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State of Decay 2 [OT] Surviving bugs and zombies in the post-apocalypse



State of Decay 2 is a third-person, open world, post-apocalyptic zombie survival game available on Xbox One (included in Game Pass) and PC (a Play-Anywhere title). While receiving mixed reviews (Metacritic stands at 66/100 at the time of this OP), Microsoft stated the game has been played by over two million players. Post launch Microsoft announced the acquisition of development studio Undead Labs.

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Sorry for the bare bones OP, but the game has been out for a month already and nobody posted one, so I did so begrudgingly, haha.

I've gone through the game as sheriff, builder, trader and warlord. I'm now on playthrough five, making this my ongoing community (no plan to complete). I'm hoping to recruit a trader so I can elect him/her leader and build a trader outpost. I'm already self-sustaining with a community of 11, settled at the Container Fort at Drucker County. I have builder and sheriff perks, so free daily drops of goodies into my supply closet and free water and electricity.

I got all the achievements but one (10k zeds killed) without even trying really. If you are new and have any questions I may be able to help.
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I was thinking of jumping in and getting this for PC. I was holding off for a potential steam release, especially since a dev play through hinted at one when he got "not connected to steam" message.

But that was before MS bought UndeadLabs and it's been radio silence on a steam release. It's kind of an uncertainty since the buyout. W/E lets see is windows 10 store is as bad as everyone says.

Is there a "breakdown" mode like the first game? That was my bread and butter in the first and I spent over 100 hours in it so I'm real interested in that.


I'm guessing it's still a wait to buy game? It was high on my radar until release with the bugs now i'm looking elsewhere...
I actually like it - I did the first one. Must have spent 80 hours or so thus far. I'd recommend it personally. There is one glaring bug which they haven't resolved - if you have a follower they will disappear and oddly appear on your radar but not in person. Makes some missions pretty tense.
Can I use a dual shock 4 to play with DS4windows or do I need to get a XB1 controller if I want to use a controller. Driving cars with kbm is kinda unappealing.


Can I use a dual shock 4 to play with DS4windows or do I need to get a XB1 controller if I want to use a controller. Driving cars with kbm is kinda unappealing.

I haven't tested State of Decay in particular, but DualShock 4 worked fine with Forza Horizon 3.


I actually like it - I did the first one. Must have spent 80 hours or so thus far. I'd recommend it personally. There is one glaring bug which they haven't resolved - if you have a follower they will disappear and oddly appear on your radar but not in person. Makes some missions pretty tense.
Ever since I had a follower decide it was a good idea to solo a Juggernaut and about 5 zombies outside of a shack I was hunkering down in, I stopped having them tag along. (I ran outside to save her as she was being ripped in half.) I might take someone with me in the future as a pack mule (rucksacks can now be given to followers without dropping them), but they will likely be someone I don't like much.

I've only lost 2 characters in 5 playthroughs. 1) Fearless Juggernaut solo girl and 2) I switched to the Internet Explorer app to Google why a quest item wasn't available (a glitch), thinking changing to an app would pause the gameplay. Nope. My character was dead when I came back. So I had to run across the map to loot her corpse and get my truck back :(.
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Can I use a dual shock 4 to play with DS4windows or do I need to get a XB1 controller if I want to use a controller. Driving cars with kbm is kinda unappealing.
I used one to play this game. I can't remember if I even had to emulate a XB1 controller of if it just worked natively, but it definitely worked.
Yea the DS4 works on PC as a plug and play surprisingly. I'm liking it so far but it's just more SoD so /shrug. Good god though the follower AI is straight up awful at times. I pick the two buddies, Dustin and the other dude. Give him the blood plague cure and do a side mission with the Doctor.

Dustin tags along and we gotta get supplies at some warehouse that's infested. He immediately runs up and triggers a screamer then proceeds to get mauled and die. Then after I complete the mission he fucking radios me a congratulations from beyond the grave.

Never change Undead Labs.
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Yeah the game is extremely unsatisfying. The gameplay itself is so barebones and if that part can’t hook you then how can you be expected to do so much of it to build things up? It’s just such a flawed, unfinished project.

