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Star Wars: The Old Republic |OT2| In a F2Play galaxy far, far away

I bought this when it came out, was kind of disappointed, and didn't play past my first month.

Star Wars fever has kicked in though, and I've picked it back up. I started near the beginning and am now a level 14 Sith Warrior. I'm finding myself enjoying it much more now.

Is there still a decent Gaf guild?


So I need to play a couple more hours today, but I think I'm going to stick with it. At what point should I subscribe? Should I just stick it out with free/premium status until the level cap and then sub or do it now?

Not Spaceghost

So I need to play a couple more hours today, but I think I'm going to stick with it. At what point should I subscribe? Should I just stick it out with free/premium status until the level cap and then sub or do it now?

My suggestion is drop 5 bucks on cartel coins for preferred status the moment you've decided you're enjoying the game.

Then use the cartel coins to buy rocket boost because that's the best quality of life improvement ever.

I wouldn't subscribe until you hit level 55.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
My suggestion is drop 5 bucks on cartel coins for preferred status the moment you've decided you're enjoying the game.

Then use the cartel coins to buy rocket boost because that's the best quality of life improvement ever.

I wouldn't subscribe until you hit level 55.

Yeah, this. If you don't mind the restrictions you don't have much reason to sub until 55.


Yeah, this. If you don't mind the restrictions you don't have much reason to sub until 55.
wait you can level beyond 50 as f2p? o_O

just today decided to play a bit again and have like 3 characters at 50, can I do the hutt stuff or is it just grinding dailies thing?

anyway decided to try a BH since I read that they really speed up the leveling and you don't have to do all the side quest anymore and so far it seems true, lvl 18 now and just landed on dromund kass

also where did the planatery comendations vedors go :/ was a decent way to get some decent looking orange gear, well there is one vendor on the fleet but all hat gear looks like shit since it's all just level 8 looks -.-

anyway also have an issue
checked my sith inquisitor that I tried leveling last time I played and uh, I don't have any story missions in my quest log,I have no idea how it disappeared, lvl 16 and Kass, think the last thing I was doing was
killing that sith with the cybernetics
so i have no idea where to go or wtf to do, is there any way to get the quest back or should I contact costumer support?
Ugh, I accidentally autosubscribed for a second month. I mean, I'm having a lot of fun, but this is going against all of my plans.
anyway also have an issue
checked my sith inquisitor that I tried leveling last time I played and uh, I don't have any story missions in my quest log,I have no idea how it disappeared, lvl 16 and Kass, think the last thing I was doing was
killing that sith with the cybernetics
so i have no idea where to go or wtf to do, is there any way to get the quest back or should I contact costumer support?

A little late, but your best bet would be to contact CS, assuming it's not just deselected/overlooked in your quest log. They'll be listed as Class Stories, IIRC.


Finally got my login issues fixed (had to call CS) and I started an Imperial Agent this weekend. I forgot how fun this game was and how good the storytelling is. Prolly stick with it for a bit.
Man, (presumably) thanks to that exploit I made a ton of money selling stuff on the GTN. Didn't use the exploit myself, but people who did wanted to burn their credits so bad that they were paying the absurd prices I was listing my Volatile Conqueror's Lightsabers for. Just a constant barrage of sales ranging from 20-30m each. By the time I ran out of sabers, I was up to 230m credits.

Still bitter about the nerf to Deception assassin, but that lessened the sting.


I just hopped on after buying the game and playing for a month or two after launch, I'm kind of bummed that so many of the races are locked behind a paywall now. I want to play but it kind of takes some of the wind out of my sails.


I just hopped on after buying the game and playing for a month or two after launch, I'm kind of bummed that so many of the races are locked behind a paywall now. I want to play but it kind of takes some of the wind out of my sails.

Unless things have changed in the last couple months because of Fall Empire, if you are a current (or maybe even former?) subscriber, only 2 races are truly locked behind a paywall - Cathar and Togruta. Of the rest that look like they're locked away, they are naturally available for specific classes and factions. You can pay in-game credits or reach certain gameplay milestones to unlock most of them through the Legacy interface.


