For a Platinum player like myself, what's the best way to start training/improving? Just mass ladder game?
I usually play Random but have lately been leaning towards Protoss, mostly because HerO is such a boss and I'm a fan.
Mass ladder works well IMO. Then start attempting stuff you watch on streams/replays. As long as you know what you want to do, implementing it well is all about practicising your mechanics.
Question for zergs, what do you do when you see Protoss FFE on a relatively large map like Shakuras or Temple? Do you Roach Ling All-in or take a quick 3rd?
I can handle a quick third from most zergs since I can usually snipe it with DTs and transition into Zealot/Archons/HT. However, when I get hit with a roach ling all-in I have like 2 sentries and 2 cannons by the time they hit. Is it even possible to hold a FFE against that kind of all-in?
Most zergs take a third, but the variety of all-ins they can do against FFE are cute.
You can hold against any kind of all-in but some are very difficult if you don't scout exactly what it is. Like I scouted zerg still on one base with a probe and then saw lings knocking down the rocks at my natural (on Nezarim crypt). Obviously this is an all-in and the lings took down my first zealot I scout with, so I threw down 4 cannons behind my wall and went for a stargate. But unbeknownst to me the zerg had made a hatchery near my wall and was spine-crawler rushing me and had 4 queens in time for the first VR. Once the spine crawlers poked away the wall a flood of lings rushed into my base. The zerg was on 14 drones to 36 probes but there was nothing I could do at that point.
Now I could've had cannons on the high ground (to protect the front of the wall against spines) and more gateways but I was too confident the voidrays would hold any ling/roach all-in that I didn't account for spines/queens. Masters zergs yo.
Now I put the second pylon on the high ground and a cannon or two there if an all-in is coming. You can't really be too careful when it comes to dealing with them.