Hey so is there a website that I can find out more about the Star Wars Celebration crew member job? I got the job and everything but the page that had the info on the site is gone now. I have no idea what the next step is. I really want to go to the Celebration!
Also see if you can pull up a Google cache for the page in question. When they added the "what single day badges can overnight" examples they kinda nuked all the RULES about overnighting, but I managed to pull them up via cache. Note: I need a sleeping bag.
Do any of the directors cut trailers? I was under the impression that this is usually marketing or separate ad agencies. Did JJ or Edwards make any of the trailers?
I think a lot of directors would love to be able to cut trailers but simply do not have the time! I know on the TV side, occasionally Filoni has been able to cut the trailers but not always. But when the choice is make sure the movie looks and sounds how you want, and cutting a trailer, I think most will stay working on the movie.
I also don't think they are going to sizzle only. By the time of Celebration last year (which was later in the year) there had already been a teaser and a trailer for R1. It's a different situation. Plus now with the home video release of R1 out of the way, it actually IS time for TLJ marketing machine to kick off. Also I intend to be in the audience so I want a trailer. >.>
It's weird alright, surely the point of these stories is to add additional context to the world of the film.
I suspect it might be little out of proportion but it's a combination of,
1. there is nothing in the new policies to stop LFL from hiring people to create total flights of fancy stories that CLEARLY never happened
2. Somewhere in this book, someone is going to tell their version of events in a way that we KNOW isn't what happened onscreen. Like, someone else saves Luke in the cantina or something like that.
3. Canon really is just - what do you have to follow later. But hey, there's a bit of truth to legends...
BF didn't win the Funko lottery, so I suspect no Empire Chopper or Hoth Leia for me, but there better still be that stupid Whilo Ben pin for him to snag for me at 2 PM... Also his work wants him to wear a GoPro during the con. I'm like "to get footage of standing in lines and being told stuff is out of stock?"