Little "review" about Dream.
The game has (or had? Since it left EA) potential, sadly is still VERY bugged, and some puzzles are really a nightmare (not because they are hard, but sadly even when you know exactly what to do, the execution can get you stucked for hours, like the conveyor puzzle in Act 3).
Basically you face three acts: in every act you need to perform several actions (puzzle solving) in order to "complete" the act. Inside each act there's one "nightmare" (basically a creepy dream you need to solve, but those are brainless easy) and one or plus side-dreams, in which you need to collect items, solve puzzles or simply do a "walking simulator" section.
Scattered between the game there are several collectibles, required to get the best ending. Sadly those collectibles, or at least some of them, are bugged (like vynil 2, you should get it no matter what by doing a rollercoaster ride, but the game bugs out never giving you the item).
There should be also several endings, but I don't understand what you need to do in order to trigger them. Also the game doesn't end: I was like "now what?", until I realized I need to manually "enter" the ending by visiting again the game hub.
As I wrote, the game had potential, but for now it's only worth bundled, I think. Some music tracks are really good, but the whole experience feels confusing, random, sometimes hard but not because the puzzle itself is hard, sometimes glitchy (I needed to restart some sections a LOT of time because my character got stucked inside a wall, a rock, or simply the game crashed).
EDIT: I forgot this: in the game you can find some usable items...sadly the game NEVER gives you ANY hint about this, I needed to actually google to discover how open the "inventory", and what each item does. This is a big fail because you NEED those items in order to proceed in the game.
We're jumping a title now?
Still not sure what to make of the sneaking aspect, but the rest of the trailer was great and the pants on fire stuff was hilarious!
I'm fired up for it again.
Umh, I think you misurunderstood me. I'm not interested in the game because of poor stealth sections (yeah, the stealth section in the demo was poor, the Metal Gear reference was because of robots, not because of stealth), but I like the fact the game is really different from any FF game released until now, it's more like Kingdom Hearts than a classic FF. And I'm happy with this, I can't stomach random encounter and turn-based fights anymore those days.