MC Safety

I really like the game, but it's buggy. And the endgame (no matter what path you choose) is awful.

There are some amusing bits, and I like building my bases, recruiting survivors, and collecting resources. The new add-on pack dresses some of the zombies like members of the Continental Congress/patriots from the 1700s.

I actually like it - I did the first one. Must have spent 80 hours or so thus far. I'd recommend it personally. There is one glaring bug which they haven't resolved - if you have a follower they will disappear and oddly appear on your radar but not in person. Makes some missions pretty tense.

Yeah, that bug is really bad. I make sure to dismiss followers every time I get to my base. And sometimes it helps to make the lost follower the main character and the previously selected main character will run up to him/her.


I finally found a trader (who also happened to be a surgeon! [with a cool skull hoodie!]) and elected him my leader. Now I have a trading outpost. Now I just need to recruit a person with the chemistry skill so I can make alcohol and fuel with a still facility.

Then I'll pretty much be even or gaining daily in every resource (I already am actually except materials - but I just installed a antennae in my radio control center, so I opened up a 5th outpost slot for that if needed. I can make killer melee weapons in my forge and get a lot of parts extracted from materials with a furnace mod. My food hydroponics farm gives me +6 food a day I think (with a fertilizer mod) and my meds hydroponics gives me like +4.5.

I need to recruit someone with the driver skill for the fuel efficiency and maybe switch between a garage and a forge for car upgrade kits once in a while. I'd also like to recruit someone with scrum certification, which makes all facility actions much faster, I think.

Before I started the game I re-rolled randoms until I got people with a lichenology skill (+ 2 meds daily), fishing (+2 food daily) and design (increases facility action speed by 50%, I think, but don't remember for sure.)

I'm starting to run into some Red Talon (RTX) gear. My new auto-shotgun pistol and 50 round clip 7.62 scoped rifle (called "hordethinner" or something, haha) are pretty ridiculous. I also have a great race car that I found and just have to run across town to pick it up. And hopefully do so without meeting too many ferals or juggies on the way. Eh, I'll probably send a disposable meat shield with weak skills for the sake of the greater community good.
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Pro tip: Throw a garbage silencer on any bolt action rifle. Bolt action rifles never become jammed or damaged, so you never have to worry about losing your rifle in the middle of combat (so long as you have enough ammo in your pockets/pack). With this tactic you can pick off the Z's from range without ever attracting any attention or losing weapon functionality. (Normally silencers cause guns to jam/become damaged faster than normal use.) Just give me 90 rounds, a scrappy little bolt action rifle from the start of the game, and you can call me Carlos Hathcock.

Revolvers also never become damaged but I haven't seen a silence-able one yet.


VALOR thank you for sharing those tips; and for the OT. This is a game I am taking my time to play. I'm still on the first map, almost done and ready to the next. I've lost two guys in one game; it was brutal, lol. They got bit, infected and I couldn't make it to camp on time to save them. The worst part is that one of them attacked me and I had to put him down... he was my favorite character though :cry: and I had to kill him. I could not find a car to take them back to the infirmary. We were far away from our base. I had a lot of fun with the first game and I am really loving this one. It's just filled with crazy little unexpected moments that make up for a good laugh, frustration in a good dose; or a scare.
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So I started in the foothills, went from the big house in the NE corner to the church on the hill (god that base location was the absolute worst and it was under constant attack) to the storage center in the NW which is a pretty decent base and semi quiet.

Cleared all of the plague hearts, so what's next? What happens when I talk to 4 members of the community? Does it start a new game+ or what? I kinda want to check out the container fort. I had a red talon and network operative enter my area for a mission but both of them died /shrug.

I went with a sheriff as my leader and I do like the passive bonus of the field hospital.


There is no new game +. Once you get the warning that you are on the last mission and complete it, that will finish your game and it's gone. Your survivors can carry on into your next playthrough only with the gear on their person. So stock your favorite 3 with all your best mods, weapons, etc., before finishing if you want to start another map.