Unless things have changed in the last couple months because of Fall Empire, if you are a current (or maybe even former?) subscriber, only 2 races are truly locked behind a paywall - Cathar and Togruta. Of the rest that look like they're locked away, they are naturally available for specific classes and factions. You can pay in-game credits or reach certain gameplay milestones to unlock most of them through the Legacy interface.

Its been so long since I originally played but I was pretty sure you could pick Miraluka for both Jedi Knight and Consular and now they're both locked.


Unconfirmed Member
bought the collectors edition with statue and all back in the day and now because of the star wars hype
and FFXIV fatigue
I want to come back.

I'm gonna read how to get back into the game and will come back :D


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
The lapsed subscriber free offer right now is kind of funny. They give you a free 60 boost to do chapter 1 of KOTFE, and you have to use it to make a new character because if you don't have Shadows of Revan you are still capped at 55. It's left me in a weird position of having absolutely no idea what I want to use the boost on.

Not Spaceghost

The lapsed subscriber free offer right now is kind of funny. They give you a free 60 boost to do chapter 1 of KOTFE, and you have to use it to make a new character because if you don't have Shadows of Revan you are still capped at 55. It's left me in a weird position of having absolutely no idea what I want to use the boost on.

I used mine on a trooper because I don't really like the trooper story all that much.
But Vanguard tactics is a goddamn blast right now, seriously starting to become one of my favorite classes.


Its been so long since I originally played but I was pretty sure you could pick Miraluka for both Jedi Knight and Consular and now they're both locked.

Sounds like it's a Subscriber feature then, which makes it the same as when the game launched and it wasn't F2P. I've never stopped subscribing.
Sounds like it's a Subscriber feature then, which makes it the same as when the game launched and it wasn't F2P. I've never stopped subscribing.

Yeah at the start certain races were only available to certain classes, no republic sith or chiss etc... they loosened that up eventually but when they went F2P only Human, Cyborg and Zabrak weren't hidden behind the paywall.

Joey Ravn

Hey, guys, I want to get back to this game (played for about two months at launch) but I'm having a show-stopping problem: I can't get past the loading screen after selecting my character.

I have Preferred status and I can log in and create a new character just fine, but when I click on Play, the loading bar gets to around 9/10 through and then it stops for good. It just sits there, turning the little wheel thing over and over, until I'm forced to close the client via Alt+F4. I have tried everything I could (changing locales on Windows, reinstalling the game on different locations, switching servers, completely erasing all my configs, etc.) but I haven't been able to find a solution for this problem. Could it be that I'm being placed on a queue? There's nothing that indicates me whether the game is failing to load or the server is not responding...


So i am did the trial again since i am preferred status with my account and played a bit with a level 50 character will i lose that level 60 character if i subscribe again?


Unconfirmed Member
okay I tried getting back into it..but I honestly just don't know how. so much options, so much to buy or not to buy.. and god damn.
for example would this be the best thing to buy, if you only have the original game?

and if so, were do I start? I read everything on the Old Republic Homepage but so far it was really unsatisfying in answering my questions and yeah..

also I still have 5.500 marks for the ingame store...and what should I do with those and god..I'm overwhelmed

Joey Ravn

okay I tried getting back into it..but I honestly just don't know how. so much options, so much to buy or not to buy.. and god damn.
for example would this be the best thing to buy, if you only have the original game?

and if so, were do I start? I read everything on the Old Republic Homepage but so far it was really unsatisfying in answering my questions and yeah..

also I still have 5.500 marks for the ingame store...and what should I do with those and god..I'm overwhelmed

I suggest you buy the Origin pack on Origin (yeah). It costs €20, you get two months worth of subscription, 1000+ Cartel coins and every content released up to this point. A much better offer than any other pack, if you ask me.


Unconfirmed Member
I suggest you buy the Origin pack on Origin (yeah). It costs €20, you get two months worth of subscription, 1000+ Cartel coins and every content released up to this point. A much better offer than any other pack, if you ask me.

and I can just add that to my old SWTOR account?

