STEAM 2013 Announcements & Updates VIII - Don't ask when the sales are starting.

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Tons of crazy people right now


I'm going to join them

You'll regret it later.
Only the perfection of Primal Carnage will wash you clean.


Damn that weekly deal is alright even if the only game I need is Zeno Clash 2


I'm a bit of a digital hoarder, I admit. I've gotten caught up in the whole "expand your Steam library at the cost of the living and furry". After becoming used to the giveaways, I only enter games that I may want to play, but often, there are keys that just lay sitting because no one in the thread wants them, so I eventually try to grab them up. (Hence why mostly bundle stuff) Okay, that's just an excuse, I do really like winning things, I'm normally an unlucky fellow and it feels nice.
damn brah where'd you come from you are a silent contender

you still can't touch the king tho


damn brah where'd you come from you are a silent contender

you still can't touch the king tho

I didn't realize I'd gone that far. I'm sorry all, and I'll try to be mindful of others, and only enter contests for games I really want to win, or ones that no else seems to want. Harikiri is still option, if that appeases the powers that be.


ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 3 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line below that corresponds to the key you want (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering).

Rules for this Giveaway:
- If you are a lurker you are not eligible for this giveaway. You need five or more posts in either the current Steam thread or the previous one to be eligible
- This giveaway is a LIGHTNING raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 15 minutes after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two:

Killing Floor -- MB-BA6E0620583D2A8A - Taken by tylergregg. 8 entrants total.
Zeno Clash -- MB-8D49425CF42FBFD0 - Taken by gabrielt16. 2 entrants total.
Dwarfs!? -- MB-F0F55F1423115828 - Taken by Faabulous. 3 entrants total.




Guess they... forgot.

I played it on 360, was a decent combat oriented game. Not quite what I expected, but I had a lot of fun with it. (There were a few extremely frustrating parts, and some of the memory stuff didn't make sense until I played around with it quite a bit but the memory stuff was pretty cool albeit there was much less of it than I had originally expected


Ok something weird happened.

I was getting cards from playing The Swapper, and they're relatively rare so I found that they were selling pretty fast - I hadn't sold anything I think before them, so I was satisfied. I took a look at my active listings and saw that I'd put everything at 0.4€, no fucks given, so obviously nothing was being sold. I decided to change the prices to fit my new-found strategy which worked so well on the Swapper cards: set the price to 0.01 or 0.02 lower than the highest latest sale.

I had 40 items to sell.

I sold 30 of them in less than 2 minutes (I am not exaggerating, I was receiving emails before I'd finished putting everything on the market.)

I just sold another one while writing this.

I guess I'm glad that I got rid of everything, but maybe I undervalued them...?


Have fun

ModBot said:
Instructions for Diedac:
Press the quote button to the left of this PM, select the quoted text, copy, and paste in the thread. You can remove these lines from the version you paste.

Instructions for participants:
I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line below containing the key.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- This giveaway is a LIGHTNING raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 15 minutes after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two:

Killing Floor -- MB-065A207DEF92BC38 - Taken by MakeshiftChef. 5 entrants total.

Clash some Zeno.

ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line below containing the key.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two:

Zeno Clash -- MB-57821C4ECFDE72FD - Taken by MarcoZombieCannon
Ok something weird happened.

I was getting cards from playing The Swapper, and they're relatively rare so I found that they were selling pretty fast - I hadn't sold anything I think before them, so I was satisfied. I took a look at my active listings and saw that I'd put everything at 0.4€, no fucks given, so obviously nothing was being sold. I decided to change the prices to fit my new-found strategy which worked so well on the Swapper cards: set the price to 0.01 or 0.02 lower than the highest latest sale.

I had 40 items to sell.

I sold 30 of them in less than 2 minutes (I am not exaggerating, I was receiving emails before I'd finished putting everything on the market.)

I just sold another one while writing this.

I guess I'm glad that I got rid of everything, but maybe I undervalued them...?

That's how I always sell my stuff. I put them all on the market in the evening at ~0.01-0.02 cheaper than the lowest offer and all are sold in the morning.

I could probably make 10-20% more on them but then I'd have to wait and probably relist them when prices change too much.


I had 40 items to sell.

I sold 30 of them in less than 2 minutes (I am not exaggerating, I was receiving emails before I'd finished putting everything on the market.)

