basically get 5 tries every day until you beat it? Then do you have to save up the credits to unlock t4 again? Is the a time limit for how long we have to beat it?

The first section of the raid is difficult to get through when you don't have certain types of characters. Characters that can stun are useful against the guard and brute. If you can keep the left one stunned you can burn down the right one and then focus on the captain until he resummons his allies. Characters like Admiral Ackbar are also useful as they can remove the pesky marked for death icon on your characters to keep them alive. The lower tier raids characters can land debuffs easier as well. This means speed reductions / stuns / turn meter reduction can be applied more often.

There are other things to remember as well. If you walk into battle and the first turn your best character is killed just use the top left corner to back out and try again. Unlike GW where the battle always plays out the same way unless you change things the raid will play out differently each time. Also remember to try retreating once a situation looks bad or you are approaching enrage. The lower the raid tier the higher the chance your characters have at retreating as well. With leader abilities corrected try using different leader abilities as well


The Shards/Crystal ratio on refreshes is so terrible that if you don't care who you are getting shards for you'll come out ahead with Chromium packs, even discounting the shards which are Chromium pack only.

I'm not sure if we're talking about the same thing. If you're farming heroes thru hard mode and buying refreshes on that? Yeah, that's stupid. Don't do that. Hard mode is simply a supplement to farming characters out of Cantina/GW/Guild Store or a (very) long term goal. Refreshing those nodes is beyond pointless.

If you're buying energy refreshes and farming gear and/or cantina? Yeah, that's what you should be doing. It's not even comparable. Look at the what 1 refresh for 100 crystals in the cantina gives you, then look at what 1 350 chromium pack gets you. You get a little over half the # in shards, XP, money, maybe some tier 3 ability mats... and for a hero you can CHOOSE versus something completely random for a 1/3 of the price. Hell, even 2 refreshes in one day for 300 completely eclipses the 350 you would have spent on a single chromium.

Chromium's only make sense if you're dropping serious $.

Chromium Packs are way better than people give them credit for, even if you aren't paying $ for them.

I question what level you're at and just how much you've actually spent if you feel this way. As a more than moderate spender myself, I have a host of chrom onlys that collect dust. I got a head start on more than a few characters but also dropped considerably $ to get just that little bump.
If you're buying energy refreshes and farming gear and/or cantina? Yeah, that's what you should be doing. It's not even comparable. Look at the what 1 refresh for 100 crystals in the cantina gives you, then look at what 1 350 chromium pack gets you. You get a little over half the # in shards, XP, money, maybe some tier 3 ability mats... and for a hero you can CHOOSE versus something completely random for a 1/3 of the price. Hell, even 2 refreshes in one day for 300 completely eclipses the 350 you would have spent on a single chromium.

I'm with Birgitte2004 on this one. I save up for the 4-pack Chromium and I get way more for my gems than refreshes would provide. I've had days where I spent 200 gems for 3 energy refreshes and got 3, maybe 4 shards. Total waste. Nearly threw my phone across the room. My drop rate is atrocious whenever I'm trying to specifically farm someone (also applies to gear, but you have to farm those things). My luck with randoms on the packs is way better for some reason. I have a sweet Darth Maul I can use for GW and have leveled up several other characters at random.

Don't get me wrong, I also spend gems on refreshes, but not for character shards (unless I'm really close to the next level)... only equipment.

Oh, and I haven't spent a dime in real money in this game yet.


You can also save your crystals up and purchase one of those gear 8/9 fusion furnaces that just about every character needs. Whatever makes you happy guys. They are your crystals.


I got Aayla Secura this morning which made me pretty happy.

Enjoy your 3 star Aayla I guess? There are so many characters/gear that you need, that I have just rows and rows of characters that I can't afford in credits/farming to gear up. I don't know how you do it.

You should seriously look into cantina refreshes though. 1300 energy is 13 singles spread across 13 days, or even a 100/200 for 4 days. That's 6-8 shards for the node (at 3-4 shards per refresh), a chance at tier 3 mats, XP/Droids, and 5 shards from the cantina shop a day. 24-32 shards and 20 shards from the cantina in 4 days for 1200 crystals.

Versus 48 completely random shards with a chance at a full character (bonus points given for getting a 1* character and actually getting 5 shards LESS than pulling just shards...) with no tier 3, no droids, no XP.


I was so excited for Yoda to show up only to see they gave him and his Jedi ensemble a nice helping of steroids. I was expecting to steamroll through the event with higher level characters as character level is insignificant when compared to Gear level and the amount of stars, but this shit is ridiculous.