Joey Ravn

and I can just add that to my old SWTOR account?

That's what I did. I bought the game at launch, played for a couple of months and then picked it up again yesterday. You just add the code you get and boom: a two-month sub, a bunch of Cartel Coins and a couple of other misc stuff. Pretty good deal, considering you can pretty much complete all the class stories in that time, and you get to keep everything released up to this point (including KotFE, if I'm not mistaken).


Unconfirmed Member
That's what I did. I bought the game at launch, played for a couple of months and then picked it up again yesterday. You just add the code you get and boom: a two-month sub, a bunch of Cartel Coins and a couple of other misc stuff. Pretty good deal, considering you can pretty much complete all the class stories in that time, and you get to keep everything released up to this point (including KotFE, if I'm not mistaken).

thank you ^_^ tomorrow I have my last test for this year and will probably buy it after it.
Is there a GAF guild? Or does anyone know of a good drama free guild?

If you're on Harbinger we in Tattered Legion are always looking for friendly folks. We also happen to be the #1 conquest guild on the server, even though we don't consider ourselves a conquest guild.

There was a GAF guild on Jedi Covenant, but not sure what happened to it. It was sorta (really) dead when I had characters over there.
If you're on Harbinger we in Tattered Legion are always looking for friendly folks. We also happen to be the #1 conquest guild on the server, even though we don't consider ourselves a conquest guild.

There was a GAF guild on Jedi Covenant, but not sure what happened to it. It was sorta (really) dead when I had characters over there.

Sweet! I'll transfer my toon over to Harbinger. Is there anyone that I should get into contact with? My toons name is Dudajo.


PC feels so dead. Most times (80+%) I try to find a game it goes to creating a new one and then I have to wait for it to fill up to full from me being the only soul in the lobby. Even yesterday during more exp weekend, I had to stick with Turning Point because that was the best way to get an actual game going only.


Yeah, there's a GAF guild. Not sure how it's doing atm, but it's been mostly dead. Guild kind of died down when the progression groups got tired of the stale content.

Joey Ravn

I spent some Cartel coins on that personal starship thing mount. Man, it's fucking ugly. I feel stupid for wasting money on that thing... but at the same time I feel like Cartel coins are pretty worthless once you get enough backpack space and a QoL enhancements. I'm not even tempted to get new races, considering I'll be playing only one character for the foreseeable future.
Is the 12x XP thing still going?

Sort of?

They reduced the grind so you only have to do the class mission and the main planetary mission on each planet to progress at about the right rate, so maybe it's permanently 6x now. But for the next 10 days or so XP is doubled.

XP rains from the sky in 4.0, heroics are simplistic and provide huge xp and good gear, do a flashpoint and go up 2-3 levels or even more at low levels. Do 1 op at 50+ and go up 5+ levels etc...


Sort of?

They reduced the grind so you only have to do the class mission and the main planetary mission on each planet to progress at about the right rate, so maybe it's permanently 6x now. But for the next 10 days or so XP is doubled.

XP rains from the sky in 4.0, heroics are simplistic and provide huge xp and good gear, do a flashpoint and go up 2-3 levels or even more at low levels. Do 1 op at 50+ and go up 5+ levels etc...

Hmm, I see. Thanks. Should have finished the campaigns back when it was 12x. 6x is a lot better than normal, but I assume each campaign will still take quite some time to finish if you are a solo player?

Another question. I have preferred status since I've subbed for a month before. Will I get the improved EXP with this status or do I need to sub again?


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Preferred don't have an xp bonus, but the leveling rate now really is fine. I guess if you were spoiled by 12x anything less sucks, but being able to skip the majority of quests and just do class+major planet quests still keeps things very expedient.


Preferred don't have an xp bonus, but the leveling rate now really is fine. I guess if you were spoiled by 12x anything less sucks, but being able to skip the majority of quests and just do class+major planet quests still keeps things very expedient.

When the 12XP event ends (January 1, right?) the leveling will be the same? How much is the difference?


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
When the 12XP event ends (January 1, right?) the leveling will be the same? How much is the difference?

