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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]


Gold Member
So the "Jedi Hunter" could be like the "Jew Hunter" in Inglorious Basterds? Me liiiikey!!! They are also pointing at Luke being the main character!
As long as they flesh out these characters and avoid pandering to the sector of the fanbase who crave "badass" or "grimdark" imagery.


It'd be hilarious is there's a mis-information campaign going on, like JJ is leaking incorrect synopses to various staff members and then seeing which one leaks.

"Jedi Hunters got out, huh? Guess that means we have to fire Jeff!"

I hope this is true.


we have to remember as well that line from Episode 4

Tarkin: The regional governors now have direct control over their territories. Fear will keep the local systems in line. Fear of this battle station.

Possible they didn't drop their power just because the emperor lost.


Gold Member
People seem to have trouble accepting the fact that the empire is still around after return of the jedi. The leaks and information are pointing to the fact that the empire still exists in a big way.
Episode VII better get back to Coruscant as being a sort of hub world for the films. The prequel trilogy and OG trilogy somewhat conflict in the fact that the prequels all deal a lot with Coruscant and the Senate, yet no one ever references either in the OG trilogy except in ANH and RotJ when the empire higher ups talks about the "Senate" briefly . Also at the end of RotJ, even the original vhs version, you see part of Coruscant celebrating the rebels victory against the empire and the portion of Coruscant we're shown looks fine given the empire was occupying the planet during the time. Also is the Jedi temple still there? as far as i know nothing hapoens to it besides it being slightly destroyed in RotS.


Episode VII better get back to Coruscant as being a sort of hub world for the films. The prequel trilogy and OG trilogy somewhat conflict in the fact that the prequels all deal a lot with Coruscant and the Senate, yet no one ever references either in the OG trilogy except in ANH and RotJ when the empire higher ups talks about the "Senate" briefly . Also at the end of RotJ, even the original vhs version, you see part of Coruscant celebrating the rebels victory against the empire and the portion of Coruscant we're shown looks fine given the empire was occupying theplant during the time. Also is the Jedi temple still there? as far as i know nothing hapoens to it besides it being slightly destroyed in RotS.

Ok, except every Coruscant scene so far has been the most boring thing imaginable.
Ok, except every Coruscant scene so far is the most boring thing imaginable.

thats fine, but it's very lively in the prequel and clone wars canon, and considering the senate is still active it makes little sense that Episode VII would ignore it. if Luke has been a Jedi since RotJ, wouldn't it make sense for him to have tried to go back and restore the Jedi temple? especially if we're to assume from the plot rumors that other Jedi exist.


Episode VII better get back to Coruscant as being a sort of hub world for the films. The prequel trilogy and OG trilogy somewhat conflict in the fact that the prequels all deal a lot with Coruscant and the Senate, yet no one ever references either in the OG trilogy except in ANH and RotJ when the empire higher ups talks about the "Senate" briefly . Also at the end of RotJ, even the original vhs version, you see part of Coruscant celebrating the rebels victory against the empire and the portion of Coruscant we're shown looks fine given the empire was occupying the planet during the time. Also is the Jedi temple still there? as far as i know nothing hapoens to it besides it being slightly destroyed in RotS.

Not the original VHS version.


Not the original VHS version.

Yeah, that's definitely a SE addition. The original end of RotJ doesn't leave Endor.

And yeah, I really hope it doesn't become a 'hub world'. The very concept of an actual hub world shrinks a universe that benefited from feeling large and spacey in the original trilogy. If anything, they revisited Tatooine too much.

And if Luke thinks the thing to do is to recreate the completely dysfunctional Jedi order that existed before the fall of the republic, he's pretty damn dumb.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Episode VII better get back to Coruscant as being a sort of hub world for the films. The prequel trilogy and OG trilogy somewhat conflict in the fact that the prequels all deal a lot with Coruscant and the Senate, yet no one ever references either in the OG trilogy except in ANH and RotJ when the empire higher ups talks about the "Senate" briefly . Also at the end of RotJ, even the original vhs version, you see part of Coruscant celebrating the rebels victory against the empire and the portion of Coruscant we're shown looks fine given the empire was occupying the planet during the time. Also is the Jedi temple still there? as far as i know nothing hapoens to it besides it being slightly destroyed in RotS.

