Finished NuPrey. Great game though quite a few bugs and the ending was a little bit rushed. Any places where I can get OldPrey other than Kinguin or G2A? I have the 360 version but never played and probably never will.
i prefer 2d zelda's and 2d mario's
Metal Gear Fans can be in the same boat as Silent Hill fans with Steam, in fact MGS fans have it better. The only Silent Hill game on Steam is a shoddy port of Silent Hill Homecoming of all fucking thing, while there's actually pretty good but rare and expensive PC ports of Silent Hill 2, 3, & 4 Konami made back in the day but seem to refuse to update and bring to Steam.
Finished NuPrey. Great game though quite a few bugs and the ending was a little bit rushed. Any places where I can get OldPrey other than Kinguin or G2A? I have the 360 version but never played and probably never will.
and 2D Metroids/ Castlevanias
8 character minimum. At least one: Upper case letter; lower case letter; and symbol OR number. Cannot contain username.
Metal Gear Fans can be in the same boat as Silent Hill fans with Steam, in fact MGS fans have it better. The only Silent Hill game on Steam is a shoddy port of Silent Hill Homecoming of all fucking thing, while there's actually pretty good but rare and expensive PC ports of Silent Hill 2, 3, & 4 Konami made back in the day but seem to refuse to update and bring to Steam.
I bet good old Jim doesn't even have that tab, since it's an ES feature.
There's gotta be a thread when it happens, and of course the usual posts.
In Crusader Kings II: Jade Dragon, Paradox Development Studio introduces the Empire of China as an off-map influence that can give great rewards or great dangers to those whose realms lie in the shadow of the Dragon. Flatter the Emperor with gifts of gold or concubines. Ask favors from the mighty prince. Stay on the good side of his appointed marshals on your borders.
Whats the old saying about crisis being both danger and opportunity?
Features coming in Crusader Kings II: Jade Dragon include:
The Imperial Majesty Request: A new China Screen lays out the status and desires of the Emperor of China, letting you keep tabs on what he wants and how to earn his grace
Kow-tow For Now: Submit to the Empire as a tributary, always keeping an eye on the waning power of the Emperor, so you can time your escape to freedom
Adventure in the Great Wide Somewhere: Disgruntled princes or curious adventurers may leave China to seek their own fortune to the west.
Booty and the East: Collect wondrous new Chinese artifacts for your characters, and explore a new Silk Road system that adjusts returns based on Chinas stability.
Rally Points: Instruct your levies to automatically gather up exactly where you want them.
Dictionary of Chinese Characters: New Chinese and Tibetan portraits and Chinese units bring the empire to life
Eight New Casus Bellis: You can never have enough
So where is the Steam version of MGS2?
What did the Nvidia shield ever do to deserve such a game? Who even cares about that device?
Dammit this is wrong SteamGAF
This whole thing is so fucking wrong. This is like something Kojima would do to troll PC gamers.
From what I understood, the Nvidia ports of MGS titles are done by an external company hired from Nvidia, so probably the only thing Konami did was signing some papers to give the ok on doing those ports.
If the PS360 fiasco is anything to go by, it's likely due to Voice acting royalities or licensing issues.
I'd love to replay an updated Silent Hill 3 on PC. I'm not an horror fan but I really liked that one and it looked so good on a puny PS2.
Whoa that PC Gamer Top 100 thread.
Why are people so narcissistic & insecure?
Can't deny the Popcorn Factor though.
Whoa that PC Gamer Top 100 thread.
Why are people so narcissistic & insecure?
Can't deny the Popcorn Factor though.
Whoa that PC Gamer Top 100 thread.
Why are people so narcissistic & insecure?
Can't deny the Popcorn Factor though.
IS there any Falcom in the list or should I not botherWhoa that PC Gamer Top 100 thread.
Why are people so narcissistic & insecure?
Can't deny the Popcorn Factor though.
There is not.IS there any Falcom in the list or should I not bother
There is not.
Pretty sure the list is old anyway, was in last months magazine (or the month before)
Whoa that PC Gamer Top 100 thread.
Why are people so narcissistic & insecure?
Can't deny the Popcorn Factor though.
But since Dark Souls is No. 2 that places Trails in the Sky at No. 1 by extension, so I'm kinda ok with it.Then the list is 100% wrong.
Whoa that PC Gamer Top 100 thread.
Why are people so narcissistic & insecure?
Can't deny the Popcorn Factor though.
Sky Rogue leaves early access.
This started out on itch right?
Yeah. They had a free prototype build there, too.
so this XCOM War of the Chosen is another Enemy Within (or DD Crimson Court) situation where its not actually a follow up, but a revamp of the main game?
Like, one would have to start a new game over right?
Whoa that PC Gamer Top 100 thread.
Why are people so narcissistic & insecure?
Can't deny the Popcorn Factor though.
The comparisons I've heard are that it's like a Long War mod and thus a new game would be required, yeah.
From what I understood, the Nvidia ports of MGS titles are done by an external company hired from Nvidia, so probably the only thing Konami did was signing some papers to give the ok on doing those ports.