The 12x XP thing ended when 4.0 came out. His 6x was just a guess. With 12x XP you could do only your class quest to level. With 4.0 they redid the XP curve so that you only needed to do your class quest and the main planet stories to get enough XP to level, they are marked with purple quest markers and all other quests are now called exploration quests and are yellow. So that added maybe 5-6 extra quests per planet you had to do vs when 12x XP was on. I haven't really counted. With XP boosters and perks you could still skip some planet arcs because you'd be over leveled.

Now with 2x XP going you can go back to doing only your main story quests.


So I just jumped back in again, and I'm a little overwhelmed right now.

- Skill system is completely overhauled, so I'm a little unsure if my builds are correct...or is there no way to screw up builds anymore because it seems like it's more or less linear?

- Can the fact that I can change specializations mean that I can now have different builds? (for instance on Smuggler, I can switch from DPS to Healer?)

- Stats that are important for equipment.....is it just MAINLY Mastery stat now? I'm rolling a Consular, and it used to be Willpower, but I don't seem to remember Mastery stat.

- are Credits still valuable?

- Are skills that make material for weapons still necessary, or should I just be upgrading through rewards on stories stuff?
Been out of SWTOR for a while waiting for the newest chapter to come out. Saw that the most recent cartel pack has Darth Malgus' armor in it. Neat.
So I just jumped back in again, and I'm a little overwhelmed right now.

- Skill system is completely overhauled, so I'm a little unsure if my builds are correct...or is there no way to screw up builds anymore because it seems like it's more or less linear?

- Can the fact that I can change specializations mean that I can now have different builds? (for instance on Smuggler, I can switch from DPS to Healer?)

- Stats that are important for equipment.....is it just MAINLY Mastery stat now? I'm rolling a Consular, and it used to be Willpower, but I don't seem to remember Mastery stat.

- are Credits still valuable?

- Are skills that make material for weapons still necessary, or should I just be upgrading through rewards on stories stuff?
1. The choices provided through utilities are more situational than any. You're still going to find certain ones that would be beneficial depending on specialization and there still are cookie-cutter style builds out there for each advanced class.

2. As long as the advanced class has those specific role changes then yes. Unfortunately SWTOR doesn't have the dual spec feature in the game so changing roles would have to be done the old fashioned way by talking to the Skill Mentor or using the legacy perk if you purchased it.

3. With the patch for KOTFE they rolled every important stat for each advanced class into a new stat called Mastery. So your Consular would be using Mastery from now on.

4. Of course.

5. The crafted gear while leveling up isn't as useful as the stuff you can get with Data Crystals. As you're leveling up just focus on rewards and stockpiling Common Data Crystals so you can buy gear from the planetary gear vendors. What I like to do is get enough Data Crystals to buy a set of starter adaptive gear off the Fleet. Then as you're leveling you want to select the Data Crystal reward for every mission and use them to buy modifications to improve the adaptive gear.
So I just jumped back in again, and I'm a little overwhelmed right now.

- Skill system is completely overhauled, so I'm a little unsure if my builds are correct...or is there no way to screw up builds anymore because it seems like it's more or less linear?

- Can the fact that I can change specializations mean that I can now have different builds? (for instance on Smuggler, I can switch from DPS to Healer?)

- Stats that are important for equipment.....is it just MAINLY Mastery stat now? I'm rolling a Consular, and it used to be Willpower, but I don't seem to remember Mastery stat.

- are Credits still valuable?

- Are skills that make material for weapons still necessary, or should I just be upgrading through rewards on stories stuff?

Builds are more linear in that your important class abilities are given to you earlier and guaranteed pretty much now. Main customization is choosing options for builds which tweak your class, but in less important ways. Can't really screw it up now.

You can change amongst trees freely basically but you still got to set up your hotbars and all the skill options each time, so it's not like a true multiclass system. It's quicker to switch now, but still requires some work.

Mastery replaces main stat for all builds now. Other secondary stats are what customize/tweak your build anymore.

Credits always are useful for buying stuff.
Right now the XP gain is absurd. Way, way, way faster than 12x story XP. At level 21 I took up the GF flashpoint weekly, ran the flashpoint, and by the time I finished it and turned everything in I was level 27.

