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Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Remake Will Be an Action RPG – Rumor

not like this GIF


I'm all for it. Honestly, the way the combat worked in the original seemed like it was trying to be more action focused anyways.
It was combat meant to be played in a top down perspective. It ran on the same engine as Neverwinter nights I believe.


Well, that would actually make me interested in playing. I liked the original KOTOR, but I think its battle system was one of its few weaknesses.
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Exactly. I always play RPG's expecting blistering HOT action packed fights..

.....has the gaming world gone mad?
That's how it works these days - gotta go fast. Could you imagine the uproar if they did the opposite and had a cherished Battlefield or CoD game (not great examples, but you get the idea) be remade as turn-based? (I'd likely buy it, but many of the fans would shit a house worth of bricks.)
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They're going to dumb it down so button mashers won't feel intimidated by the fairly simple battle system that was in the original.

I'm fine with them fixing the old battle system, it wasn't the best, but I'd prefer that if they replace it, it's with something similar with more modern updates.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Great news if true. The combat in the original is irredeemable garbage.

FF7 Remake, for all its faults, has a pretty kickass combat system with some of the best boss battles in an action rpg. This is the right direction.


Pretty similar system to FFXI, FFXII, Xenoblade. Your normal attack is just an auto-attack that goes on it's own. Then you select abilities you want to use, and they recharge on a cooldown. That's really it.

You can also pause the game anytime you want to think about your situation, or you can queue several actions in a row and just sit while the computer does what you input. Pretty easy really once you get used to it.

I will absolutely miss tbe 3.5/Saga Edition roots of the combat and RPG systems.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I feel like that would require a much bigger team than Aspyr is used to. The entire combat system would need to be overhauled.
Unless EA just gave them Respawn's source code from Fallen Order, I agree and don't see it happening as rumored.

Respawn had to stretch their legs and bring in an ex-God of War director to get a responsive action combat system. SQEX had to bring in ex-DMC staff for FFXVI. It's not an easy thing to slap together.


Gold Member
It was turn-based in that it was literally running d20 3.5 edition ruleset under the hood, but you could queue up actions in a pause menu that would then be executed in 'real time'. It wasn't like JRPG turn based.
Yeah, it was pretty much like any modern MMO from EQ to SWG, to WoW on up.


How anyone enjoys turn-based is beyond me. You’re just pressing buttons and watching animations play out. I liked P5 Royal I guess, but action games are just better in every way.

That describes all action games as well. It's just that turn-based games don't patronise the player by pretending they are actually doing all the jedi/ninja/wizard shit shown onscreen.


I'm fine with this as long as you still have control of a squad and its still an RPG at heart. As much as I enjoyed Fallen Order, I don't want this to be another single-character action game.
I mean, it was essentially an action rpg if you chose to not bother about commanding your party members.

Soooooooooo, whatever?

As long as theres an option to command your party members, then cool.

If they remove that option and go down the ME3 or ME Andromeda route where you have less and leas control of your party members then they can fuck riiiiiight off.


How anyone enjoys turn-based is beyond me. You’re just pressing buttons and watching animations play out. I liked P5 Royal I guess, but action games are just better in every way.
Kotor is even worse than regular turn based, you literally don't do anything, it's just the game using a dice throw mechanic, it's stupid to use a dice system in a video game. You just stand there and wait for the game to end the battle, with some rare actions here and there like healing sometimes.

I really can't imagine a remaster with the same gameplay as the original being a success today. I played the game for the first time recently and it's insanely boring, the combats are just completely useless. But if it's not like the original, fans will complain, so the remake is doomed either way.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I hope this isn't true. I very much enjoyed the Baldur's Gate style of encounters KOTOR had.


If it's a good action based combat system and not something like, say, Dragon Age Inquisition (which ended up kinda sucking in trying to keep turn based and action fans happy), then sure, why not.

As with FF7 Remake, I'd rather have a fun new take than a boring 1:1 remake with nicer graphics


Wonder if it's a licensing issue at this point. They could in theory use the d20 engine under the SRD, but they have pen and paper RPG licensing deals with FFG. Could be that it only applies to 'new' games and wouldn't prevent them from selling prior works. Speculation, but the Genesys system wouldn't be a good fit for a videogame at all regardless.


Can't really say I had a strong emotional attachment to KOTOR's combat system, anyway.
If it turns out to be a decent or even good action combat (and that's a big IF) I'd even count it as a net improvement.


Yeah this'll be a good change. KoTOR was great at the time but almost every aspect of it has not aged well.
This games story with a FF7-R style battle system with Jedi's etc if done to that quality (which sadly i suspect this wont be) would be fuckin' off the chain.


How anyone gives a crap about your opinion is beyond me. I understand how button mashing is much easier for those who don't understand strategy.
Strategy? Suuuure. Just trying to make up for the fact that your sluggish boomer reflexes can't pull of a decent combo so you resort to the dull gameplay loop of turn-based games that's just spamming some pre-determined attack animation with some few potions and buffs punctuated in, lmao. "Strategy."


