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STEAM | January 2016 - Out of cash, out of cache

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gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Say Jase
what are your PC or laptop's specs?

My laptop is an ~$800 ASUS-branded piece of poo with an emphasis on battery life, but my PC is as follows:

- 2600K @ 4.5GHz
- 16GB DDR3-2400 that runs at 2133 because of some oversight on ASRock's part
- GTX 980
- 960GB Crucial M500 SSD; ~100GB for Windows and the rest for games
- A billion HDDs

I bought an ex-demo Gigabyte WindForce 980 Ti yesterday, though, for around $150 less than a new one would have set me back, so in all likelihood I'll be able to make that money back and my upgrade to Pascal may very well cost me nothing. As I've explained in the Rise of the Tomb Raider PC Per. thread, however, 4GB VRAM is, in my experience (I wouldn't say I'm far into the game), enough for "max settings" (AA aside, which I've set to SMAA) as far as general gameplay is concerned; the only brief pauses I experience are during some gameplay -> cutscene transitions or vice-versa. I'm currently getting around 30fps throughout the Soviet logging camp but there's definitely no intermittent framerate/performance issues that you'd associate with VRAM swapping.

After months of hemming and hawing, I finally bit the bullet the Ti not only because it was relatively cheap but also due to VRAM requirements slowly pushing past 4GB at 1080p (R6 Siege with the HD texture pack, The Division, and to a lesser extent Rise of the Tomb Raider) and current rumours placing Pascal's launch at some point in the back half of the year. The upwards of a ~40% framerate difference in RotTR also played a part, I admit.

Edit: I should note that my laptop handles Steam's IHS quite well. I mucked around with the feature a bit back when I was playing through AssCreed Unity and although image quality suffers at 1368x768, I had no streaming-related issues despite using WiFi rather than Ethernet.
This was pretty funny:


My laptop is an ~$800 ASUS-branded piece of poo with an emphasis on battery life, but my PC is as follows:

- 2600K @ 4.5GHz
- 16GB DDR3-2400 that runs at 2100 because of some oversight on ASRock's part
- GTX 980
- 960GB Crucial M500 SSD; ~100GB for Windows and the rest for games
- A billion HDDs

I bought an ex-demo Gigabyte WindForce 980 Ti yesterday, though, for around $150 less than a new one would have set me back, so in all likelihood I'll be able to make that money back and my upgrade to Pascal may very well cost me nothing. As I've explained in the Rise of the Tomb Raider PC Per. thread, however, 4GB VRAM is, in my experience (I wouldn't say I'm far into the game), enough for "max settings" (AA aside, which I've set to SMAA) as far as general gameplay is concerned; the only brief pauses I experience are during some gameplay -> cutscene transitions or vice-versa. I'm currently getting around 30fps throughout the Soviet logging camp but there's definitely no intermittent framerate/performance issues that you'd associate with VRAM swapping.

I bought the Ti not only because it was relatively cheap but also due to VRAM requirements slowly pushing past 4GB at 1080p (R6 Siege with the HD texture pack, The Division, and to a lesser extent Rise of the Tomb Raider) and current rumours placing Pascal's launch at some point in the back half of the year.

Edit: I should note that my laptop handles Steam's IHS quite well. I mucked around with the feature a bit back when I was playing through AssCreed Unity and although image quality suffers at 1368x768, I had no streaming-related issues despite using WiFi rather than Ethernet.

That sounds better than my rig hah.


Is Newfoundland everyone's least favorite XCOM mission? I dislike defending the XCOM HQ the most. Stuck with random Rookies and characters that you swapped out all your best ammo and armor from. What a pain.

Also, XCOM 2 so close!


Mine is pretty and pink
Is Newfoundland everyone's least favorite XCOM mission? I dislike defending the XCOM HQ the most. Stuck with random Rookies and characters that you swapped out all your best ammo and armor from. What a pain.

Also, XCOM 2 so close!

I hate newfoundland mission the most, the base defense was pretty tame compared to that for me.

I lost 2 of my best soldiers on the newfoundland mission while I only lost one on the base defense.


Thank you for proving my point. Because you don't know X or doesn't have interest in X doesn't mean other people doesn't, therefore your initial statement is invalid. Someone DO care about the Disgaea games.

