evil solrac v3.0
if I have to buy a bunch of indie games just to gather tickets to redeem I don't think I'll have a s big a haul as I had last year.
What's the deal with Christmas cheevos? They will count them when sale starts and you get stuff for it?
Sequence is currently unavailable?
So what's the consensus on Nuclear Dawn? I see it has a decent amount of players on the Steam Stats page. Worth the price? Will the community last beyond the free weekend/sale? I might be down for a 4pack if the population won't go back to where it was a month ago
See BRINK for example, haha
The Atom Zombie Smasher achievement is a pain. Almost made it to wave 6.
press the - key to slow the game speed.
How the heck do I select spells in spellset in Sequence? I'm stuck on the screen. All I can do is practice casting, it won't let me exit the screen UGH
See if you have Auto Update turned off. That's what the problem was for me.
I can't seem to get the Bastion achievement. I started a new game and made it to the Bastion and it didn't show up. Is there some specific condition which needs to be met to get it?
Hope they fix whatever is going on before the sale (or the TF2 update)
Did you fall off the crumbling bridge before you got to the Skyway?
.... that is some horrible animation on Tycho. I'm not just talking about the eyes.
The whole damn thing is icky.
Can someone help me farm the L4D2 holiday achievement?
You mean modeling.
It's not hard to get. From my experience the gift boxes mostly spawn in the first two maps of the campaigns; I've only rarely seen them spawn in the 3rd map of a campaign. Took me under half an hour to get.Can someone help me farm the L4D2 holiday achievement?
With the ability to bet anything in your inventory, including gift games.I'd bet they would have 10 times the sales on Poker Night if they added online multiplayer. Really missed opportunity there.
I don't think they'd want to get into the whole gambling thing, if they do, might be a nice time to expand the 'ol legal department.With the ability to bet anything in your inventory, including gift games.
I don't think they'd want to get into the whole gambling thing, if they do, might be a nice time to expand the 'ol legal department.
What were the start/end dates for the christmas sales of 2010`?
http://steamtreasurehunt.wikia.com/wiki/Winter_ObjectivesWhere are these Xmas achievements listed?
Above post.
Have you tried the option to verify your games? It might notice that there's a new version on the content servers to fetch.