STEAM | July 2014 – 25TH THREAD EDITION (2008-2014)

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I finished first run of Cinders. I went canon route for starters, so it's too early for review, but I can share some impressions.
As I already posted earlier, it's the best take on Cinderella, imo. It still somewhat remains a fairy tale, but is much more characterized, maturized and down to earth version of it. Dialogue is good, and sometimes surprisingly good. Choices are a bit too obvious perhaps, but as original material is so well known, it's hard to make them not obvious. Cinders also looks good, in spite of what zky says. It's also fairly short, and right now available in HWB Eye Candy.
Some good deals in the Humble Store

That Floor is Jelly sale was quick. Might grab it.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
the M&M collection is missing the third DLC for Heroes 6 by the way, the stand alone Shades of Darkness

althought Shades is also 75% off on its own


We just had the best terrible round of Payday 2. :D

Thankfully that final day let us get some money considering we pretty much blew up a meth lab and got screwed on the deal. This guy needs to use wiki or something, he kept fumbling all the meth directions lol. Baaaaaain!


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Stalkers be stalkin' Jase(?) Cooper. Facebook, Tinder, Adultfriendfinder etc. etc.

I have a Facebook account I use solely to keep in touch very infrequently with "friends" from school. I suppose that's the comforting thing about having a relatively common name -- it reduces the probability of such awkward situations as this. Did my joke about Ubi employees ruffle your feathers? I apologise -- it was just that (a joke free of malicious intent). In the future I'd rather you didn't attempt to drag personal information into the equation.
the M&M collection is missing the third DLC for Heroes 6 by the way, the stand alone Shades of Darkness

althought Shades is also 75% off on its own
That's kind of a weird quirk.

I need to stop removing things from my wishlist in my sleep. I swear I put M&MX on there... oh well, at least I caught the sale from having some of the other games on there.


Thankfully that final day let us get some money considering we pretty much blew up a meth lab and got screwed on the deal. This guy needs to use wiki or something, he kept fumbling all the meth directions lol. Baaaaaain!

to think he did this like a million times yet never bothered to right down the correct instruction.
Well, it's one of the many hats I wear for work, so I notice these things. ;)
Also, the translations were not only bad, they were also just not correct grammatically.
I think the winner is the line "Cat can talk."

I didn't mind that line that much because she had just woken up. There are other funny errors that stood out such as a capitalized "For" in the middle of a sentence for no reason.
Some good deals in the Humble Store

Has anyone played Doorkickers? It is on my wishlist but I don't know if I should get it, being early access and all.


I finished first run of Cinders. I went canon route for starters, so it's too early for review, but I can share some impressions.
As I already posted earlier, it's the best take on Cinderella, imo. It still somewhat remains a fairy tale, but is much more characterized, maturized and down to earth version of it. Dialogue is good, and sometimes surprisingly good. Choices are a bit too obvious perhaps, but as original material is so well known, it's hard to make them not obvious. Cinders also looks good, in spite of what zky says. It's also fairly short, and right now available in HWB Eye Candy.

I haven't finished it but based on what I played this is true. The game looks good, it's really pretty, also in the way the text is delivered and in how responsive the UI feels when opening the menu.
Afternoon SteamGAF, how is everyone doing? I see the winners of my giveaway didnt even bother saying thanks but its ok <3 glad to see no one was givig away divinity while I was away :p
^that good sportsmanship
Yeah, but you know he's really doing this:


Thankfully that final day let us get some money considering we pretty much blew up a meth lab and got screwed on the deal. This guy needs to use wiki or something, he kept fumbling all the meth directions lol. Baaaaaain!
Yeah. Let's see how things go tomorrow. Hard at least brings a nice amount of EXP. Just those fucking bulldozers...!

to think he did this like a million times yet never bothered to right down the correct instruction.
Yeah. Or at least, he as a contact man should have some contact who knows how this stuff works. Baaaaaiiiiin!
welcome to my world xD lol
Well, you could've been part of ours ;__;


Afternoon SteamGAF, how is everyone doing? I see the winners of my giveaway didnt even bother saying thanks but its ok <3 glad to see no one was givig away divinity while I was away :p

same with me. no big deal
although im probably gonna blacklist them next time :p


Yeah. Let's see how things go tomorrow. Hard at least brings a nice amount of EXP. Just those fucking bulldozers...!

Yeah. Or at least, he as a contact man should have some contact who knows how this stuff works. Baaaaaiiiiin!

I think he's just a bum we picked off from the streets.

Seriously, Bill Nye would have done a much better job giving us instructions. if we had iphone. we wouldn't even need him.


ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line below containing the key.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two:

kami -- MB-9A4E9EC6E4056448 - Taken by LuffyZoro



Woke up this morning to see this. I dont even know what to say. The fact that I'm a big BBC Sherlock fan and this game will be based on it just make me so giddy! thank you so much yGray! :D
I don't think thats the case.
please tell me that you were familiar with Sherlock Holmes, before the BBC show


I don't think thats the case.
please tell me that you were familiar with Sherlock Holmes, before the BBC show

yes. I have a copy of all the sherlock holmes books. :p


when Gray gave me Crimes and Punishments. it also gave me a copy of The Last Testaments of Sherlock Holmes. freebie? weird.


The day finally came where I bought a bundle I already bought...
Indie Gala Greenlight Bundle 3.
Please enjoy.

ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 11 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line below that corresponds to the key you want (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering).

Rules for this Giveaway:
- This is a free for all! You can enter for multiple games on the list below. Send an individual PM for each game you'd like to win.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two:

International Snooker (Steam) -- MB-53B9285E8DFC7CAB - Taken by Evrain
ONE DAY for Ched(Desura) -- MB-6504BA3E1C5335DE - Taken by Jason Frost
Yrminsul(Desura) -- MB-43CFB79E8915661A - Taken by liezryou
Stingray(Desura) -- MB-4543EF1787F51A83 - Taken by WinterDemons
Song of the Myrne: What Lies Beneath(Desura) -- MB-8B87DB64DE779FFE - Taken by Jason Frost
Data Hacker Initiation(Desura) -- MB-E059D56340B7AE8B - Taken by Marky
Bloop(Desura) -- MB-5B8DB1066E1254AF - Taken by Jason Frost
International Snooker(Desura) -- MB-869A50ED5EC2B3CA - Taken by Jason Frost
Pester(Desura) -- MB-FC08AD99B73C7B7C - Taken by Jason Frost
Magic Meisters Alpha(Desura) -- MB-025EAD816567ABB7 - Taken by WinterDemons
Luna's Wandering Stars(Desura) -- MB-D6B9ABB1E8D3B9E4 - Taken by PoemOfTheLastMoment


Yeah. Let's see how things go tomorrow. Hard at least brings a nice amount of EXP. Just those fucking bulldozers...!

Yeah. Or at least, he as a contact man should have some contact who knows how this stuff works. Baaaaaiiiiin!Well, you could've been part of ours ;__;

Those bulldozers man. They come in looking like this.


And then proceed to take over most of my bullets, no matter what gun I have to take them down. At least they aren't all that bright, as seen by the one who just randomly walked onto the burning bus ahha
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