Everyone online says wait for a good pairing and use Barriss to take his health down for you. I've tried 6 battles now when I've had Barriss with Jedi Guardian and Anakin. I've seen Yoda's health drop to yellow once and then watched as Yoda triple attacked my team one shotting 3 characters in a row. I'm sorry since when does Yoda gain 100% turn meter on a kill shot? He doesn't. He's not Darth Vadar and he doesn't have Culling Blade as an attack.

I feel like he has been stonewalled behind materials that can only be dropped in the raid, but never drop anyway as rewards. This is the stuff that pissed me off last time when they added protection and made me want to quit. I'm not asking for a walk in the park, but they basically dicked everyone over who didn't have 7 7* jedi ready the first couple of times the event rolled around. The last time the event was up they popped it early. My team was going to be on track to be ready before it came back, but nope they brought it early then waited an extra long time to bring it back. They hyped up the event and made him superman.

I guess I'm sorry I was unable to exploit precrafted gear to get all my toons G9. I haven't upgraded any Jedi since the last event except for Lumi and the 50 hairdryers that come from challenges. All the other gear I need is walled off for all of my characters


I just realized I've been neglecting Qui Gon to get Ahsoka up. I don't think I can get him to 5 stars before the event is over, so no Yoda for me.


I just realized I've been neglecting Qui Gon to get Ahsoka up. I don't think I can get him to 5 stars before the event is over, so no Yoda for me.

QGJ is very effective in most/all of the game modes. It stinks that cantina money is the slowest to accumulate in the game. The are some good characters there.


QGJ is very effective in most/all of the game modes. It stinks that cantina money is the slowest to accumulate in the game. The are some good characters there.

True, I've got him 10/65 for 5*. I don't think I can do the 55 shards in the time for the event.


True, I've got him 10/65 for 5*. I don't think I can do the 55 shards in the time for the event.

It's not worth going out of your way to spend extra on cantina refreshes. Just go at your own pace. I'm glad Ashoka and Fives have HM battles for additional shards. They are the two I'm working on right now.


It's not worth going out of your way to spend extra on cantina refreshes. Just go at your own pace. I'm glad Ashoka and Fives have HM battles for additional shards. They are the two I'm working on right now.

Yeah, My ashoka is 47/100. I've been working on her to the detriment of Qui gon.


I was so excited for Yoda to show up only to see they gave him and his Jedi ensemble a nice helping of steroids. I was expecting to steamroll through the event with higher level characters as character level is insignificant when compared to Gear level and the amount of stars, but this shit is ridiculous.

Everyone online says wait for a good pairing and use Barriss to take his health down for you. I've tried 6 battles now when I've had Barriss with Jedi Guardian and Anakin. I've seen Yoda's health drop to yellow once and then watched as Yoda triple attacked my team one shotting 3 characters in a row. I'm sorry since when does Yoda gain 100% turn meter on a kill shot? He doesn't. He's not Darth Vadar and he doesn't have Culling Blade as an attack.

I feel like he has been stonewalled behind materials that can only be dropped in the raid, but never drop anyway as rewards. This is the stuff that pissed me off last time when they added protection and made me want to quit. I'm not asking for a walk in the park, but they basically dicked everyone over who didn't have 7 7* jedi ready the first couple of times the event rolled around. The last time the event was up they popped it early. My team was going to be on track to be ready before it came back, but nope they brought it early then waited an extra long time to bring it back. They hyped up the event and made him superman.

I guess I'm sorry I was unable to exploit precrafted gear to get all my toons G9. I haven't upgraded any Jedi since the last event except for Lumi and the 50 hairdryers that come from challenges. All the other gear I need is walled off for all of my characters

Level 70 Ashoka (gear 8) Leader (rank 4 Leader ability which is 12% dodge)
QGJ 75 (gear 8)
Barriss 70 (gear 8)
Lum 73 (gear 8)
JC 70 (gear 8)

No omega mats, no gear 9. Abilities maxed with exception of Ashoka leader ability (which was only 2% less than Lum's but gave turn meter so I went with it instead) and the passives for the level 70 guys which didn't make a difference.

Took 2 tries. Both again JKG and Plo (got the same 2 both times, didn't reset for them). Went and killed Yoda first, ignoring the 2 others. Killed yoda, then killed Plo then JKG. First time, I killed Yoda and Plo and died to JKG (was depressing). 2nd time I won without losing anyone.

You will need a lucky dodge proc or two or for the AI to NOT focus fire. You can dispel anything yoda steals/does to get offense up. I didn't bother using Lum's special as he'd resist it and gain turn meter, so no point. You can't dispel or use an assist against foresight (he'll dodge both attacks) so if it's qgj just basic attack it off... and yeah, kill yoda first.