People are buying cards in droves to craft badges to get Winter Seal cards early.
I have no idea why.


Surprisingly, there's a lot of churn on the markets. If you look at the counts of sales a day (from the graphs) you can get a good idea of how low you really need to go. I used to sell case from CS:GO, and got to the point where I'd put it up a few steps from the lowest prices late at night, and usually they'd have sold before I woke up the next morning.

Cases sell quite often though, and have a higher throughput of sales than what I remember of cards. (I don't really sell cards unless I already have a level 5 badge...)
Samurai Gunn and Teslagrad in the same week! Awesome
If you guys played the Teslagrad demo and thought it showed too much, don't. The areas from the demo is only like the first 30 minutes of the game. There's a lot more to come


I didn't realize I'd gone that far. I'm sorry all, and I'll try to be mindful of others, and only enter contests for games I really want to win, or ones that no else seems to want. Harikiri is still option, if that appeases the powers that be.
borntoplay's post history begins and ends with taking modbot games, his modus operandi, and he's taken games that he didn't want just to trade them away, if he's still around you are golden my friend


The Humble Weekly is very unappealing to me. Only game of interest is Rock of Ages, but that tends to be very cheap in sales anyway. Wonder when the Popcap bundle will appear, the Steamdb entry for that was made ages ago.

Man, SteamWorld Dig is really good! I've only been able to spend a couple of hours with it so far but I am not regretting my purchase in the slightest. There seems to be so much to do...digging down in the depths, finding loots, upgrading, exploring, solving shit. The art style and presentation are top notch. I'm really looking forward to seeing what else the game has in store for me! Check it out my fellow gaffers! Add it to your ever growing list of games! Actually play it?! At the very least add it to your wishlist...


The Humble Weekly is very unappealing to me. Only game of interest is Rock of Ages, but that tends to be very cheap in sales anyway. Wonder when the Popcap bundle will appear, the Steamdb entry for that was made ages ago.

Not really ages ago, couple of weeks, but ya it'll be nice to finally get it and be over with, not to be tempted by unimpressive discounts we'll likely get at winter sales.


Surprisingly, there's a lot of churn on the markets. If you look at the counts of sales a day (from the graphs) you can get a good idea of how low you really need to go.
Yeah, I've seen people describe the Steam markets as a race to the bottom. However, if you look at the graphs, you can see where people really undervalued a card's worth, because the price bumps back up to a relatively stable value. The stable value is effectively the market worth of the card, because it's where the supply matches the demand and what people are willing to pay.

E.g., the foil cards really aren't intrinsically more valuable. They're just rarer, so there's fewer of them, so there's less sellers are more potential buyers. This keeps the price higher because people jump in on them before the price can go lower.


Not really ages ago, couple of weeks, but ya it'll be nice to finally get it and be over with, not to be tempted by unimpressive discounts we'll likely get at winter sales.

The entry was made on the 11th of last month. But "ages" is probably an exaggeration, it's just annoying it has been taking a while, since it is one I've been looking forward to.


Thanks for nothing gamefly.
Rather than just purchase Lost Planet 3 I have to wait for it "verify" damn afghan internet.
Even amazon just lets me grab the game as long as all my credentials line up.
Hopefully it goes through. Last time I had to get verified the order was cancelled but that was with gamestop.
Thanks for Killing Floor, Diedac!

On that note, it apparently gave me 2 guest passes for it as well. If any of you would like to try it before you buy it, just let me know.



Man, SteamWorld Dig is really good! I've only been able to spend a couple of hours with it so far but I am not regretting my purchase in the slightest. There seems to be so much to do...digging down in the depths, finding loots, upgrading, exploring, solving shit. The art style and presentation are top notch. I'm really looking forward to seeing what else the game has in store for me! Check it out my fellow gaffers! Add it to your ever growing list of games! Actually play it?! At the very least add it to your wishlist...

Yes. So good!

I'll probably finish it up tomorrow after finals.


Time for me to give back:

ModBot said:
Instructions for tjohn86:
Press the quote button to the left of this PM, select the quoted text, copy, and paste in the thread. You can remove these lines from the version you paste.

Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 2 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line below that corresponds to the key you want (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering).

Rules for this Giveaway:
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two:

Rock of Ages -- MB-9F859D731D05F54A - Taken by RS4-
Zeno Clash -- MB-1886D4F5DD1D6A08 - Taken by ussjtrunks
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