Flew dual IG-88s at the practice night against two better players, taking on a HWK/Keyan/Biggs list and a Dash Donut/Jan/Z.
Holy shit the dual IG-88s are powerful. I ran them with Advanced Sensors, Push the Limit (may swap for Predator on Sunday), Autothrusters, Inertial Dampeners, a Seismic Charge on one and Mangler Cannons on both.
Ran B and C (evade when you boost, free secondar attack when you miss with an attack).
The biggest issue I had was flying around asteroids. Tricky with large base maneuverable ships. But advanced sensors let you do some great blocking moves against higher PS pilots while still having taken evade/boost and possibly focus as well (with PTL).
Was really hard for anyone to put any damage on me. Super Dash couldn't keep me in arc (indeed, he was frequently arc dodging me), so autothrusters plus using advanced sensors/boost mean I had a nearly auto two evades (one token, one more as long as I didn't roll three focus).
Mangler Cannons getting two chances to hit is key too, and it'll always hit with a crit if one gets through, rains crits down, which was useful multiple times.
Only used Inertial Dampeners once, but it was super successful the time I pulled it out, and was a constant threat in the other game. The seismic charge worked for me both times I played it to, though it's not a lot of damage.
Against turret ships you can get behind and chase them, constantly bumping them, and getting the autothruster bonus. Against Keyan I was able to outmanuever him easily once I had taken out his support. And before that I kept my distance most of the time. Even firing five dice (with HWK support), and turning his stress into focus and rerolling with predator, he still was at most pinging two hits. The one time he had a natural five damage on me, I rolled three evades to go with my token.
Stress, multiple ions, and ships that can outmanuever at a higher PS (ie, Soontir, Phantoms), are likely the only things that can deal with IG-88 right now.