Other tips: Don't give him Lum's heal over time. Only use her heal AFTER yoda buff steals (or if you have QGJ's dispel loaded). Avoid characters that apply debuffs to yoda, any resisted debuff = turn meter for yoda which is another shot closer to death.


Several updates from the devs

Community Update - 5/13/2016
This week we had a few updates for bug fixes to Guilds and made some adjustments to the Grand Master’s Training Event.
Game Update from 5/10/2016 - https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/38564/game-update-5-10-2016#latest
Updates to the Grand Master’s Training Event - https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.sta.../39523/grand-master-yoda-event-changes#latest
Why did you change the Grand Master’s Yoda Event?
While player feedback is one of our most important resources, the changes to the Yoda Event were primarily driven by player data. Over the past three iterations of the event, we saw that players were completing Stages 1 – 4 at an acceptable pace. Starting with Stage 5, the completion rate began to lag behind our initial projections. At Stage 7, the completion rate was starkly below even our most conservative estimates. The Yoda Event was never designed to have a completion rate that low. The philosophy behind the event was that, if you had built a 7-star Jedi team, the fight should still be a challenge, but not insurmountable. Coupled with the new Protection update, the data showed completion rates even lower than the previous 3 events, and as such, we needed to bring the Yoda Event in line with our original design intent.
What’s coming next week?
We’re adding a new character to Chromium Packs, CT-21-0408, or Echo.
Here is some additional information on this Clone that shines in Raids.
Description: Clone Support that automatically Assists allies and can Dispel all enemies
BASIC Attack –
Supporting Fire - Deal Physical damage to target enemy and grant 10/15/20% Turn Meter to another random ally with less than 50% Turn Meter.
EMP Grenade – Deal Special damage to all enemies and Dispel all positive status effects on them.
Unique Abilities
By the Book – Clone allies recover 3/3.5/4/5/5/6/6.5/7% of their Max Health whenever they use a Basic ability. This effect can’t trigger more than once before their next turn.
Follow-Up – Whenever another ally uses a Basic ability during their turn, Echo has a 20% chance to Assist dealing 50/40/30% less damage. This assist chance is doubled if the attacking ally is a Clone.
Since Echo is being added to Chromium Packs Cad Bane will no longer be exclusive to them. Shards for him will now be available from the Galactic War Store.

Based on player feedback we are making some adjustments to the Grand Masters Training event.
Grand Master Yoda will have the following changes made to him:
Grand Master Yoda's Speed has been reduced on Tier VI
Reduced Grand Master Yoda's Health on Tiers VI and VII
Grand Master Yoda's Level has been reduced to 80 (down from 90) on Tier VII
Reduced Grand Master Yoda's allies' damage output on Tiers VI and VII
Reduced Grand Master Yoda's damage output on Tier VII
Reduced Grand Master Yoda's allies' Health on Tier VII
Enjoy your 3 star Aayla I guess? There are so many characters/gear that you need, that I have just rows and rows of characters that I can't afford in credits/farming to gear up. I don't know how you do it.

You should seriously look into cantina refreshes though. 1300 energy is 13 singles spread across 13 days, or even a 100/200 for 4 days. That's 6-8 shards for the node (at 3-4 shards per refresh), a chance at tier 3 mats, XP/Droids, and 5 shards from the cantina shop a day. 24-32 shards and 20 shards from the cantina in 4 days for 1200 crystals.

Versus 48 completely random shards with a chance at a full character (bonus points given for getting a 1* character and actually getting 5 shards LESS than pulling just shards...) with no tier 3, no droids, no XP.

If I reliably got 3-4 shards per refresh I'd be more inclined to agree with you. I don't. I was getting 1-2 per refresh while farming Geo Soldier, and that's the cheapest run/crystal attempt because it's one of the cheap missions. I spent 300 energy over 3 days to farm Dooku and got a grand total of 2 shards.

And the Cantina is a better shard/crystal ratio than most content is.

I've opened 20ish 2520 packs so far. Not completely Free mind you, bought a couple of those 21 day crystal packs, and some of the "May the 4th" packs. I now have a 7 star Leia, a 7 star Kit Fisto, and 5 nearing 6 stars Sun Fac, Darth Maul, and Aayla Secura.

Keep in mind I started the whole conversation with the comment I'm way luckier with packs than I am with refreshes. But even if you take away the handful of packs I've gotten from money I'd still be sitting on a 6ish star Leia and Kit Fisto. /shrug

EDIT: To this day I only have a 6* Geo Soldier because his shards hate me. Notably about half the shards I do have for him came from packs instead of from drops in the Cantina, because he hates me or something.


