Stallion Free
Cock Encumbered
Lol @ dat Walking Dead achievement list.
Tequila Works was added to the registry, so it looks like Deadlight will also be on Steam since that's there only title.
Lol @ dat Walking Dead achievement list.
Tequila Works was added to the registry, so it looks like Deadlight will also be on Steam since that's there only title.
Tequila Works was added to the registry, so it looks like Deadlight will also be on Steam since that's there only title.
Tequila Works was added to the registry, so it looks like Deadlight will also be on Steam since that's there only title.
Torchlight II pre-order coming soon.
I think Rockstar is going to have a sale soon. Reg updates to GTA, Midnight Club, Manhunt, Max Payne, Bully and LA Noire.
Yes. YESSS.Manhunt, Max Payne
Tequila Works was added to the registry, so it looks like Deadlight will also be on Steam since that's there only title.
Nice. I was hoping this would come out for the PC.
I was afraid to ask in the Deadlight threads about a PC version. Good to see it's (probably) coming.
Signal Studios dropped several information bombs today about its Toy Soldiers series, with the first volley announcing that the original Toy Soldiers will be available on Steam and Games for Windows Live Marketplace today for $9.99. The Steam version will be 25 percent off during launch week.
Yes yes yes.
Steam is kicking a disgustingly large amount of ass lately.
holy shiet. Is it using GFWL?
Torchlight II pre-order coming soon.
I think Rockstar is going to have a sale soon. Reg updates to GTA, Midnight Club, Manhunt, Max Payne, Bully and LA Noire.
Next Steam feature request: Allow people to use higher quality JPG (if not actual PNG) compression for Steam screenshots instead of requiring Fraps + an image converter.
I've wondered that to but the only place to buy Manhunt digitally was Direct 2 Drive and I don't know if there is another place to get it now.Why the fuck is Manhunt 2 AO-Edition (or any edition for that matter) not on Steam? Even if it's not that great of a game, I'd rather buy that than some crusty old Midnight Club.
Manhunt should be required playing for everyone.
I don't own it on Steam. I need to get on that.
Edit: If you can use a controller with it okay. Can't imagine it being a good KB/M game.
Any news on when exactly will Binary Domain hit Steam?
Any news on when exactly will Binary Domain hit Steam?
I've wondered that to but the only place to buy Manhunt digitally was Direct 2 Drive and I don't know if there is another place to get it now.
I've read that it's this Friday.
Dead Space 2 for $5? I guess I should finally bite.
I had zero qualms paying $120 total for them both.
I loved the atmosphere of the first game, but it really stressed me out playing it and I never finished it. I hear Dead Space 2 is more action-focused than the first game.
Steam transfers an obscene amount of bandwidth already for games, so I wouldn't guess that 100-300kB more per screenshot would add -that- much extra. Maybe I'm wrong though.Bandwidth costs?
How's Lone Survivor?
Next Steam feature request: Allow people to use higher quality JPG (if not actual PNG) compression for Steam screenshots instead of requiring Fraps + an image converter.
It seems like Ubisoft will be releasing Peter Jackson's King Kong on Steam.
Evochron Mercenary
50% off
Dead Space series
75% off
I would buy Evochron if I wasn't content with X3 so far. It's taking up alot of time![]()
It seems like Ubisoft will be releasing Peter Jackson's King Kong on Steam.
It doesn't work on Windows 7 at all, if memory serves.
It seems like Ubisoft will be releasing Peter Jackson's King Kong on Steam.
I love X3 and I've wanted to try Mercenary for ages. $12 is the right price to give it a shot. Now hopefully I can get my friend to jump in too and play some co-op.
Steam transfers an obscene amount of bandwidth already for games, so I wouldn't guess that 100-300kB more per screenshot would add -that- much extra. Maybe I'm wrong though.
lol ubisoftWait, the movie or the game? I'm so confused. I wish there was a way to prevent this confusion.
Interesting bit from the Wikipedia: "-The PC version is also known to utilize the StarForce copy protection system, which may cause unforeseen difficulties for players, especially those using Microsoft Windows 7. No patch has been released by the publisher to remedy this problem."
How's Lone Survivor?