Capcom seem to be celebrating Resident Evil's 20th anniversary pretty seriously, which I guess makes sense, they've given the franchise a lot of attention the last few years in all honesty and it is their top-selling franchise by a surprising margin.
At the very least we know obviously Zero HD literally comes out tomorrow, and in a few months Umbrella Corps comes out (I believe it's March? They've been REALLY quiet about it though since announcement). Code Veronica could happen this year, again they already have a fully functioning MT Framework version of the game, and one of MT Frameworks big selling points is easily being able to port to multiple platforms, making a PC version from that shouldn't be too hard. But since they've been paying a lot of attention to update Zero how they could, and they're completing remaking RE2, I almost want to think the reason they haven't ported Code Veronica yet is because they want to update it... Which would be fine, the game has some great art direction but elements of the 3D modelling has definitely not aged well.
Capcom has teased they have more RE stuff to come this year, the one obviously everyone will think about is RE7 since we know that game has been in development for over three years. WBacon also teased on the Dragon Dogma's forums that "Up Next: Zero HD, Umbrella Corps." And then seemed excited to tease wonder what will be next. so seems they definitely have something(s) planned, maybe obviously, but curious. And being RE's 20th, I suspect we'll probably see one or two more game-related things to RE release this year, a port of Code Veronica wouldn't be surprising.
MvC I last heard they hadn't renewed the license too recently, but it's out there as an option.