I'm not completing my current run for this reason (I've already finished all 4 legacy missions [all disappointing, fyi]). The endgame is terrible and just another couple "missions."


Pro tip: Use your last outpost as a mobile base. My 5th outpost goes with me wherever I go. If I am about the world and need gas, healing, ammo, whatever, I just run up to the closest claimable outpost and make it mine. I clear it out of all the loot. You search much faster in outposts you've claimed and with no noise risk. You can access your base functions and, of course, your supply closet. This is incredibly helpful. You get all the influence back as soon as you cancel the outpost, so there is literally no downside. You can also switch characters, make ammo and fuel and perform any facility function.
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Pro tip: Bring trucks and storage vans to your base for additional rucksack storage. Your supplies will never decay or get thrown out because you have insufficient storage in your base. I have like 40 rucksack slots waiting for me if I need them.


Until the game gets some kind of breakdown mode I wouldn't recommend it, and if it comes in the form of a DLC I'd be severely disappointed. The game is too easy as is, and with the legacies, which is the only real endgame goal, the game just becomes easier every playthrough you go through.

I'd say the saving grace is that it's not AAA priced, so it's not a bad deal necessarily. I certainly enjoyed it during my Gamepass trial but it doesn't last. Wasn't fond of the softcap of 9 survivors for your homebase either.

Highly recommend people to use the Windows 10 Gamepass Free trial for 2 weeks and give it a go that way first before buying
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This game is a chore simulator. I'd get anxiety from the moment it loaded in just knowing that every second ticking away my survivors are running out of food, the house next door is becoming infested, and night time is approaching.


MC Safety

This game is a chore simulator. I'd get anxiety from the moment it loaded in just knowing that every second ticking away my survivors are running out of food, the house next door is becoming infested, and night time is approaching.

There's definitely a sense you're the only one doing things. Neighbors are always calling, wanting stuff, and if you don't deliver they'll "remind" you you aren't living up to your obligations. They'll also leave if you don't rush to help them fast enough. It adds an urgency to the game for sure, but the overall effect is to make you feel as if you're everyone's manservant.

The other stuff isn't so problematic. Infestations are easy to take care of. If you want to make it even easier, you can lure all the zombies from a house or store outside and smash them with a car. Just like in real life, you should never go out after dark alone. And farms and hydroponics gardens ensure your survivors won't starve.
This game may have more to do in terms of sim aspect, but its lack of story killed it for me. I bought an xbox one s just to play this game because i liked the first one very much and now i regret it. The charm wore off real fast and things started getting repetitive real quick.

Again, its a missed opportunity, they could have made the hostile enclave leave the base because its always the zombies you are fending off. You collect resources only to get destroyed by clumsy survivors. I know its zombie apoc sim but the tireless spawn everywhere not giving a seconds rest and so many other frustrating aspects.


This game is a chore simulator. I'd get anxiety from the moment it loaded in just knowing that every second ticking away my survivors are running out of food, the house next door is becoming infested, and night time is approaching.


Yeah, you have to just ignore a lot of that. Infestations? Who cares? They kind of max out and don't have that much impact. I've let mine go for days now. Enclave nagging you? Survivors nagging you? Ignore them all. More will come when they leave. Just let it all be background noise and only do the missions you want. If an enclave has a cool member with a skill you want (or a blank skill line to add one of your choosing with a book), help them until they are recruitable allies. Recruit the member and the enclave will be disbanded (the other 2 members leave). It doesn't effect you.

My base of 9 is completely self-sustaining (all resources 0 or +) except -1 materials/day because I have so many facilities that require them. Now that I installed a satellite dish in my command center (6 outposts now) I could easily have materials be 0 a day if I chose, but I like reserving one outpost as a mobile one I constantly relocate when needed (see my post above). Anyay, all that is to say that the babysitting slows way down and now I'm focused on getting cool guns, up-armored cars and survivors with the exact skills I want. I make extra food to convert to ethanol and then whiskey in my still, which I then sell as a luxury item to traders.
So I spoke to 4 survivors after clearing the plague hearts in the foothills and I guess I'm waiting for something to happen now?