I feel like you've failed to realise it was mostly a joke, right up until you started getting into me for not knowing what the game is. So I'm going to clarify, one last time:

Niche game.
Some people care.
Most don't.
I definitely don't.

Let it go, now. :)


I feel like you've failed to realise it was mostly a joke, right up until you started getting into me for not knowing what the game is. So I'm going to clarify, one last time:

Niche game.
Some people care.
Most don't.
I definitely don't.

Let it go, now. :)

Some jokes aren't easy to catch being written. :)
Also, I'm not a Disgaea fan XD.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
What about all those games you've idled for cards in?

I stopped idling when Styx released, because warts and all it's the best stealth game in yonks and everyone should play it, and simply forgot to get back in the groove.


There's no point now. I had less than 100 drops remaining at the time, too, which is what annoys me in retrospect.

I'm hyped as all hell for Styx 2. The potential is there for something truly special.


Fuck it, grabbed Rise of the Tom Raider from the Ukranian Windows Store.

Downloading now. Worst thing it could happen is that MS remove or lock it from your account, right?! (would mind to much anyway as it was pretty cheap).


Is Newfoundland everyone's least favorite XCOM mission? I dislike defending the XCOM HQ the most. Stuck with random Rookies and characters that you swapped out all your best ammo and armor from. What a pain.

Also, XCOM 2 so close!
I'm still unable to continue. I don't feel ready at all to do Newfoundland.


Fuck it, grabbed Rise of the Tom Raider from the Ukranian Windows Store.

Downloading now. Worst thing it could happen is that MS remove or lock it from your account, right?! (would mind to much anyway as it was pretty cheap).

Well, when people did similar stuff on Xbox they killed accounts.


Have finished RotTR, The Division Beta and had my fill of Sunless Sea.

XCOM 2 ain't out for another 5 days and anything left in my backlog that I want to play is way too big to bother starting within that time...



People seems to change their minsd on how many days it takes for Steamspy to get the official numbers all the time. Ive heard so far 3 days, but it's been 3 days with The Witness and Blow says the sale number is too low.
It's not "3 days and then the numbers are perfect", it's a lag of ~3 days.

As such, when a game is still selling, it will be at a higher number than reported. When it starts stagnating for 3 days is when you can say that it's getting close (within the statistical error range of course).


For you.
Well, when people did similar stuff on Xbox they killed accounts.

That was only with free games and the exploit was a bit more complicated than just choosing another store.
People have been buying from the cheapest region store with Xbone for a while and nobody was banned for it just yet.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
People seems to change their minsd on how many days it takes for Steamspy to get the official numbers all the time. Ive heard so far 3 days, but it's been 3 days with The Witness and Blow says the sale number is too low.

Not to distract from what Durante has said, but since The Witness hasn't had the section_type = ownersonly flag since December, so SteamSpy has actually been tracking the game since pre-orders went up.


If you look at text that floats around when you go to the campfire in RotTR you can see excerpt from Poor Man's James Bond Vol. 3. Then i looked up what is that

The Poor Man's James Bond is a four book series originally intended for the survivalist-minded, compiled by writer Kurt Saxon (credited with coining the term "survivalist")[citation needed]. They were marketed toward the survivalist movement of the 1970s and 1980s, and as a counterpoint to The Anarchist Cookbook which Saxon claimed contained inaccurate information. The first volume was an expansion of an earlier Saxon book, The Militant's Formulario.


And something about author

During the 1960s, Saxon drifted into and out of several political organizations and new religious movements, including the American Nazi Party, the John Birch Society, the Minutemen, the Church of Scientology, and the Church of Satan. In August 1970, he appeared before a Senate Investigations subcommittee holding hearings on bombings and terrorism. According to newspaper accounts, he suggested police and "concerned citizens" use bombs to wipe out "leftists," and recommended that student demonstrators be machine-gunned in the streets.[1]

By the early 1970s he came to reject the political and religious groups of the 60s, and began writing on homesteading and preparedness issues. He claims to have coined the term "survivalism"[2] to refer to making preparations for a future collapse of society and/or a major disaster.[3]

David Letterman invited him to appear on his show in the mid 1980s, but changed his mind at the last minute.

