I miss Idle "Videogames" Thumbs Gold Blast <3
Things I want
Beyond Good & Evil
Zeno Clash
Bionic Commando
Gundemonium Collection
Dark Messiah
Serious Sam 3
Trine 2
Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon
Things I am willing to trade for things I want
And about 70 coupons. Which you can view here.
Edit: the gifts are two potato sacks, and two Renegade Ops
Anyone have an extra Portal 2 to trade and feeling generous? ($2,49 game of your choice for Portal 2)
Willing to take either a $2.49 game or a $3.75 game for a $9.99 game?
Can anyone trade/buy me Magicka for my 4 coals and coupons? Don't have a credit card and I'd hate it to miss out on this daily deal
Pretty please?
Anyone have any particular desire to trade any of these coupons for games/coal? I'll probably accept any offers!
Still nobody? only few hours left on the daily deal
Also: Happy newyear GAF!
Not really, after the new deals come up the old ones get 4 more hours added. Unless something weird happens like Human Revolution which went up to 33% off from the day before.
I will give you everything:
- 7 coals
- Half-Life 2
- Half-Life 2: Episode One
Humble Bundle #3 key- Just Cause 2 key
- STALKER: Call of Pripyat
- The Witcher: Enhanced Edition
for the one wo will give me:
- AaAaAA!!! Awesome
- Beat.Trip Beat
- Flight Control HD (not necessary)
- Rochard
That's about €35 worth of games for €10.5, not counting Humble Bundle.
Can also make the trade for either Trine 2 or Sonic Generations, but I'd rather have the indie games.
I have:
-Dota 2
-3 Coal
-50% Valve
-33% Valve *2
-50% Psychonauts
-50% Metro2033
-66% Prototype
-50% King's Bounty
-Witcher 2
Thank you Artofwar420 and Dechaios for trading me stuff for my TF2 hats!
I still have some stuff left
The coupons need to go, I am not going to use them, so I am gifting them away for free. The rest is up for trade. I am interested in the Gundemonium Collection, LA Noire or just do me an offer for something that I don't have yet. I am not interested in coal.
Don't suppose you'd trade Dota2 for a 40% Witcher 2 coupon, by chance?
Need 4 coal.
Counter Strike
Half Life 2
Day of Defeat: Source
Would you swap Amnesia for my Saw?
Need 4 coal.
Counter Strike
Half Life 2
Day of Defeat: Source
I've only got 2 coal left... Would you do 2 coal + 6 coupons + World Basketball Manager for DoD:S?
You want renegade ops for saw?
LA Noire (you can have everything for this)
Bioshock 2
Bit.trip runner
Other $7-10 games
You know you can actually buy games and put them on your inventory instead that directly on your library, so you can decide whether to gift them or to unpack them at a later date, right? People use this method to trade stuff, you know.Seriously. You guys who farmed coal and gifts on multi-accounts have no shame. -sigh-