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Star Wars: The Old Republic |OT2| In a F2Play galaxy far, far away

I'm thinking of reinstalling this to check it out again after a long time away.
A question which you guys may or may not know the answer to: is it worth installing the game from my old vanilla TOR disc, or will it probably be quicker to download everything through the launcher rather than trying to patch the vanilla disc?
Depending on your internet speed it just might be best to do it from the disc. To download from scratch it takes me about an hour to two.

Either way it's going to be 30+ GBs of stuff.


Downloaded this again the other night, subbed straight away - wasn't going to deal with 'Preferred' status haha.
Last time I'd played was June or July, 2013.

Only had a lv.26 Sniper but I logged into him and was overwhelmed a bit so I just decided to remake the same character and start fresh. Even got him looking the same too.

Jumped on around 5pm last night & didn't get off until 10.15pm lol, kept telling myself "One more mission" - anyway, really enjoying it so far. Glad I re-subbed.

Oh I also have about 1500 Cartel Coins, anything worth buying with them?
With the change to Corso Riggs' weapon types they screwed up all of his action scenes. Now he's just holding an invisible rifle instead of using his blaster.
Oh I also have about 1500 Cartel Coins, anything worth buying with them?
All three ranks of Rocket Boost in your Legacy perks. Makes getting through areas that cannot be accessible by speeder a lot faster.


So I reinstalled this, and I'm having real trouble getting it to run in an enjoyable state. Did they overhaul the graphics or something, because I remember running it at pretty high settings on my laptop around launch and keeping a 30+ (often in the 40s or 50s) framerate, but now I get horrible slowdown regularly, even when there's nothing much apparent going on, and even with settings dialed way down. (As you can probably tell) I don't do much gaming on my PC so I'm bad at these things, could this be due to my computer deteriorating or is there some tweak to be found in the settings here that could help me?


Decrease shadow complexity. High is like, everything on the planet has complex shadows all at once.

You'll have the same looks, but a noticeable increase in frame rate by bringing that down to about half.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
It's still probably the worst/most restrictive (other than the solo leveling experience) of all the major/noteworthy games in the genre, yeah. I mean, there is a decent amount of stuff you can do, but there are also a lot of hard paywalls in place that only come down if you are paying for a sub, which isn't really the way most MMO games work these days.


Bull on a Donut
Is the F2P model still garbage?

Yeah, kind of. The F2P model is basically just there if you want to play the game from 1-50 and experience only the class stories. If you want some quality of life improvements, want to enjoy the new expansions (everything past 50), and want to blast through the endgame content--gotta sub.
Hey how does the 'start at lvl 60' thing work? I subscribed during one of the months leading up to the new expansion (for the month that just happened to give Nico and his blasters as a reward) but I didn't see anything about that when I logged in.

Do you use it to skip a current character to 60 or does it work when you make a new character? Do I need to be subscribing now to get it or should it be there if I subscribed during that one month?
I was not prepared for how good the Imperial Agent storyline gets (only beginning Act 2). It feels so weird for such a cool story to be trapped in an MMO like this. I wish there was a whole game around it.

It'll be hard to go back to the other class stories after this, let alone the expansion. At least KotFE is trying, but even it pales in comparison to the IA's story.
Hey how does the 'start at lvl 60' thing work? I subscribed during one of the months leading up to the new expansion (for the month that just happened to give Nico and his blasters as a reward) but I didn't see anything about that when I logged in.

Do you use it to skip a current character to 60 or does it work when you make a new character? Do I need to be subscribing now to get it or should it be there if I subscribed during that one month?

It's a decision you make at character creation. Not sure on the conditions of receiving one for free--I guess a subscription?


Bull on a Donut
lol so they are nerfing healing companions by 75% what a joke. man and i thought blizzard were the kings of knee jerk balancing


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
lol so they are nerfing healing companions by 75% what a joke. man and i thought blizzard were the kings of knee jerk balancing

lels and keks.

I wonder where a 75% nerf places them in comparison to pre-4.0 levels. Probably still significantly ahead.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
I mean, statements like "it was literally impossible to die in most content with companion heals" are accurate, so some kind of nerf should be expected. Them inevitably going overboard and nerfing something that was too strong into uselessness would suck though, and it's hardly unprecedented.

