Our hockey team had problems entering the main hockey arena - security did not let several staff members and players in and locker room was locked. So they had 5 minutes to unpack whole gear. And they even had problems getting out, because security locked them in....
meanwhile from our journalists
East Asian countries usually have a mini rinserthingie next to the toilet so you can clean with that, and just use the paper to dry off though... And this included all the places I stayed, and that ranges from 4 star hotels in Koh Samui, Thailand to bungalows on Koh Rong, Cambodia, where they didn't even have proper electricity.
They don't need more bedsheets ruined.
Almost every room is missing something: lightbulbs, TVs, lamps, chairs, curtains, wifi, heat, hot water.
In the Ekaterininsky Kvartal hotel, the elevator is broken and the stairway is unlit, with stairs of varying and unpredictable heights.
Outside the Chistya Prudy, there is a bag of concrete in a palm tree, leaking grey down the trunk. Inside, some of the electrical outlets are just plates screwed into drywall.
Sports Illustrated's Brian Cazeneuve had to clamber through a window to get out of his hotel on Tuesday morning, since the doors were all unexpectedly locked. Chris Stevenson of the Ottawa Sun was without electricity for the first day.
This is hilarious. They need to get the water fixed at minimum. You can't host thousands of people and not give them clean water.
My childish mind is going all Beavis and Butthead on the third one.Do not step on sacred snow with durty shoese
I think Beijing would be the best host city to compare this to but I don't think they had any problems like this. Being corrupted to the core results it.This stuff sounds genuinely awful. Did anything like this happen in London or Vancouver?
Ok, so you pee in one drawer and poop in another. But what about the third one?
this is gonna be the ricketiest shit show ever, i can't wait.
The Olympics shouldn't be held in third world countries.
The reasons are well laid out in this doc:If Sochi does turn out to be a fiasco, it would be interesting to know what the real reasons are.
Not even remotely close. Even the 2012 G4S security fuckup was quickly remedied by the army.This stuff sounds genuinely awful. Did anything like this happen in London or Vancouver?
I live in Croatia (so more central than eastern europe, but still ex communist country) and i never ever heard about no TP in toilet rule.
That said it seems so disgusting that i would refuse to stay in such room. Or i would say fuck it and flush it anyway
lol wikipediaNot even remotely close. Even the 2012 G4S security fuckup was quickly remedied by the army.
London and Vancouver are massive, established cities. When the landowner and construction contracts went out, they were snapped up immediately because the buildings had value regardless of the Olympics (e.g. London's Olympic Village was quickly repurposed as affordable housing a year later). With Sochi, most of these facilities and hotels are going to be empty and abandoned the moment the games end, so the only way to get them built is through handouts and corruption. It will never become the international tourist destination Putin wants.
People also forget the Winter Olympics is much smaller in scale compared to the Summer games. Far fewer athletes attend and you only need a fraction of the stadiums and facilities. For Russia to spend so much on so little, with such poor results, is mind boggling.
Yeah, that's nice, but probably not so smart to copy/paste Wikipedia for on-going, complex issues and definitely not for uncited figures. Especially ones that involve as much corruption as this.lol wikipedia
The Russian Government provided nearly 327 billion roubles (about US$10 billion) for the total development, expansion and hosting of the Games.[citation needed] 192 billion roubles coming from the federal budget and 7 billion roubles from the Krasnodar Krai budget and from the Sochi budget. The organizers expect to have a surplus of US$300 million when the Games conclude.
Financing from non-budget sources (including private investor funds) is distributed as follows:[10]
Tourist infrastructure: $2.6 billion
Olympic venues: $500 million
Transport infrastructure: $270 million
Power supply infrastructure: $100 million
Dmitry Kozak, deputy prime minister in charge of Olympic preparations, has argued that the $51 billion number is misleading. Only $6 billion of that is directly Olympics-related, he says; the rest has gone to infrastructure and regional development the state would have carried out anyway. That may be true, though its hard to imagine the Russian government building an $8.7 billion road and railway up to the mountains without the Games.
Christ I hope their security is of a higher standard.
It's a massive target for Chechen terrorists, haven't there already been kidnapping threats against some of the atheletes?
Apparently the security is super Draconian and handled by the Russian military.
Basically Sochi is going to be like a prison camp.
You say that likes its terrible and the security should be incredibly lax.
That's where they keep the seashells.Ok, so you pee in one drawer and poop in another. But what about the third one?
Yeah, that's nice, but probably not so smart to copy/paste Wikipedia for on-going, complex issues and definitely not for uncited figures. Especially ones that involve as much corruption as this.
Have a little read about how those low Wikipedia numbers came about.
One of my favourite quotes:
Wow, ITT I learned that in some countries its common to throw toilet paper in the actual toilet. Wtf. Here (Brazil) we are thought not to do so since we are really young. :lol Thats so weird.
Not even close.That's where they keep the seashells.
http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/o...chiproblems-olympic-village-article-1.1602530Another newcomer, a German photographer arrived to find his media hotel room unfinished. He was moved to a second room where still-busy construction workers had taken up residence.
His third room was occupied by a stray dog.
When I came out of the elevator, there was the dog, recalled Joerg Reuter of the European Pressphoto Agency. I said, Right, thats it.
I look forward to naked pictures of athletes online by the weekend. :lolHas this been posted yet?
Basically, people visiting Sochi should not use any device that has personal information on it, due to rampant hacking. I had no idea it was that bad.
OMG the wrong way round toilet seat in that Twitter feed. Someone hold me please, I've never seen anything as hilariously shambolic.
How does it make sense to keep a bin full of paper covered in shit in every toilet? There's a reason why toilets and sinks have a U-bend.
Not quite. It's for taking turns after you drank some water.lol, are those chairs for people waiting for to use the single toilet?
Perfectly normal across East Asia.
I still flush the paper in my apartment though. I ain't emptying that bin.
OMG the wrong way round toilet seat in that Twitter feed. Someone hold me please, I've never seen anything as hilariously shambolic.