Any chance you could elaborate on what exactly in this thread is hateful and ignorant? I'm expecting quite a large number of examples to match what you just said. And not just one dude thinking 'COK' is funny.
I don't know what compelled me to check back on this thread.. . Do you seriously expect me to provide "a large number of examples" to match what I said? Look man, from my perspective (a russian/ukrainian immigrant living in Canada, so please no need to go detective mode for my twitter or broken English for signs of bias thank you) this thread went from funny to quickly ignorant to fucking hateful. Simple as that.
You have people hating on a language and a foreign alphabet that just post whatever shit they can find in the internet toilet, you have people spreading misinformation and fake pictures but when you try to reason with them and provide a source it just can't work, now it's just free hateful comments like "abominable shithole" , "third world country" to "slaves working" to idk what other unacceptable garbage...
Yes I find that Poutine's Russia is bad, that the discriminating policies are disgraceful and I wouldn't trade my Canadian citizenship to go back for anything but goddamn I just want to enjoy the games because it's a celebration and I've been looking forward to them for a while but I can't even do that in the damn OT because during the opening ceremony this garbage spilled there too, I'm just tired of it. Going against the grain here but eh, peace.