I will miss sleep-walking through multi-elite encounters though.

Not Spaceghost

lol so they are nerfing healing companions by 75% what a joke. man and i thought blizzard were the kings of knee jerk balancing

Well to be honest, the healing companion sort of trivializes leveling and a lot of content completely. 75% might be a bit too much but it should definitely be retuned.


Healing companion is super nerfed. IMO it was way too strong but the nerf was heavy handed.

Nerf to DPS companion was way more reasonable and healing should have probably be around those numbers (33%).


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
What a surprise, they overshot the nerf by a significant margin.


After some 11 years, I've finally decided to sit down and beat KOTOR 1 and 2. So far I've gotten through the first, and I'm in the middle of the second. I'm honestly loving both rpgs and I'm thinking about getting into SWTOR. How does the F2P option actually play, is it well written and is a sub required to get the most out of the story?


After some 11 years, I've finally decided to sit down and beat KOTOR 1 and 2. So far I've gotten through the first, and I'm in the middle of the second. I'm honestly loving both rpgs and I'm thinking about getting into SWTOR. How does the F2P option actually play, is it well written and is a sub required to get the most out of the story?

no you don't need a sub for the class story missions. you only need a sub for the newest expansion, which is story focused, but the same for every class and pretty much independent from the class stories. the class stories are finished, the best part of the game and completely available for f2p players.
however you will have restrictions, silly stuff like the lack of the option to hide your helmet, a cap for your ingame money, stuff like that.

I'd say it is well written and presented for MMO standarts, but not on the level of KOTOR1 and certainly not on the level of KOTOR2, don't expect that. but try it, it's free.


After some 11 years, I've finally decided to sit down and beat KOTOR 1 and 2. So far I've gotten through the first, and I'm in the middle of the second. I'm honestly loving both rpgs and I'm thinking about getting into SWTOR. How does the F2P option actually play, is it well written and is a sub required to get the most out of the story?

I'm gonna go against the flow here and tell you straight up, this will not offer you the story experience the first two KOTORS did. This is an MMO game, with push the buttons style combat, that has a bunch of voice acted cutscenes.

I mean, the writing is not bad for most of the class stories. But it is broken up into your standard MMO fare questing. It's Bioware writing through and through. I actually find the end game to be enjoyable but if you're not into MMOs and raiding, there isnt much outside of spending ~20-30 hours on a class story.


I'm gonna go against the flow here and tell you straight up, this will not offer you the story experience the first two KOTORS did. This is an MMO game, with push the buttons style combat, that has a bunch of voice acted cutscenes.

I mean, the writing is not bad for most of the class stories. But it is broken up into your standard MMO fare questing. It's Bioware writing through and through. I actually find the end game to be enjoyable but if you're not into MMOs and raiding, there isnt much outside of spending ~20-30 hours on a class story.

I agree its not in line with Kotor and maybe even Dragon Age Origins, but its still very good storytelling. Especially the Imperial Agent story line is downright fantastic.


no you don't need a sub for the class story missions. you only need a sub for the newest expansion, which is story focused, but the same for every class and pretty much independent from the class stories. the class stories are finished, the best part of the game and completely available for f2p players.
however you will have restrictions, silly stuff like the lack of the option to hide your helmet, a cap for your ingame money, stuff like that.

I'd say it is well written and presented for MMO standarts, but not on the level of KOTOR1 and certainly not on the level of KOTOR2, don't expect that. but try it, it's free.
Do the helmets suck visually like in KOTOR 1 and 2? Either way, I'll probably take a crack at it since the base game is free.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
Do the helmets suck visually like in KOTOR 1 and 2? Either way, I'll probably take a crack at it since the base game is free.

Lots and lot of armour in the game. Many of the helmets are hideous but some are quite cool. You can always choose to hide them though.

Check out http://tor-fashion.com/ for lots of pics.
Lots and lot of armour in the game. Many of the helmets are hideous but some are quite cool. You can always choose to hide them though.

Check out http://tor-fashion.com/ for lots of pics.

Or sub in one you like with the costume system.

Personally, I've got this dope look on my main Sith Juggernaut. No helmet, hooded jacket/robe, it's pretty solid.

Only downside is that the centerpiece is a level 20something crafted item from before the expansions :p So I look a little undergeared.
The Tython Massacre continues unabated.