While I haven't played the other two maps yet, I've scavenged like 90% of the structures in the foothills and my biggest gripe with the game is re used assets from the first title. Other than the bases almost every structure is an asset from the first game. All of the houses are one of the two 3-4 bedroom 1 story layout from the first game. All of the police stations, fire stations, gas stations, fast food stores, are all re used assets from the first title. In comparison the Lifeline dlc for the first game was more unique with it's inner city setting and using highways.

Oh and there's zero new special zombies unless you count plague zombies which are just regular zombies with red eyes. Like it's still the same bloater, screamer, juggernaut, and feral, absolutely nothing new. It just boggles me because the first game came out five years ago. WTF has Undead Labs been doing all this time?

I mean look at Vermintide 2 which is a similarly priced series. They added a completely new enemy faction with the chaos warriors.


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
I tried it with GP. Thought it was a bore. Janky game play, average voice acting, non-existent story and lots of walking slowly. It's like Dead Rising minus the humor and fun.


Removing a discrete story was such a boneheaded move. At this point, I'll reiterate what I said in the last thread. You're better off playing the first game. More and better content.

Very disappointed with this release

MC Safety

Removing a discrete story was such a boneheaded move. At this point, I'll reiterate what I said in the last thread. You're better off playing the first game. More and better content.

Very disappointed with this release

This assessment is dead-on. Although I like the idea you're making your own story with the characters you choose and the actions you take, the sequel really does lack for not having an overarching story.

I liked the first game's feeling of progress and accomplishment. I'm not getting the same feeling from "destroy X plague hearts" that I did from the first game's "gather your group, survive, and escape." And, of course, I liked having some fixed characters with real storylines: Ed, Lilly, the Wilkersons, etc.

State of Decay 2 is competent, but I'd like more than just a sandbox.
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Loved the first game, and i really like that the sequel is more of the same with some tweaks. Excited to see what kinda DLC will be coming



My mobile outpost scavenger life is over :,(

I don't see how this change makes the game more fun. It adds some difficulty I suppose, but more tedium than difficulty.


Patch 3.0 Highlights
Feature Improvements

  • All players in a multiplayer game can now use the “Stuck?” radio command.
  • Vehicles will now be teleported by the “Stuck?” radio command.
  • The “Stuck?” radio command now won’t teleport you all the way back to your base.
  • Players can now use the Workshop facility to repair or salvage equipped weapons, rather than having to drop them into the Supply Locker first.
  • Salvaged weapons now return their ammo to your Supply Locker instead of destroying it.
  • Info flyouts for outposts on the map screen now show the outpost number, which corresponds to the outpost number in the base management screen.
  • Players will now see a banner at the top-center of screen when a community member dies, instead of the brief side notification that previously popped up.
  • Players will now see a banner at the top-center of screen when a community member threatens to leave or leaves, instead of the brief side notification that previously popped up.
  • Communities will now automatically claim an appropriate “starter” home site when traveling to a new map.
  • Several radio commands have been enabled for clients in multiplayer games.
  • Players can now drop equipped weapons.
  • Players can now buy 1 individual item from a stack when trading with enclaves.
  • Players can now navigate conversation options with Left Stick as well as D-pad controller input.
  • The Supply Locker is now automatically sorted by item type. Additionally, the Ranged Weapons tab has the option to sort by either ammo caliber or weapon type.
  • When approaching the Storage facility with a rucksack equipped, the interaction text will now display the resource type and the resource yield.
  • The Mysterious Wandering Trader now appears more reliably.
  • Adjusted the cadence of the Independence Pack DLC trader to better balance with the Wandering Trader.
  • The mission that creates the trader who supplies skill books is now called “Skills Trader” (to more clearly communicate its different nature). Also, this mission can now occur during the week (and not just on weekends).