Gold Member
That's how it works these days - gotta go fast. Could you imagine the uproar if they did the opposite and had a cherished Battlefield or CoD game (not great examples, but you get the idea) be remade as turn-based? (I'd likely buy it, but many of the fans would shit a house worth of bricks.)
True, very true. You'll have to excuse my shite post though as a few hours later I realised that a few of my favourite RPG's were action packed, so dont mind me..

..I blame it on lack of sleep :p


Gold Member
I'd be ok with this as long as it's not pure action and has commands and such.
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I'm not writing it off l, at the end of the day I loved RE2 remake better than I thought I would have as an old school fan of tank controls.
Don't fuck it up though, as I don't buy games without positive reviews of people with my taste.


I don't like it but I will still most likely play the game. Good turn based combat is like a chess match and suppose it has to be dumbed down for millennials like other RPG's today.
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World’s Biggest Weeb
KOTOR combat was boring as hell and barely involved any strategy. You people saying “hurrr they have to dumb it down for today’s impatient millennial gamers who don’t understand STRATEGY and just want to mash buttons” are vastly overstating the level of big-brain smarts this game required.
I really miss BioWare. Remember BioWare? Remember how much of a technological jump Mass Effect 2 felt like after playing years of junky combat like KOTOR?

I remember watching the KOTOR "combat" play out and the animations didn't line up with health loss. It was like a graphical shell that played out randomly with no real attachment to the math going on behind the scenes. Totally bizarre.

Change for the better is more than welcome.
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Unconfirmed Member
I really miss BioWare. Remember BioWare? Remember how much of a technological jump Mass Effect 2 felt like after playing years of junky combat like KOTOR?

I remember watching the KOTOR "combat" play out and the animations didn't line up with health loss. It was like a graphical shell that played out randomly with no real attachment to the math going on behind the scenes. Totally bizarre.

Change for the better is more than welcome.
If the gameplay of the remake ends up feeling like the jump from ME 1 to ME 2, I'm okay with that.
So are they also going to cut on classes like most modern rpg remakes now? Carth plays very different from Revan. Mission plays very different from Zalbaar. How you going to button mash playing as Candorous?
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How anyone enjoys turn-based is beyond me. You’re just pressing buttons and watching animations play out. I liked P5 Royal I guess, but action games are just better in every way.
Don't go to Japan and do not under any circumstances tell a Japanese man you don't like dragon quest.

Unless you want to be cursed and see censor bars on every women you lay with.

Take it from me. I still don't know what vagina, breasts, or ass looks like.


World’s Biggest Weeb
Don't go to Japan and do not under any circumstances tell a Japanese man you don't like dragon quest.

Unless you want to be cursed and see censor bars on every women you lay with.

Take it from me. I still don't know what vagina, breasts, or ass looks like.
I don’t believe you. As soon as I can travel again, I’m planning to go to Japan and announcing everywhere I go that Dragon Quest combat is boring and only appeals to nostalgia. Then I’m gonna check out Super Nintendo World. And buy some used pantsu from a vending machine.
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How anyone enjoys turn-based is beyond me. You’re just pressing buttons and watching animations play out. I liked P5 Royal I guess, but action games are just better in every way.
That's the stupidest thing I read today here.
And not for the lack of competition.

Also, the half-assed hybrid system KOTOR used barely even qualifies as "turn-based".


Gold Member
I would hate to be a developer. Having to cater to legions of nostalgic fans who complain when an almost 20 year old game didn't get remade in the exact same way as the original.

God forbid we have a smaller development studio given the freedom to remake this type of game (a Star Wars game too) in their own vision by their publisher. This should be celebrated not complained about.

Things change and chances get taken. Don't like it, play the old version instead.


If it was like the originals, I wouldn't want it.
My dream would be an open world/galaxy action rpg with major gameplay differences between the classes.
If we get something that allows playstyles from Fallen Order/Force Unleashed, Bounty Hunter/Republic Commando etc... in a huge rpg gameworld, I would be absolutely ecstatic.


Frustrated Stephen Merchant GIF

Confused Liam Neeson GIF

I liked KOTOR's combat system and I refuse to buy FF7 due to the changes they made to turn based.

This is a change to appeal to a different kind of gamer; the Michael bay-esque cock-weasel with no attention span.


World’s Biggest Weeb
Frustrated Stephen Merchant GIF

Confused Liam Neeson GIF

I liked KOTOR's combat system and I refuse to buy FF7 due to the changes they made to turn based.

This is a change to appeal to a different kind of gamer; the Michael bay-esque cock-weasel with no attention span.
LOL Final Fantasy VII had the most boring and brain dead easy battle system of all time. Good riddance to that shit. You are lying to yourself.

Wow you sit there picking “attack” from a menu over and over until you win. Truly you have a superior intellect and attention span. The dudebros could never comprehend such strategy.
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I don’t believe you. As soon as I can travel again, I’m planning to go to Japan and announcing everywhere I go that Dragon Quest combat is boring and only appeals to nostalgia. Then I’m gonna check out Super Nintendo World. And buy some used pantsu from a vending machine.
75 million lifetime sales most of that in Japan.


And it still looks better than Pokemon.


Gold Member
75 million lifetime sales most of that in Japan.


And it still looks better than Pokemon.
TLOU had brutal combat also and sold a ton. Sales numbers doesn't necessarily mean combat is "good*.
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