I was doing Chamber of Secrets yesterday and I couldn't even see the mobs as the engine was still busily loading all the dead bodies. Amazing how they've just let this bug just run without any comment or commitment to fix it. The incompetence and general lack of testing since 4.0 dropped is extraordinary.


Got back in to mainline the stories. Just finished my Inquisitor first story line last night. very satisfying. I'll probably do all the Empire side stories and stop there. Not sure there's much of an end game community.
why does this game keep changing my monitor refresh rate to 144? i have it set to 120 ingame and in windows desktop. so annoying as it changes my color scheme. tried all the "fixes" too. nadda


It's like the just want the game to play itself now. How come my companion, which is set to tank mode has nearly double the offensive stats that I do?


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
Kind of wish they has an option for less experience. You level up so fast now.

When they had 12x XP they had a guy on the fleet who sold an item to disable it while active. Not sure if that guy is still there or if it works with the new XP curve. Probably not but it's worth a look.


So just got and subbed to this, what is the best class to make for storyline purposes? I think I had a relatively high level Inquisitor back at launch but haven't played since then.


When they had 12x XP they had a guy on the fleet who sold an item to disable it while active. Not sure if that guy is still there or if it works with the new XP curve. Probably not but it's worth a look.
Doesn't work since the XP gain is no longer a boost, there's no real way to disable it like you could during that time. It's now just built-in permanently to the quests.
So just got and subbed to this, what is the best class to make for storyline purposes? I think I had a relatively high level Inquisitor back at launch but haven't played since then.

Imperial Agent has far and away the best storyline, from both a writing and design standpoint, but there's merit to all of the classes provided you're in the mood. Inquisitor's probably my favourite from a purely aesthetic point of view--force lightning is hard to beat.
So I'm giving this a shot finally. Am I going to be lost if I've never played Kotor 1 or 2?

You'll miss out on some cameos, that's all. The big story points all have codex entries or explanatory dialog options you can choose. And as a last restore, there's always Wookieepedia.


Sigh, finished chapter 1 of BH and hit a nice bug where I can't continue my class story. Bunch of people reporting the same thing (going back as far as beta). And their customer support is just stupendous...

Not Spaceghost

So I just came back to this, I haven't played since strongholds were about to release. I think I'm just gonna stick to preferred for a while until I hit 55 then I might resub.

Speaking of which I've got 2500 coins in the bank, anything fun to spend them on?

I'm probably gonna buy a new race, not sure what. I think I might go sith assassin so I'll probably buy sith pureblood or rattataki.

How are togruta? Do they have good customization options?
So I just came back to this, I haven't played since strongholds were about to release. I think I'm just gonna stick to preferred for a while until I hit 55 then I might resub.

Speaking of which I've got 2500 coins in the bank, anything fun to spend them on?

I'm probably gonna buy a new race, not sure what. I think I might go sith assassin so I'll probably buy sith pureblood or rattataki.

How are togruta? Do they have good customization options?

Togruta are OK. They're like twi'leks without the awesome lekku physics.
  • Another head tentacle race, hooray!
  • Neat color selection stuff, like a bold purple and red and weird, light colours that are really distinct compared to the other species' selection.
  • Exclusive Cartel Market race.
  • Lekku'd Montails

  • Madd clipping issues because of the head tentacles on the back and front.
  • Low customisation. No scars, just jewelry, face shape, face/head tentacle colour, face tattoo pattern (no colour, always white), head tentacle patterns and colour. So you're largely relying on colour and pattern to make them distinct.
  • Zero helmet visuals because of their head tentacles. They just won't show up--ever.
  • Exclusive Cartel Market race.

Not Spaceghost

Togruta are OK. They're like twi'leks without the awesome lekku physics.
[*]Madd clipping issues because of the head tentacles on the back and front.

And with that tid bit of knowledge I went with sith pureblood for my sith assassin.

Is it just me or is leveling insanely fast now? I'm only preferred and I'm leveling at the speed of light, I find myself only needing to do the class story and a couple of heroics...which they made insanely convenient to do now with the little teleporter item they give you when you accept them.

I can even completely ignore the planet storyline this is insane. How much faster is it for subbed people? Is it only 20% faster from the sub or do they get an even bigger boost?
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