In the early 1990s, Saxon had a shortwave radio program over WRNO, New Orleans, Louisiana.[4]


If this was one of the things that inspired TR devs it is not strange that Lara is so violent XD


The way Jase is talking about Styx, I may just have to play it.
It's free on XB1 come February 16th via Games with Gold.


Is Newfoundland everyone's least favorite XCOM mission? I dislike defending the XCOM HQ the most. Stuck with random Rookies and characters that you swapped out all your best ammo and armor from. What a pain.

Also, XCOM 2 so close!

I really liked most of the story missions the first few playthroughs, but I've got to admit they get old real fast on consequent playthroughs. Hope XCOM2 spices them up a bit.

i made a tokyo ghoul:re thread

i'm sure someone here reads it

shit man don't let my thread die :(


I just read the about Stardew Valley releasing on 26th February, I'm hyped for it since I've been following the game development for quite some time. I was hoping to it release earlier but I'll still have one week left on my job vacation to enjoy it.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Violent murderer Lara Croft is the best. I hope they continue with this version of the character in the next game. She's basically predator hunting the mercs in Rise.


Violent murderer Lara Croft is the best. I hope they continue with this version of the character in the next game. She's basically predator hunting the mercs in Rise.

I'll admit I enjoy flinging arrows in people's faces, but gimme the adventure platforming of the OG TR games.


I'll admit I enjoy flinging arrows in people's faces, but gimme the adventure platforming of the OG TR games.

I've said it before, but to me the new TR is some of the most cynically designed-by-committee AAA productions I've seen.

"What's popular? Cover based shooting? Check. Scripted action sequences? Check. QTEs? Check. Crafting? Check. Open World? Check. Collectibles? Check. Actual tombs? Fine put in a couple to shut up the lot who kept joking no tombs in tomb raider
Good writing? Quick get the writer of Mirror's Edge on the phone!"


What is odd to me about the TotTR complaints is they aren't that different at the core from the last version's complaints.

Is it just a minority that don't like the new formula and it's selling well enough that they don't care?

Seems like they put out a slightly more polished version of the last game without trying to fix what it seems like people didn't like about the last one.

I'm actually enjoying it for the most part except for the painted climbable objects but I never played the originals so I have no point of reference to the old ones.


Nostalgia is likely part of it. I could never get into the old TR games (though I did play like half of Underworld). Didn't care for the movement, but I've read you can control Lara pretty consistently once you learn to compensate.

New TR is alright things considered. Interestingly enough, my personal complaint with Uncharted is that the series is too linear, just pushing you from set piece to set piece, where as RoTR tries to abuse non-linearity (somewhat) by having you collect so much stuff. (That can't really be ignored unless you want to forego new weapons and upgrades- one of the aspects TR improves over Uncharted is how weapons are utilized).

For the record- I do enjoy both series more than not.


Nostalgia is likely part of it. I could never get into the old TR games (though I did play like half of Underworld). Didn't care for the movement, but I've read you can control Lara pretty consistently once you learn to compensate.

New TR is alright things considered. Interestingly enough, my personal complaint with Uncharted is that the series is too linear, just pushing you from set piece to set piece, where as RoTR tries to abuse non-linearity (somewhat) by having you collect so much stuff. (That can't really be ignored unless you want to forego new weapons and upgrades- one of the aspects TR improves over Uncharted is how weapons are utilized).

For the record- I do enjoy both series more than not.

Nostalgia? The Old TR games put emphasis on platforming and exploration. Furthermore isolationism, much of the old games had Lara alone exploring and progressing through the stages with the average enemy animal or human soldiers appearing uncommonly after a few segments.

They had a gameplay concept that made it stand out, and looking at TR Ann. you can see how well those elements and concepts are.

The current series is more of an Uncharted clone (all the extra fluff is merely padding, you can go through the main game without ever doing them, the only reasonwe are doing them is becase due to previous games released over the past decade we've become conditioned to do them), with the one thing making it stand out is flinging arrows into peoples faces.
Really it's Uncharted for those that don't own a PS4.


Tokyo ghoul is my jam. I need my amon though, WHERE THE FUCK IS MY FUCKING AMON!?

Ahem... With that out of the way, i shall read your thread now.

I wanted to make a thread to talk about the newest chapters, since the manga thread is really slow in the community and people just talk about random stuff they've read
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