If any is interested in looking at spoilery set pics, how many of these are new?
I don't think there's any new ones. All the Dubrovnik and Skellig photos are old.
If any is interested in looking at spoilery set pics, how many of these are new?
So I read they were/are planning to film Episode 9 in 2017. Is that true? Seems kinda crazy to finish shooting your film 2 years before theatrical release (December 2019).
It appears highly likely we will be seeing convorees in Star Wars: Episode VIII. The sources that got back to me so far have said that's the gist of the design; however, ”leave some room open for the animated shows' interpretation." Without having seen the designs myself at this point, I think that's about as good as I can do to confirm we will see convorees in Star Wars: Episode VIII.
The convorees could be the trick that allows the Jedi to begin to uncover their mistakes and have access to long lost knowledge. Could Ezra Bridger end up talking to Ahsoka through a convor with whom he uses the Force to interface? Is that what Luke Skywalker is doing on Ahch-To to some extent? Are the Force-sensitive trees we've seen The Clone Wars, Shattered Empire, and behind-the-scenes Episode VIII photos linked to this same concept?
Really excited to see some new ship designs.
Edit: damn, tie bombers back. Can't wait to see some updated B-wings/Y-wings/A-wings etc.
b wings and a wings????
im dead
Kinda looks like this.
In Star Wars: The Last Jedi there is going to be a First Order Super Star Destroyer. However, it isnt like the ones we saw during the Empires era. The First Order Super Star Destroyer is huge, yes, but is just a triangle-shaped wedge. The classic Super Star Destroyer was a wedge with a city built on it in no uncertain terms. This is just a gigantic huge wedge, solid, and dark. I speculate this is the main command ship of the First Order in The Last Jedi. It appears Finn will end up on this ship as part of his mission.
In Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Finn has a pretty big adventure. As we discussed a few weeks back on the podcast, Finn wears a First Order officers uniform in the movie. We think the Tom Hardy sequence (a bit where Hardy plays a stormtrooper) might play out slightly different than we once thought. The gist is that a stormtrooper that used to know Finn slaps his ass; knowing him back when he was FN-2187, the trooper clearly doesnt know what actually happened on Starkiller Base. We were told Finn was undercover in the sequence and we figured the trooper thought Finn was undercover too, hence their unusual interaction. However, knowing he wears this uniform, we now think theres a solid chance the trooper is congratulating Finn on his promotion within the First Order itself, not congratulating him for becoming a Resistance infiltrator as we first interpreted the information. Seems risky to tease a superior but stormtroopers have never been the smartest dudes in the galaxy.
For Snoke, the loss of the Starkiller Base was as significant as his wins. His forces are no longer a secret to the galaxy at large. Those who used to laugh at the idea that The First Order were a threat are either dead or no longer laughing. The cold war style stand-off is publicly over after the full on assault on the Republic and the senate. The galaxy no longer views Snoke as someone that is irrelevant on the galactic stage. The galaxy knows he and his cronies are maniacal zealots and they should be feared for better or worse. The galaxy seems to mostly understand that The First Order is eventually coming to conqueror their worlds and they have to fall in line or resist. Most understand that war has returned and the perceived era of peace is over.
Snoke understands that everything The First Order used to do in secret is no longer an option and a very overt war is on the horizon. Unfortunately, The Republic has completely collapsed after being attacked in Star Wars: The Force Awakens by Starkiller Base. The galaxy is in complete disarray. The galaxy understands that everyone has to pick a side now.
General Organa no longer stands alone in her determination that The First Order is the greatest threat to freedom and democracy in the galaxy and the only choice they have left is to fight.
looks like a puma
I've now seen this tree on fire. The tree is entirely engulfed in flames. The fire really looks cool because the pronged shaped of the tree allows for the flames to flow in a pretty cool way. If there's a metal band in the Star Wars galaxy, they're totally putting it on their shirts.
The question I have after seeing the tree on fire is did Kylo Ren burn it down? Is it bait to get Luke to respond to him by attempting to save the tree? Is it part of a vision? Is this basically the Star Wars equivalent of the burning bush for Rey? Right now we have a Jedi Temple-looking structure, The Falcon, and a tree. Eventually the tree is burning. I have to say, I don't think Chewbacca, Artoo, Rey, or Luke would burn the tree obviously. The most obvious bet is on the bad guys doing it or it's part of a vision or mystical encounter of some sort. If the tree is burnt to ash or just damaged is unknown but it doesn't look good for the Force tree.
I dig the extra black on those stormtroopers
This brings me to Benicio Del Toro's character. He is either named D.J. or it is his code name used by the production. He wears all black. He has a trench coat on with a Han Solo-style belt at his waist to hold his blaster. His hair is short. He also has a strange cap that doesn't have a bill to it. He looks slimy and dirty but the bill-less cap makes him look sort of like a throwback to a different era. He belongs in the criminal underworld by the looks of him. The man in black-style character we heard about is certainly there but his style evokes a few things in the design. His trench coat reminds me of Anakin's Revenge of the Sith costume in that its lapels evoke a tabard look and its black leather. All of this makes his ship all the more curious to me.
His ship is really fancy. The interior looks like something you would see from Canto Bight. It looks like if someone took the J.J. Abrams Star Trek films and designed the interior of the Falcon for a new Trek film. The cockpit has a very nice singular red seat for him to pilot from.
What is significant about the world? In The Last Jedi there is a mine there. The mine from what I've been told was used by the rebels as a secret base and source of funds during the fight against the Empire. During the Resistance era the mine is still producing some type of gem that is used to fund the Resistance. It sounds like it doubles as a way to fund the Resistance and act as a new hidden base for the Resistance after the events of The Force Awakens. It isn't clear how much of that is pertinent to The Last Jedi but that's what the rumors were from the set. However, the Resistance having a mine on ”Crete" has been confirmed to us more than once and is a story element we're confident in.
This is the setting in which the new First Order Heavy Assault Walkers (rumored to be called AT-4Xs as well) attack the Resistance mine.The Heavy Assault Walkers attack the mine in The Last Jedi and that's their big action sequence in the movie. The B-wings we saw out in Bolivia attack the walkers. We heard there's a shot in the film where some of the gems from the mine are dropped onto some of the walkers by the Resistance ships and they topple some of the walkers.
Walkers? Snow planet?
omg Empire Strikes Back remake so lazy fuckin Disney EndlessTrash.gif
Shit...There'll be a lot of this if the walker scene is in the teaser.
This reads like full on retread territory. Kind of concerning if true.More on the Heavy Walker battle scene from Making Star Wars. It looks like the Resistance have another base hidden on the salt flat/snow planet we've heard about and the First Order attack it with their walkers. The B-Wings will be part of the Resistance defence by the sound of it.
On the bright side, we might get to see B-Wings actually doing something for once.