Because I do all the heroics, I'm level 46 and haven't left Nar Shaddaa. I've only been doing the class and planet main stories, or else I'd probably be level 60 by now.

As a side-note, I'm really enjoying Focus Guardian. Super easy to play, and works well for both single target and AOE damage.


The 12x XP thing ended when 4.0 came out. His 6x was just a guess. With 12x XP you could do only your class quest to level. With 4.0 they redid the XP curve so that you only needed to do your class quest and the main planet stories to get enough XP to level, they are marked with purple quest markers and all other quests are now called exploration quests and are yellow. So that added maybe 5-6 extra quests per planet you had to do vs when 12x XP was on. I haven't really counted. With XP boosters and perks you could still skip some planet arcs because you'd be over leveled.

Now with 2x XP going you can go back to doing only your main story quests.

Oh ok, that's more clear. Thanks.

I've played a couple hours now and I think Old Republic just isn't for me. Gameplay isn't fun and the writting is so bad (Jedi Knight). Space Jesus, space Jesus everywhere! Are there even fun plot twists in this story?

I might try to finish the Imperial Agent storyline at least, since people say this one is even better than KOTOR 2 in terms of story.
Right now the XP gain is absurd. Way, way, way faster than 12x story XP. At level 21 I took up the GF flashpoint weekly, ran the flashpoint, and by the time I finished it and turned everything in I was level 27.

Because I do all the heroics, I'm level 46 and haven't left Nar Shaddaa. I've only been doing the class and planet main stories, or else I'd probably be level 60 by now.

As a side-note, I'm really enjoying Focus Guardian. Super easy to play, and works well for both single target and AOE damage.

The basic story xp gains are not 12x anymore, but the game has alot of odd xp balance issues now. Stuff like flashpoints and certain activities give a ton of xp compared to before and really makes the leveling wonky if you stray off the path of just doing the story/planetary quests.

Joey Ravn

Yeah, I feel like leveling isn't as satisfactory as it could be. Breezing through absolutely everything is cool, but I would prefer it if I wasn't literally 10 levels above the recommended level for my current branch of main quest. I want to explore, but I feel no incentive to do it. I actually even feel discouraged.

Then again, the game scales you back to a proper level for that area, so it isn't so bad really. I haven't changed my equipment in ages, though, since everything I find is pretty much useless. I guess the game has a Diablo 3-like approach: level as fast as you can, gear when you get to 60.


Bull on a Donut
spent 8 mil credits on that new malgus armor, got 100k to my name now lol fUK

Augments have crashed so hard, too can't make money off those anymore. Most effective way = dailies ?


jesus christ the sith inquisitor story is pure trash so far

prologue: really awesome and fun, loved shitting on that sith dude and the overseer

chapter 1: get some shit and suffer through the most obvious betrayal in the whole game, some minor "build a power base" thing on one planet, whatever could be worse

chapter 2: jesus fucking christ, start off by some random sith that used to be the boss of your boss wanting to kill you for whatever reason, so far I still don't understand why exactly he wants me dead, ghost grampa shows up and tells me I'm a moron, okay I go and play ghostbuster for a while, loose agaist the sith guy, apparently I was thrown in a ditch but they fished me up on the floor of the sith guys place, whatever animations aren't cheap

go doing some more ghostbuster stuff because I have to get more power, recruit a fun archaeology nerd (I like this guy) and what is probably the stupidest jedi in the whole galaxy (she literally went "ooooh shiny" when I showed a holocron in her face), okay get a bunch of ghost, face the dude again aaaand loose again, now the ghost are trying to kill me (and the sith guy bailed from his own place at some point and left me for dead again after telling me he won't just leave me for dead this time, I guess he forgot to turn off the iron, okay to be fair one can kinda explain it with him thinking that he won't be able to kill me with the ghost power even if I'm too weak/stupid to handle it) and apparently chapter 3 is all about trying to undo what I did all of chapter 2, who the fuck thought that was a good idea?
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