If I reliably got 3-4 shards per refresh I'd be more inclined to agree with you. I don't. I was getting 1-2 per refresh while farming Geo Soldier, and that's the cheapest run/crystal attempt because it's one of the cheap missions. I spent 300 energy over 3 days to farm Dooku and got a grand total of 2 shards.

And the Cantina is a better shard/crystal ratio than most content is.

I've opened 20ish 2520 packs so far. Not completely Free mind you, bought a couple of those 21 day crystal packs, and some of the "May the 4th" packs. I now have a 7 star Leia, a 7 star Kit Fisto, and 5 nearing 6 stars Sun Fac, Darth Maul, and Aayla Secura.

Keep in mind I started the whole conversation with the comment I'm way luckier with packs than I am with refreshes. But even if you take away the handful of packs I've gotten from money I'd still be sitting on a 6ish star Leia and Kit Fisto. /shrug

EDIT: To this day I only have a 6* Geo Soldier because his shards hate me. Notably about half the shards I do have for him came from packs instead of from drops in the Cantina, because he hates me or something.

I... like, I don't even know where to begin with this. You dropped 300 crystals, which is like the equivalent of $2.50, got some bad RNG... and your argument is "when I dropped 400+ bucks on the game, look at what I got!".

And I know all about rewards apps and all that, but you got a 6* Sun Fac who has only been available for 3 weeks... a character that unlocks at 3* (meaning that pulling the actual character again, only nets you 25 more shards). You need 180 MORE shards after unlocking him to get him to 6*... and it's a "handful of packs I've gotten from money"? Even if you were not doing anything with your crystals at all and getting rank 1 every single day, that's maybe 4 chormiums 8-packs after 3 weeks? You must have really big hands.

You're not only the luckiest whale I know, but apparently also doing this hardly spending any money. So I think you win this one? I'd say for all other people who aren't as lucky as you (cantina refreshes not withstanding), my way is better.
Edited Replacement thought 30 minutes later: You know what, the fact that I've spent money at all does largely invalidate what I'm saying, as I do not know what it's like for a completely free player. And in looking through my google receipts I've spent more than I thought I did, those 10$ here and there add up more than I thought about.

The Sun Fac thing I can explain though, I get these packs where like 5 different drops in the pack are the same thing. I had one for Leia, I've had one for Kit Fisto, and I had 2 for Sun Fac, on May the 4th. I thought it was a special since he was brand new.

My apologies for largely wasting your time.


I like to do a cantina refresh a day, then build up to a chromium pack. Chromium packs have been pretty decent for me. It worked out, because I got Tarkin and Cad Bane through Chromium packs. Now that they have reliable ways to get shards, I can be ahead of the crowd ranking them up. Although shards just aren't dropping today. I got 2 shards out of my 10 attempts from the refresh.


If anyone is looking to join the gaf guild you can post your ID and in game name here and one of the officers can invite you. Also you can add Chilldude 797-149-129 and I can invite you as well.

We normally complete tier 5 raids and sometimes a tier 4 so that some of our lower level players can get some rewards and work on their own battle strategies.

We only ask that you put some effort into the daily guild activities. You don't have to spend any money or play differently. We are just looking for players that enjoy the game and would like to participate in a guild / raids.

You can also send me a PM if you have any questions.


Here are the update notes for today.

Omega Battle Events are returning soon! The first event will be available on May 21st. Please note that these events will be more difficult than they originally were and are tuned for a full party of level 78 characters
They’re running for the next 3 weekends and those weekends only
Players will now receive an inbox notification when their Guild starts a Raid. a Raid has started in their Guild.
Shipments will now offer characters that were exclusively available in Chromium Packs.

Formerly a Chromium character, Cad Bane character Shards are now available in the Galactic War Store.
CT-21-0408 “Echo” is now available in Chromium Packs.

Balance Change
Dispel effects will now remove all types of buffs.

Bug Fixes
Tool Tips in the Store now have updated information.
Grand Master Yoda’s Masterstroke ability no longer grants the buff “Maximum Health” or “X% Critical Chance” from enemies that do not have visible buffs.
Clearer messaging displays now when a Raid has ended.
CT-5555 “Fives” will no longer gain an extra attack when using max rank of Dual DC-17 Blasters on his initial attack. Speed down must be on the target before the first attack.
Plo Koon’s Quelling Blow ability will now properly remove a positive effect from an enemy before applying Defense Up to himself.



If you want to farm Lando, is there any reason to do the more expensive mission? It seems to me doing the 8 energy mission will get you more shard chances than the 12 cost one.