Balance Changes

  • When you abandon an outpost, you’ll be refunded only 60% of the original influence cost, instead of 100%. This increased investment in an outpost is intended to make it feel like a significant choice by the player, rather than an easily swapped “loot-drop” location that drastically alters the overall experience.
  • Proximity mines are no longer triggered by players or by friendly NPCs.

Bug Fixes

  • Players can now improve their Close Combat Specialization skill.
  • Players trying to descend a ladder will no longer experience confused Up/Down controls when the ladder animation involves a camera flip.
  • Players can no longer consume (and waste) energy drinks if their character is still under the effect of a prior energy drink.
  • Grenade launcher rounds no longer occasionally bounce off of fat zombies.
  • Explosives now set off other nearby explosives, such as land mines. Have fun with that;)
  • Losing a benefit that reduces the severity of trauma can no longer kill a character (due to retroactive increase of trauma).
  • Certain rare skills learned from books will now always start at Level 1 as intended.
  • Skill books can no longer be consumed if they would not grant any benefit.
  • Fixed an issue with fire occasionally (and invisibly) remaining in effect beyond the appropriate duration.
  • Recon radio commands now reveal zombies for all players, not just the host.
  • When calling in favors over the radio, the enclave that owes you the favor will now answer, rather than someone from your own community.
  • Facility actions can now be truly instantaneous (cost 0 seconds).
  • Improved the reliability and predictability of the “Stuck?” radio command.
  • Improved the predictability of your starting position when loading back into a saved community.
  • When a home site or previously cleared site becomes infested, it now properly shows an infestation icon on the map.
  • The minimap now zooms in correctly when indoors at an infestation or plague heart.
  • Sell and Buy prices for stacks have been adjusted to fix discrepancies with individual item pricing.
  • The Out of Storage notification now properly triggers when you deposit a rucksack that brings that resource level from just below your base’s maximum capacity to above the maximum capacity.
  • The base management screen’s morale flyout now correctly uses the morale effect’s name instead of the name of the facility providing the effect.
  • Notifications for certain rare skills learned from books now show the correct maximum skill level.
  • The UI for your Storage facility now indicates when withdrawing a rucksack is not possible due to insufficient resources.
  • Fixed an issue with the player’s vehicles not showing up on the map UI after moving to a new map.
  • Flyout info for sites on map screen should now properly show icons for all expected resources.
  • When using the mouse on the map screen, the goal info flyout now shows when hovering over a goal in the list, instead of requiring it to be clicked.
  • Labor and time costs are now shown for facility mod uninstall actions.
  • The Independence Pack supply drop container now shows a “Busy” indicator when another player is interacting with it.
  • Players interacting with the radio menu using a mouse can no longer accidentally click buttons that have been hidden by an opened command category
  • Host no longer sees client’s vehicle help tips.
  • Multiplayer clients are no longer forcibly teleported every time the host switches characters.
  • Multiplayer rewards are now always granted immediately upon return to your saved game
  • Multiplayer location indicators no longer show through the background of the Community screen.
  • Adjusted position of multiplayer name indicators so that they do not overlap when multiple players are in a single vehicle.
  • Fixed an issue causing jerky flashlight movements with bad network updates.
  • Fixed an issue causing flashlights to get “confused” if a player stayed in aim mode for a long time.
  • Vehicle icon now properly persists if the last passenger of a vehicle exits out of a non-driver seat.
  • Fixed an issue with Independence Pack vehicle deliveries occasionally appearing beneath the map (and thus inaccessible.)
  • Clients can now see when their car is properly parked at the host’s base.
  • Clients can now see the name of vehicles while surveying.
  • Added error sound when attempting to select unavailable radio command.
Key Bindings
  • Players who have remapped Struggle and Melee actions to different inputs can now use either one to open locked doors.
  • Tweaked visuals and timing of bloater gas cloud to more closely match effects.
  • Fixed many spots where players could get stuck in the environment.
  • Fixed many instances of world art floating or clipping incorrectly.
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"When you abandon an outpost, you’ll be refunded only 60% of the original influence cost, instead of 100%. This increased investment in an outpost is intended to make it feel like a significant choice by the player, rather than an easily swapped “loot-drop” location that drastically alters the overall experience. "

What kind of crappy change is that...

