Offering any or all of this, whattaya got?

I hope Microsoft brings Halo CE to steam. Seems like they are giving up on gfwl.fable,fable 3,aoe are on steam so far.
Haven't played it co-op but I imagine it's similar to any other co-op title in terms of being able to shoot the shit while also coordinate a bit.I picked up Orcs must die! on pure impulse as the sale was winding down, and I have to say it might be the best thing I picked up.
I'm also curious to know how enjoyable Dead Island is solo, and if there's much of a community playing the game here.
On the steam registry.aoe is on steam? wat
Awesome deal, thanks for sharing. I wasn't that crazy about the demo but for $0.99 I'm willing to give it a try.Just bought Duke Nukem Forever for .99c from Amazon. Another game to add to my vast pile. My expectations are at their lowest, so hopefully it will be bareable to play. *cough*
Want to know what is funny.
Petz Catz2, Petz Dogz2, and Petz Horsez2... the lucky bastard.
Over 2,200 games. He'll have more games to play than in 100 lifetimes. Holy crap. Lucky bastard.
Is there any way to: know the price of what I gifted (got for people), and what I bought, without having to look up my CC transactions and adding numbers manually? I just wanna know how much I spent.
League of Legends is coming to Steam? huh
Oh it's fake?
lol wut
Hence my reaction.
Oh it's fake?
Already have more than 2000 games on 27 Nov according to google cache.
I don't see how it could be fake. That makes it even more lol wut.
48 hours. It was in the rules. I was actually bored enough to read it when the sale was still going on.Didn't it take them about a week to notify winners last time?
He had all those games before this sale even started.
Perhaps one of his parents work at Valve. They all have general access to Steam games, right?
well - it says not available in my region (fuck german censorship...)
use a proxy. I'm from Germany as well and I could buy it without problems.
Do we know how much games there are in the Steam catalogue?
Valve say there are "over 1800" games available. Including auxiliary content such as DLC and soundtracks, there are just over 2200 items on Steam.
use a proxy. I'm from Germany as well and I could buy it without problems.
I don't think Valve will make a big fuss about it. What they don't like is using a VPN to buy directly from a "foreign" Steam store. This is by all means a retail key and will probably show up as one. I bought a couple of Steam activated retail games from the UK which are not available on the German Steam store (at all or in an uncensored version, for instance L4D2, AVP).That can get your account banned.
Do we know how much games there are in the Steam catalogue?
I can't buy from my local store (Australia) since I had my account authorized to buy stuff while I was on holiday in the US. Have to buy from the US site since the client has IP tracking.
Not complaining since Aussies get routinely f'd in the a. It's pretty great actually.
Some Valve employees, like Robin Walker, have Steam accounts with all the games on steam:
However his account does include games that you can't buy on steam anymore.
Do we know how much games there are in the Steam catalogue?
So is Railworks 2012 worth the install? Better yet where is the OT for this masterpiece?
You tell me, bro.