If you want to farm Lando, is there any reason to do the more expensive mission? It seems to me doing the 8 energy mission will get you more shard chances than the 12 cost one.

I've always had better luck getting more shards from the lower energy missions. Seems like the same drop rate to me, you just get more shards because you're using more chances at it. The only thing the higher energy missions give you is more credits and a better chance at the purple ability materials. Just my opinion though.


I've always had better luck getting more shards from the lower energy missions. Seems like the same drop rate to me, you just get more shards because you're using more chances at it. The only thing the higher energy missions give you is more credits and a better chance at the purple ability materials. Just my opinion though.

I prefer the higher tier missions overall. The 8 energy missions seem to never drop tier 3 mats and you do get less cantina credit per energy spent too. You may star them up slower, but I think the long term payoff is better (faster cantina unlocks, more tier 3 mats, etc...)


I prefer the higher tier missions overall. The 8 energy missions seem to never drop tier 3 mats and you do get less cantina credit per energy spent too. You may star them up slower, but I think the long term payoff is better (faster cantina unlocks, more tier 3 mats, etc...)

I'd be curious to know the drop rates for tier 3 mats on an 8 energy mission vs 12. The cantina credits isn't that great a difference is it? It's about 15 difference per 120 energy for a 8 energy mission vs 12. Which means over a period of 13 days wuith a refresh a day, that's an extra unlock.


I'd be curious to know the drop rates for tier 3 mats on an 8 energy mission vs 12. The cantina credits isn't that great a difference is it? It's about 15 difference per 120 energy for a 8 energy mission vs 12. Which means over a period of 13 days wuith a refresh a day, that's an extra unlock.

I only have anecdotal evidence to share, but when I farmed Geo Solider from 0* to 7* I got a grand total of 0 tier 3 mats. I didn't even know they were on the drop list for the longest time until someone started talking about farming higher level cantina battles and getting 2-3 ability mats a day... I was amazed cause I was a couple days (maybe a week) into farming Geo and saw none.

I don't know if the 'later' 8 energy refreshes give better return or not, it was 1-1 after all so I wasn't exactly expecting it to rain tier 3 mats. I've pretty much exclusively stuck with 12/16 energy battles since then though.

Shards/stars are important, but credits and ability mats are also very important. You get 1K - 1.5K for 8 energy or 7K for 16 energy fight. The extra credits and cantina credits does add up over time. If you absolutely have to have someone maxed *right now* then the lower tiers will (probably) get you there quicker, I just don't find the trade off worth it.


Always wanted to ask, what is the meaning of Kylo Ren reference in the title? I got him just because of that and it kinda sucks so far. Will he become op if fully leveled or what? :)


Always wanted to ask, what is the meaning of Kylo Ren reference in the title? I got him just because of that and it kinda sucks so far. Will he become op if fully leveled or what? :)

it's a joke about the micro payment model, when he was released you had higher chances to unlock him the more expensive cards you bought


Yeah, the most expensive Chromium pack used to say those exact words under the price.

Man that was such a load of crap too. I saved my crystals up and bought 2 of those damn things and never unlocked Kylo. I had to farm him in cantina only to realize he's not very useful unless you build a FO team. He can stay 6* forever now.


Is it impossible to get some characters? I did a find on Wedge Antilles, and I got 0 results. Not even buying packs in the store.


Is it impossible to get some characters? I did a find on Wedge Antilles, and I got 0 results. Not even buying packs in the store.

I believe he's only in Aurodium packs which don't appear until you spend like $200 on the game. He'll filter out to being free eventually though.


Is it impossible to get some characters? I did a find on Wedge Antilles, and I got 0 results. Not even buying packs in the store.

You can obtain Wedge right now buy purchasing Aurodium packs. These are only available from the shop after spending a large amount of money on the game (I believe $200). The packs also do not give you a 7* character. You have to purchase a number of them in order to unlock and upgrade the character. Other characters such as Rex were currently in these packs. The only upside is only 1 character is in the packs at a time which allows players that want to dump a bunch of cash to get the new hot character they can.


I believe he's only in Aurodium packs which don't appear until you spend like $200 on the game. He'll filter out to being free eventually though.

You can obtain Wedge right now buy purchasing Aurodium packs. These are only available from the shop after spending a large amount of money on the game (I believe $200). The packs also do not give you a 7* character. You have to purchase a number of them in order to unlock and upgrade the character. Other characters such as Rex were currently in these packs. The only upside is only 1 character is in the packs at a time which allows players that want to dump a bunch of cash to get the new hot character they can.

That's insane. I've spent $13 bucks, and that's a lot of cash to me. I'll never spend close to $200.
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