I guess they have some better replacement for calling a survivor to help coming in some DLC


I was hoping they would fix the Trading Depot bug. I can't call traders anymore with my Depot.


Neo Member
Anyone get vehicles stuck on rocks and ledges all the time? It's the best and I lose vehicals like pocket change! I want to play multiplayer need a casual zombie killing friend who has a casual play schedule. I'm usually available around 8:30pm eastern. Xbox name is Bearadactyle


Anyone get vehicles stuck on rocks and ledges all the time? It's the best and I lose vehicals like pocket change! I want to play multiplayer need a casual zombie killing friend who has a casual play schedule. I'm usually available around 8:30pm eastern. Xbox name is Bearadactyle
Vehicles stuck? Then this update is for you. Just get in your stuck vehicle and press up on the "D" pad (use radio command), then select "Stuck?" You and your vehicle will be spawned elsewhere!
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Neo Member
Vehicles stuck? Then this update is for you. Just get in your stuck vehicle and press up on the "D" pad (use radio command), then select "Stuck?" You and your vehicle will be spawned elsewhere!
Oh I didn't realize they fixed that. I usually ram other vehicles into the stuck ones until they are free lol. Still need a zombie killing buddy!


Oh I didn't realize they fixed that. I usually ram other vehicles into the stuck ones until they are free lol. Still need a zombie killing buddy!
I can't be on tonight (eating out with family), but I can tomorrow. Gamertag: VA1OR (that's a #1 in the middle of standard letters). Happy to play with you any time :). I am in NY state, so Eastern time for me too.


My mic isn't working now because my little kids love dropping my $60 controller on the hardwood floor. So unfortunately I can't chat until I buy a replacement (within a few days, I hope).
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Neo Member
I can't be on tonight (eating out with family), but I can tomorrow. Gamertag: VA1OR (that's a #1 in the middle of standard letters). Happy to play with you any time :). I am in NY state, so Eastern time for me too.


My mic isn't working now because my little kids love dropping my $60 controller on the hardwood floor. So unfortunately I can't chat until I buy a replacement (within a few days, I hope).

Awesome I'll add you! Thanks for being so welcoming to this for forum also!


NeoGAFs Kent Brockman

State of Decay 2's DLC pack Daybreak arrives on PC September 12, adding a new mode to the zombie survival game. You'll play as a new character, a Red Talon soldier, and defend an outpost against seven waves of increasingly tough zombies. The DLC takes place on a new map and doesn't involve your existing community or characters, though rewards you earn in Daybreak will give you benefits in the main game, including the ability to recruit a Red Talon elite soldier.

You'll start out Daybreak armed with the best gear, which will include new guns and melee weapons. Daybreak also brings along a new boss zombie, the blood plague juggernaut. And, if you need help defending against the zombie siege, you can play Daybreak co-op with up to three other players.

Also xbox.


Just what the main game needs, get more stuff to make it even easier. I've never been a fan of DLC that boxes itself up outside the main game. I never play scenarios for instance.

I do think it's a nice tough that at least you'll get stuff for your main game. That way there's at least some connection. I just don't think it makes any sense right now. It being too easy and only getting easier as you play and add legacies is one of my biggest complaints. This sort of DLC should've come after adding Breakdown style difficulty settings and increasing difficulty.
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How is this game now? I've been wanting to get it, but I've been waiting until it had a few patches under its belt to sort it out.
They dropped the ball so bad with this game. First one was so much better. Only thing good about this one is the coop but even then you're tethered to the host.

Thanks to gamepass I didn't give these guys my money.


How is this game now? I've been wanting to get it, but I've been waiting until it had a few patches under its belt to sort it out.
I've put in over 100 hours but what I can say is that its mostly errand boy the game...

Enclaves will constantly ask you for supplies that are literally 2 houses over and even after all the patches it still performs bad on one x...having said that it's fun smashing zombie brains with s friend.
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