So the 4 pm RPS reveal was EQ Next wasnt it.
So the 4 pm RPS reveal was EQ Next wasnt it.
lol everquest
its pretty tho
So the 4 pm RPS reveal was EQ Next wasnt it.
So the 4 pm RPS reveal was EQ Next wasnt it.
Check out the posts, everything they are doing sounds pretty innovative.
Did they announced how is the subscription plan?
I read and watched the thing live. It's interesting, but it's also still an MMO.
Jesus H Christ @ Everquest Next.
Super ambitious. Voxelized world? Hot damn, I hope they can deliver.
I read and watched the thing live. It's interesting, but it's also still an MMO.
Hope its not P2W. All these features that are being commented makes me want to try the game when released.
Me too, but I think they did a good job on Planetside 2 which was ambitious as well, so I am optimistic, and besides, it's apparently free to try.
Yes, that's why a lot of people are interested in it.
Automatically makes the game bad?
I can admit my interest in MMOs has gone down, but this does look compelling.
"automatically" ties the game to tropes and progression that I dont really enjoy
but hey, i'll keep an eye out for it being different further
Hope its not P2W. All these features that are being commented makes me want to try the game when released.
Alright at first I thought "Meh Everquest" but this info coming out is sounding really hot. Like, this could be pretty good even though I'll probably burn out in beta like most MMOs.
IMO, every F2P game needs to be P2W in order to let the devs/publisher survive. Not making a F2P game P2W is suicide.
Very debatable.
Right now:
Everquest next >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Elder Scrolls Online
IMO, every F2P game needs to be P2W in order to let the devs/publisher survive. Not making a F2P game P2W is suicide.
Everquest next >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Elder Scrolls Online
I think Dota 2 is a pretty good counterexample to this.
I think Dota 2 is a pretty good counterexample to this.
Any game for the past 10 years >>>>>>>> Elder Scrolls Online
The problem with using DOTA 2 and TF2 as examples, is Valve also profits on bringing people into the Steam ecosystem.
IMO, every F2P game needs to be P2W in order to let the devs/publisher survive. Not making a F2P game P2W is suicide.
Not The Old Republic.
IMO, every F2P game needs to be P2W in order to let the devs/publisher survive. Not making a F2P game P2W is suicide.
Of all F2P games I have liked it is Planetside 2, Blacklight: Retribution and Tribes: Ascend.
Path of Exile isnt P2W, they sell cosmetics things and more storage space nothing that breaks the game.
Tribes: Ascend is by far the best F2P game out there.
Batman: AC update.
Client Icon just changed, not sure why.
Its funny because the latter two could really be construed as P2W.
Especially Tribes, in the beginning. It may be better now.
I know what I played BL:R there were some weapons that you could buy that were leagues more powerful than those available for lower levels.
You could level up, but it would take many, many hours.
PoE is probably one of the best examples of F2P done right.
Now what I really want to know is what they really were talking about that multiclassing stuff. Does it mean you can progress in the game without levelling - maybe there is no levelling at all? (which would be coherent with the emergent AI, since they might not be able to ensure that area X is for beginners and area Y is end-game stuff...) And are the classes only combat-oriented, or can I find a "wise teacher" or "hardened fisherman" class if I explore far enough into a library or an ocean? Because that would be the best.
I'm seeing the same icon for the Arkham City version, the GOTY has the icon in the right!
That's the first thing I thought too.
At first I just kind of decided to watch the stream on a whim.
After the stream:
They did not go into that amount of detail.
They just said that there were 9 starting classes, and 40 classes out in the world to find and mix and match.
I don't think MS will announce a date when they kill GWL. They are just gonna kill it slowly in secret. There is a reason CapCom, Dark Souls 2, Batman: Arkham Origins and MS themself are jumping over and using Steamworks.
I hope there's some way to patch it out of previous games if they are straight up slaying the beast. Maybe I could actually play Bioshock 2 all the way through without having my save eaten.
I hope there's some way to patch it out of previous games if they are straight up slaying the beast. Maybe I could actually play Bioshock 2 all the way through without having my save eaten.
Tribes: Ascend is by far the best F2P game out there.
(sorry it's pretty hot here... those manners...)
Bioshock 2 and the Batman: Arkham games are rumored to quit GFWL and go over to Steamworks.
The majority of PC gamers like/love to use Steam and love the benefit they are getting from Steamworks so the best way as a dev or publisher to make sure a game sells good on PC is to make it a Steamworks game or just reedemable on Steam. At least Ubisoft allows their parners to choose UPlay or Steam (CoJ: Gunslinger uses Steam as far as I know).
You are right, Ubi allows studios that aren't first party to publish as they wish. And, of course, they choose Steam.
should we expect Everquest to be coming to Steam?
Almost ever time I see a shop like GreenManGaming, Gamersgate, GameFly, GetGamesGo or any of the other 100 shops have a sale on a game and the game is not Steam reedamable there is always many people who comments "No Steam no buy". That should send a message to the dev/publisher.
When for example the Norwegian shop had a sale on Future Soldier and it was not Steam reedamable there were comments on the forum and like "WTF? No Steam, fuck that, not buying."
should we expect Everquest to be coming to Steam?
should we expect Everquest to be coming to Steam?