What's up with the paltry 10% discount?
Wonder if this version will be patchable like previous PES releases without triggering any anit-cheating software.
This one is really strange.
Name: Obsidian Conflict
Description: Kill a Combine Soldier with his own AR2 ball.
I'm not sure what possessed Konami to call the game that instead of Pro Evolution Football, since I assume most of the audience is probably not American.
I'm not sure what possessed Konami to call the game that instead of Pro Evolution Football, since I assume most of the audience is probably not American.
Yeah, I learned in the first few minutes of the game to never set up a camp fire under a tree in the middle of a forest. I found out how to get charcoal that way though, so it's good
This game is fun but kind of stressful, especially when your character starts hallucinating and hearing things. I can't seem to force myself to go for another round after I die. I needed time to recover from the state of defeat, I guess.
Japan is another country where they often use soccer instead of football.
Ah, now it makes sense.Mainly to do with Japan always calling Football Soccer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japan_Soccer_League. Even more weird is that when PES was first released in NA it kept the Winning Eleven moniker.
jesus all these steam leaks... is this going to be the year of Steam? man everything is coming to PC now.
All this MS stuff coming to Steam makes me have fears of Durango using Steam in some kind of way.
It feels like we need a name for this "event"...so many games revealed and even more hinted at.
It's like a mini golden era. I don't know what to call it though.
Speaking of learning lessons, my current run was going great until I ran out of food and had to eat some mushrooms to stay alive. I found some that restored my health and were quite filling so I quickly ate several of them.....not realizing that they were draining my sanity. I'm no longer starving but I am tripping fucking balls. Great.
It feels like we need a name for this "event"...so many games revealed and even more hinted at.
It's like a mini golden era. I don't know what to call it though.
It feels like we need a name for this "event"...so many games revealed and even more hinted at.
It's like a mini golden era. I don't know what to call it though.
"Steamleaks"? GAF version of Wikileaks.
That or something about the registry...
Damn, so many strange reveals and leaks!
I can't believe that all the licensing bullshit and they are going to get two Disney CLASSICS on Steam? I thought that would never happen.
I'm planning on picking up Hotline Miami and maybe Binding of Isaac tomorrow. Can't wait to try them out but I'm definitely getting a case of Steam madness here.
GeyserIt feels like we need a name for this "event"...so many games revealed and even more hinted at.
Not sure why that would be a bad thing.
Really enjoyed reading this thread for the last few daysBig thanks to everything doing the detective work, it's been very entertaining (and continues to be!)
Not sure why that would be a bad thing.
I was wondering if anyone could help me out in getting Don't Starve? I tried using an Amazon Gift card via Amazon Payments but, apparently, I can't transfer money from my giftcard to Amazon Payments b/c my account balance there is $0.00. I can't transfer money from my bank account to Amazon b/c there was suspicious charges on it and it's on hold for a bit (or I would've used PayPal).
So, what I'm hoping is that someone could by Don't Starve from the dev's site (http://www.dontstarvegame.com/blog/landing/buynow.html, so that I can get the Chrome web app version too) and click the "Purchase as a gift" checkbox. Here are the games that I could give in return:
And I've got a bunch of other stuff in my inventory:
If someone can, just shoot my a PM so that I can give you my email. Thanks!
Massive Slippery Slope argument here.
If Microsoft and Steam joined forces it would obliterate the console wars.
Microsoft would have such an advantage going in with a huge library and millions of Steam users potentially buying consoles.
Sony would be left in the dust. Nintendo seems to be a diminished competitor in the console space this upcoming generation already.
Microsoft would be left with a monopoly. If it is in this position, then the consumer loses.
Think about how many anti-consumer practices Microsoft would implement, think about the ones they already implement.
XBL Gold
Windows 8 App Store
Always Online DRM -potential
No Used Games - potentail
Massive Slippery Slope argument here.
If Microsoft and Steam joined forces it would obliterate the console wars.
You are forgetting about Apple. They are like the white walkers coming down from the North that nobody notices in their own war until it is too late. In those dark days, strange new alliances will be needed.
lol, this is great. I hope they keep this name.
man....loving DetectiveGAF past few days. TON of great news! You guys are awesome.