Can you honestly not tell that was a CGI addition to the movies in the late 90s? I think even if you were too young to see the original non-SE version, it should be obvious.

I believe Coruscant was not mentioned until 1991's Heir to the Empire book, and Lucas actually used the name for the prequels. Maybe there was some Ralph McQuarrie art or something that alludes to it, but there is a reason why it was not mentioned in the original trilogy.

I think they'll acknowledge it in VII... but I sincerely hope it isn't used for scenes of expository dialogue as people walk down hallways or sit in conference rooms :p
Can you honestly not tell that was a CGI addition to the movies in the late 90s? I think even if you were too young to see the original non-SE version, it should be obvious.

I believe Coruscant was not mentioned until 1991's Heir to the Empire book, and Lucas actually used the name for the prequels. Maybe there was some Ralph McQuarrie art or something that alludes to it, but there is a reason why it was not mentioned in the original trilogy.

I think they'll acknowledge it in VII... but I sincerely hope it isn't used for scenes of expository dialogue as people walk down hallways or sit in conference rooms :p

well i was a kid when i had the OG trilogy on VHS, so going on memory i can't really remember what was and wasn't apart of the OG trilogy, seeing as Lucas edited them so frequently. but yeah the Coruscant dialogue bits in the prequels were bad, but i think Coruscant as a planet really established itself as a character within the canon. i would at least like to see some senate and darker parts of Corascant fleshed out throught the new trilogy like how it was in the Clone Wars show.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
well i was a kid when i had the OG trilogy on VHS, so going on memory i can't really remember what was and wasn't apart of the OG trilogy, seeing as Lucas edited them so frequently. but yeah the Coruscant dialogue bits in the prequels were bad, but i think Coruscant as a planet really established itself as a character within the canon. i would at least like to see some senate and darker parts of Corascant fleshed out throught the new trilogy like how it was in the Clone Wars show.

There's something very Soviet Union/1984 about the fact that the editing of the OT confuses people as to what was originally true.

Anyway there were 2 decades of VHS that didn't have Coruscant, and then a single Special Edition VHS that did have it in the last five minutes before DVD took over. I wouldn't say Lucas frequently edited them, until 1997. You just had the last release, which was altered.


and considering the senate is still active it makes little sense that Episode VII would ignore it.

The Senate is still active? Palpatine dissolved the Senate as far as I can remember so I'm not sure what you're talking about.

It's a pity Leia didn't tell Tarkin the rebels were on Coruscant so that he'd blow the boring old place up and we'd be done with it.
There's something very Soviet Union/1984 about the fact that the editing of the OT confuses people as to what was originally true.

Anyway there were 2 decades of VHS that didn't have Coruscant, and then a single Special Edition VHS that did have it in the last five minutes before DVD took over. I wouldn't say Lucas frequently edited them, until 1997. You just had the last release, which was altered.

ah i see, yeah i had this version of the VHS as kid

The Senate is still active? Palpatine dissolved the Senate as far as I can remember so I'm not sure what you're talking about.

It's a pity Leia didn't tell Tarkin the rebels were on Coruscant so that he'd blow the boring old place up and we'd be done with it.

i think the senate is still alive and well, I think Palpatine just change it from the Galactic Senate to the Imperial Senate once he and the empire took over.


watch from the 24 second mark to the 30 second mark.


i think the senate is still alive and well, I think Palpatine just change it from the Galactic Senate to the Imperial Senate once he and the empire took over.


watch from the 24 second mark to the 30 second mark.

Now keep watching from 30 seconds to 50 or so. "The council has been dissolved permanently... the last remnants of the old republic have been swept away... the regional governors now have direct control over their territories."

