how are you guys getting cards? is it through crafting badges, like last time?
how are you guys getting cards? is it through crafting badges, like last time?
how are you guys getting cards? is it through crafting badges, like last time?
how are you guys getting cards? is it through crafting badges, like last time?
And buying games.
i've been scouting the cSGO badge, i've done it twice and i hope to flood the market with holiday cards if i can manage it one more time.
And buying games.
thanks! is there any reason to not just buy holiday cards now and sell them tomorrow? It costs more to buy cards to complete a badge than it would to just pay $.20 and get 5-10 cards and flip them tomorrow
thanks! is there any reason to not just buy holiday cards now and sell them tomorrow? It costs more to buy cards to complete a badge than it would to just pay $.20 and get 5-10 cards and flip them tomorrow
thanks! is there any reason to not just buy holiday cards now and sell them tomorrow? It costs more to buy cards to complete a badge than it would to just pay $.20 and get 5-10 cards and flip them tomorrow
Is there an amount you have to spend to get a card? I bought a $10 game the other day and got a card for it, then bought a $35 game and got nothing.
Oh I thought he meant right now. It's still weird that I got a card last week for buying a game though.
well the sale hasn't started yet. Check back tomorrow.
Nice. I got 19 winter cards. Hope the price rises to about 25cent. That be almost 5 bucks into the war chest.Tommorowwhen do christmas cards become more valuable?
Oh I thought he meant right now. It's still weird that I got a card last week for buying a game though.
Sale will be at 12pm est right?
Sale will be at 12pm est right?
Got two yesterday for spending slightly over 20.
Why shouldn't it start when everything usually starts?
10am pacific
Sale will be at 12pm est right?
Because it's the holidays thats why.
why not post superior european time?10am pacific
Okay, looks like the retroactive inventory game lock was just a display bug.
As most of you know, our developer tools suggest pricing based on market research and purchasing power parity. In the case of territories such as Russia, Brazil, and SE Asia, we suggested pricing that is lower than the direct USD conversion. This is based on our assessment of actual pricing of comparable products in that market. Recently Rubles have hit an all-time low which has been a concern of many game developers. We are still assessing the market to see if suggesting new prices in Russia is right for customers who live in that market. We do not think that pricing based on currency conversion only is the right way to approach the Russian market necessarily.
What we are doing immediately in response to the Ruble drop is limiting trading and gifting from Russia to prevent people from taking advantage of the situation. We have been applying a gifting and trading lock of this type on all newly created packages on Steam since mid-2014. Today we have propped a change that will affect all packages on Steam which will not allow them to be unpacked to an account, if gifted or traded from a lower priced region to a higher priced region. This change is not retroactive and only affects new purchases. It also will not affect customers in that region from gifting a copy to other people in that same region. All customers will have proper warning when they are purchasing a gift prior to checkout in those regions as well. We will continue to assess the situation and make changes if necessary in the future. If you have any questions please feel free to write us via the contact form via the Steamworks Development site - Documentation & Help -> Contact Steam Publishing.
why not post superior european time?
my head hurts, can't start brain.exe
the excitment over a glorified demo as if MGS5 was coming out is...bizarre
Every big sale since forever has started at the same time and you can look at the timers for the daily deals.
sort by lowest bid. And it's an auction, so it's kind of hard to tell.
I'm slowly building a giveaway. It's gonna be all indie from the last four months. I may have to break that stipulation for a few, but so far I've got Mind Path to Thalamus, Banner Saga, Chromaia, Fract OSC, Gnomoria, Dungeon of the Endless and Styx Master of Shadows. I'm mostly sticking to smaller games so I can get more in there, but I should have a good bit before the raffle actually starts.
A giveaway in the spirit of the recent hot topic.
Took me seven damn tries to finally get that game again in the auction. Be grateful! >:O
- Only GAF members who are NOT junior members are eligible for this giveaway.
Uh, so while it's still dirt cheap for me and i have a lot of games i'm interested in, maybe you guys can add something to that list so i could buy it now and not later.
I'm looking for good indie games that are not really mad about system reqs. I have 520MX card so yeah, pretty fucked but still playable.
I don't mind any advices - old and new games, everything's fine.
I have: Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, Dust: An Elysian Tale, Gone Home, Gunpoint, Antichamber, Hotline Miami The Banner Saga, Bastion, Isaac, Don't Starve, FEZ, Foul Play, FTL, Giana Sisters, Hammerwatch, How to Survive, Jazzpunk, La-Mulana, LIMBO, Mark of the Ninja, Monaco, Papers, Please, PixelJunk games, Proteus, Receiver, Reus, Risk of Rain, Rogue Legacy, Shadowrun, Shelter, Spelunky, SteamWorld Dig, Surgeon Simulator, To The Moon, Torchlight 2, Unepic, Valiant Hearts, Volgarr the Viking, Double Fine games, Hotline Miami
Plus i have Transistor and Shovel Knight in my inventory so count those off.
Maybe i'm missing something really good and you guys can help me get it while it's cheap!
any restrictions that we should brace ourselves for?
Okay, first Dark Souls Achievements get.
Looks weird to have Enkindle with 17 hours of playtime, but alas, I used offline GFWL profile, so don't have anything from my previous run (aborted when Sen's Fortress raped me furiously).
Oh well, at least now I can play with smooth 60fps - 750TI is a monster, not breaking 50% GPU usage, whereas my previous ATI GPU struggled to hit 30 fps in some areas...
any restrictions that we should brace ourselves for?
They're all US games bought by me, so
For both of these, doesn't there have to be 3rd party software active to use them 100%?
i meant on the giveaway it self
basically, do i need to have Bad rats prepped as a mystery gift
Expected price. But the 4gb ram for a 650? That looks not normal. Are there even 650s with that much ram?MGSV launching December 18th at 10 AM Pacific with a base price of $20
Selecting "items owned/ on wishlist" doesn't change anything for me.If you have Enhanced Steam installed and want to see the lowest-bid auction items while also having the ability to hide games you own and have continuous scrolling, you can do so with this link:
I still remember voting against Ikaruga last summer sale and it not winning in the end.
Most bosses give ya an old-school feeling of accomplishment after defeating them. What was your previous GPU?
but lurkers are okay?
Oh sorry, yeah it's gonna be a 24 hour raffle with no lurkers or blacklisted people.