The Thrawn book is getting some good reviews.
Anyone read it yet?
Mine is suppose to be coming tomorrow. Can't wait to have some reading material over the easter break.
The Thrawn book is getting some good reviews.
Anyone read it yet?
The female imperial general from the Battlefront II Trailer - Is that the general from the Journey to TFA book?
I can have mixed it up. Saw it just once and can be that I overlooked thingsWhat general? I only saw what (I think) is a female TIE-fighter pilot.
The Thrawn book is getting some good reviews.
Anyone read it yet?
I'd think he is either talking about Rae Sloan or ceina rei, but we know exactly where ceina is during endor, and I'd doubt sloane would be flying a tie to be honestWhat general? I only saw what (I think) is a female TIE-fighter pilot.
I'd think he is either talking about are Sloan or ceina
There's what looks like a female tie pilot, who is talking during the trailer. I'm hoping both would show up in the game but don't think they are the tie pilot on question. I'm assuming he is asking if that tie pilot/narrator is a general from journey to the force awakens novel he is thinking of. Lost stars and aftermath were both under that label, so I figured it was one of themAre those in the Battlefront II trailer? If so my apologies, I really missed that. Or maybe I saw a different (shorter) trailer.
There's what looks like a female tie pilot, who is talking during the trailer. I'm hoping both would show up in the game but don't think they are the tie pilot on question. I'm assuming he is asking if that tie pilot/narrator is a general from journey to the force awakens novel he is thinking of. Lost stars and aftermath were both under that label, so I figured it was one of them
They both are actually, though the book description of ciena, though from the book I thought she was closer to Latino then black, but then they release this pic of cienaOk. Well I doubt it is Sloane, isn't she supposed to be a dark skinned woman?
It can't be the trailer (I assume). That would be a panel thing. Also, he doesn't specify the timezone.
Edit- Eastern timezone!
Edit 2-
Guys, I've been reading up on some old canon stuff, Legends. I was thinking about how EU killed off some characters. Like iconic characters like Chewie. I recall there being a back lash when that book was released, and we all know what happens in Force Awakens to iconic characters. How do ya'll feel about it?
+++I just miss Kyle and Jan
I posted a bunch of Last Jedi gifs in the teaser trailer thread:
Is that Rey or Luke dropping to their knees next to R2?
I thought it was one of Luke's flashbacks to when Kylo destroys the Jedi.
I thought it was one of Luke's flashbacks to when Kylo destroys the Jedi.
I love how people already declaring Crait to be a Hoth Ripoff.
I love how people already declaring Crait to be a Hoth Ripoff.
Is Episode 8 going to be the new empire strikes backThis whole ripoff thing is so stupid, same with the checklist talk.
OT is the fucking worst.
Are you surprised?
No, Star Wars topics are hot garbage for the last three years.
Least it ain't DCEU topic tier yet.OT is the fucking worst.
OT is the fucking worst.
Sure, but that goes for every topic, it's usually just better to stay in the community thread of each topic, it's more warm and nicer there.
Is it normal that I felt not overwhelmed nor underwhelmed at the trailer?
Dat poster though...Hot shit
So you felt just whelmedIs it normal that I felt not overwhelmed nor underwhelmed at the trailer?
Dat poster though...Hot shit