ok. time to talk.
Anyhoo. Weiss Schwarz (WS) is a Japanese Card game like Magic or Yugioh. Collect cards, make a deck fight. WS is unique in that it is all based on media licenses. Mostly anime, but sometimes video games too. It has evolved from a standard use whatever cards from whatever, into a NEO STANDARD rule set. Your deck must consist of the same show/series/game, as deemed by the company. Thus, WS has become an horrible place where you bring your favorite anime/character to fight against someone else's favorite video game.
They have gotten some neat anime and video games in the past, like Attack on Titan, or love live, or Madoka, or Hatsune Miku, Idolm@ster, or even Puyo Puyo. But these all have something in common. They are all things from Japan. of course, it is a Japan made card game. But now they have secured an american license to play with.
STAR WARS. In a few weeks, we can see strange things like this:
Sure, I guess star wars has had card based games in the past, even right now there's some cool card games for star wars. But since this is a weiss schwarz set, you will be seeing star wars characters fighting against the true enemy of the universe: anime
So yeah, I'm super excited about this (by how absurd it will be). BUT! I don't think you guys really care. I didn't really come here to make ^this^ post. I just started making it and couldn't stop.
I wanted to show you guys the strange art the cards have. I think it's the movie scenes redrawn??? So next post will have a bunch of card art I thought you guys might enjoy. or I might just edit into this post so it's not double posting.
Edit: The smart thing about the license was that they chose to license movies 4-7, opting out on getting the prequels
Also also, this game uses terminology for certain abilities cards can have: encore, brainstorm/concentrate, change, back-up, alarm, experience. Most are used in most sets, depending on the flavor of what show the set is about.
Star Wars has a new term, and one I don't think will be used again. At least not with this term. Some Star Wars cards has an ability called "The Force", which involves moving two of the opponents cards, trading places. I have not seen WS make a new term that will be used only for that one set ever, so that's cool.