After much review, second guessing and entirely too much homework, I've finally decided exactly how I'm going to break into this game.
- Core Set x 2
- X-Wing Expansion
- TIE Fighter Expansion
- TIE Advanced Expansion
Although I know I'll by flying dominantly Rebel, I wanted to have a complete "house set" knowing that I can get a game set up regardless if my opponent has a core set or not. This ensures I'll have all the necessary hardware to run a game, including all dice, tokens, and all that fun stuff. Ship wise, this leaves me with:
- X-Wings (3)
- TIE Fighters (5)
- TIE Advanced (1)
While not a ton of ships initially, the X-Wing, TIE Fighter and TIE Advanced give me some pretty heavy hitters including Wedge and Vader, as well as access to some better tactics and weaponry. Should be pretty thematic too. As an added bonus, this should all cost under $100, and give me a pretty solid base to get into the game. Having the 3 X-Wings off the bat plays into a few squads I'm already thinking of building, and the swarm of TIE fighters along with a TIE Advanced already allows for a few strategies, and some tactical flexibility. if all this would just get back into stock, I'd be all set.