That's about as clear as it gets. If the senate exists in any form at all at this point, it has no point to even meet.


Gold Member
I bet Abrams didn't want to include the new republic, (the rumors point to no new republic), because the series would feel like a retread of the prequels. Problems in the senate, separatists ect. I bet the galaxy went into a huge stage of anarchy with different groups trying to get power in a huge power vaccum. Maybe a new republic will be formed AT THE END of this new trilogy. If it was at the beginning it would be the same plot as the fucking prequels. SOOO glad abrams and kasdan are doing their own thing!


ah i see, yeah i had this version of the VHS as kid

i think the senate is still alive and well, I think Palpatine just change it from the Galactic Senate to the Imperial Senate once he and the empire took over.


watch from the 24 second mark to the 30 second mark.

For me it was always the 1995 movies that are my OT trilogy. No Special Edition changes, just the pure versions of the films, one last time.

I'll never forget the "For those who remember. for those who will never forget, and for an all new generation THAT WILL EXPERIENCE IT FOR THE FIRST TIME!"



More rumors.

If you're still not sick of Episode VII rumors, here's another one. The source of the rumor has posted some interesting details about several Episode VII action sequences presumably seen on a few pre-vis materials...



- the sequence was set on a planet like 'a cross between Hoth and Endor' - tall trees capped with snow and snow covered ground.

- the Millennium Falcon was parked on a cliff above the wooded area, with a Jedi and Sith (both male) battling uphill towards the Falcon. The scene was oddly lit, possibly suggestive of the Falcon being on fire.

- a further scene, set in a clearing on this same planet, showed an older male Jedi and male Sith - his head bare and lower face covered by a half mask 'reminiscent of CA's Winter Soldier' - squaring off before a duel. The poster said the scene had a 'Samurai movie feel', and was under the impression that the male Jedi was Luke.

- the poster seemed to think that SW7 will be massively scaled down, with limited Jedi and Sith (two or three) and little to no sign of the massed battles of the PT.

- finally, the poster described a female Jedi exiting a crashed X-wing like craft, lightsaber drawn and ready to fight. Not sure if this was on the same planet.


I would love Luke to be the main character in this, or at least a very significant part. We all know he still has talent, he deserves a chance to show everyone else that he's still got it.


- the sequence was set on a planet like 'a cross between Hoth and Endor' - tall trees capped with snow and snow covered ground.

What the fuck is this shit? They're breaking the tradition of Jungle/Ice/Fire/Sand/Water Planets? What the fuck?
Interesting - I wasn't sure what their track record is. I know JediNews.co.uk or whatever they're called is like the Latino Review of SW news, though. :p


No, it's more or less a curated aggregate list of sites reporting Star Wars news. They're pretty decent at it.

Star Wars 7 News is actually a fair amount less accurate than Latino Review, which you apparently hold in low esteem. The accurate reports they give are simply linkbacks to other sites/news sources that don't fuck up as much. :)



No, it's more or less a curated aggregate list of sites reporting Star Wars news. They're pretty decent at it.

Star Wars 7 News is actually a fair amount less accurate than Latino Review, which you apparently hold in low esteem. The accurate reports they give are simply linkbacks to other sites/news sources that don't fuck up as much. :)

Hm, maybe I'm confusing Jedi News with another site, then, or even confused them with SW7. The latter could be the one about which I'd seen negative comments before (here or elsewhere around the web).

Regarding LR, I do like to tease them a fair bit for things like this :p. I view these rumors mainly as discussion starters for all sorts of topics related to the movies, so long as we take most things with a grain of salt and remain flexible in expectations and such.

I guess we'll see some more interesting rumors this summer as filming is underway.
I view these rumors mainly as discussion starters for all sorts of topics related to the movies, so long as we take most things with a grain of salt and remain flexible in expectations and such.

I get you, and I think that's cool - it's just that I think 75% of the people who see such things don't do anything beyond look at the premise, assume it's 100% automatically true, and proceed from there with as casual a dismissal/approval as possible. They DEFINITELY don't pay attention to where it comes from or whether there's any veracity beyond making jokes about latino review :)

If my short time at GAF is anything to go by, at least.


