Ok, i think that's enough reading gaming side for today - arguments some people come up with defending paid online are just mind-boggling. Also, people getting hyped on trailers with no gameplay, and for once some real port begging going on
I think i'll just quarantine myself in this thread for the time being. I've also finally came up with a list for SteamGAF GOTY awards, so here it is:
(5 Points) - Xanadu Next
(4 Points) - Megadimension Neptunia VII
(3 Points) - Dragon's Dogma
(2 Points) - Grim Dawn
(1 Point) - God Eater Resurrection
(3 Points) - SPAZ 2
This list was compiled based on the single factor: how willing was i to put away all other games while playing a certain game? All of the above games had prolonged periods where i would play them exclusively, and out of the five i've only finished Xanadu Next and Megadimension Neptunia VII without diverting my attention to something else, hence the top two picks. Between those two, i decided to put Xanadu ahead simply because it actually managed to greatly surpass any expectations i had for it, even those expectations were influenced by the hype this game got from SteamGAF.
There was actually a third game that met those criteria - it was my second longest played game in 2016, only slightly behind Megadimension. It would have taken the second spot on my list. The problem is, it's still in beta (not in early access), therefore not eligible for these awards. And no, it's not M*nster M**piece

It's hard to tell if this game makes it into my 2017 list, but even if it doesn't, i'll definitely give it a honorable mention, and i'll also post my thoughts and impressions of this game when i'm no longer under NDA