Haha no doubt. :)

I think we're just used to being inundated with so much information every day/hour/minute/second in the age of social media, so we feel a need to filter out what is 100% true and what is 100% false. That leads us to superficially look at the rumor/source and then casually approve or dismiss, as you said.

As for LR, they've had some good scoops, but I think they're more willing than other sites to put out "unverified" information. I generally remain a bit more skeptical when a rumor originates there, but I don't have anything against them (well, other than El Mayimbe's occasional posturing about how "fanboys will eat this next scoop up" and such :p).
yeah. I don't think there's that many "rumors" going around, actually, it's just that the landscape has changed in the last decade so far as this stuff goes, that what happens is most of these sites are hearing the same things from the same sources, and as soon as one goes live, the other 50 are basically doing summaries/linkbacks to that one report, which makes it LOOK like there's a lot more activity than there really is.

It's not really all that hard to navigate - but blaming the "sheer amount of rumors" is a good way to be dismissive without appearing unfair about it. Not saying that's what you're doing, but I do see a lot of people who say something like that, and then cough up something unsourced from somewhere nobody's ever heard of in the next sentence like they're not part of the problem they're complaining about :)


It's like asking Leonidas how he's expected to beat an army of cardboard standees :)


Gold Member
- a further scene, set in a clearing on this same planet, showed an older male Jedi and male Sith - his head bare and lower face covered by a half mask 'reminiscent of CA's Winter Soldier' - squaring off before a duel. The poster said the scene had a 'Samurai movie feel', and was under the impression that the male Jedi was Luke.



Lupita as a Sith Witch makes damn sense.

Just like Brienn of Tarn would make a fine specimen of female Mandalorian.

I have yet to watch season 6 of the Clone Wars, but if the rumors are true, Episode VII is incorporating a lot of that series in addition to the OG Trilogy.
new SW rumor from Latino Review says Mandalorian mercenaries team up with Sith to hunt the Jedi in the Ep. VII.


“In their early years, Mandalorian culture revolved around battle, with war being a source of honor and pride in their community. The leader of the Mandalorians, known as the Mand'alor, translates to "Sole Ruler" and presented as "Mandalore" in Basic. Throughout their history, the Mandalorians often allied with the Sith, perhaps most notably the Sith Lord Exar Kun, and held a certain distrust and general dislike for the Jedi Order.
However, they wouldn't hesitate to cooperate with the Jedi if a partnership between the two groups was mutually beneficial. In later years, the Mandalorians moved away from their obsessively war-like and conqueror ways and instead, most became bounty hunters and mercenaries, selling their skills to various individuals and factions in the galaxy.”
Lupita as a Sith Witch makes damn sense.

Just like Brienn of Tarn would make a fine specimen of female Mandalorian.

I have yet to watch season 6 of the Clone Wars, but if the rumors are true, Episode VII is incorporating a lot of that series in addition to the OG Trilogy.

It's very easy to see them in those roles but I'm always skeptical. Mining so much from the CW series seems like wishful fanboy thinking.
just because one guy had a mandalorian suit and happened to be a bounty hunter they had to make it so "most" mandalorians are inclined to be bounty hunters? so dumb. further cheapens boba fett.

well there is somewhat of a precedent in the Clone Wars series as well as the non-canon EU. you had Mandalorian mercenaries that were members of the Mandalorian terrorist cell known as Death Watch. then you had Jango Fett who fought in civil wars as a merc and kept the armor as a bounty hunter, which eventually was taken by his son after his death giving us Boba Fett. there have been a variety of Mandalorians who have played different roles in Star Wars as good and bad characters, all of whom wore the Mandalorian armor. but for sure, i definitely get the "bounty hunters" aspect being a bit lazy given it seems like fan fare and a cheap tie in to segway to the inevitable Boba Fett spin-off film. but in the end this is just a rumor.
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