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STEAM | July 2014 – 25TH THREAD EDITION (2008-2014)

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I don't get when people call Rogue Legacy floaty, the PC version is 100% precise on a gamepad.

After 10 hours I assume you have only seen the first 1-2 zones, there are more zones with way more enemies doing different stuff and NG+ makes everything switch up even further.

I meant floaty in the literal sense as you jump insanely high and that falling a bit slow. You're right, though, the controls are tight and very satisfying! I'm using a Dualshock 3 and it's marvelous.

I haven't unlocked NG+ yet, but I think I've seen all the zones so far!


Boot up NeoTokyo
>enter first server i see.
>we have a team killing troll
>i speak, he changes his name to my name with a space in front.

i'm done
Gotta love the levels of detail people go on the Guacamelee skins.

Can't wait when Salsa finally finishes his Samurai Jack skin :p

Are those mods?


Finally finished Broken Sword 5.

What an absolutely terrible ending. Clearly they ran out of money or just couldn't be arsed by that point.


Skullgirls really needs to go on sale on GMG again so that I can buy a bunch of copies with my Playfire credits and then throw them at my non-fighting game friends to get them into fighting games!

Minus the trash game being rubbish, can anyone reccomend anything in today's Indie Gala bundle? I already own Toki Toki 2+, but I've never heard of the other games.


Interested in Blade Symphony from that Indie Gala bundle but I haven't followed that game in a while so I don't know if it's worth getting.


I just tried adding another $6 to my account from the M&M thing and it said it was declined. I only entered it in once before.


Interested in Blade Symphony from that Indie Gala bundle but I haven't followed that game in a while so I don't know if it's worth getting.

It's well worth the 1.50
Fun sword combat game that is easy to play but hard to master. A lot of GAF has been grabbing it too so were bound to get some MP going.


Unconfirmed Member
I like how calm the Steam thread's become now. It's not moving 100/50 pages a day anymore.

I just tried adding another $6 to my account from the M&M thing and it said it was declined. I only entered it in once before.

Did you try adding it from a paypal account? I'm wondering if all of the M&M money has run out or if it's just Steam directly blocking the cards.
M&M money hasn't been working for me either in steam, now I'm just saving them for amazon wireless keyboard for ffxiv on the ps3 😉

Sub Zero

his body's cold as ice, but he's got a heart of gold
Interested in Blade Symphony from that Indie Gala bundle but I haven't followed that game in a while so I don't know if it's worth getting.

Better get it now and play some matches while you can. It's multiplayer only and apparently it was dead on arrival so people will probably give it up soon.

If any gaffers are planning to host some matches I'd gladly join, just to get my money's worth out of it


Better get it now and play some matches while you can. It's multiplayer only and apparently it was dead on arrival so people will probably give it up soon.

If any gaffers are planning to host some matches I'd gladly join, just to get my money's worth out of it

It has a tutorial, bot mode, and another SP game type.


Finished Transistor. What a great game. I didn't expect much from the story but it was really well done. Dat ending.


I like how calm the Steam thread's become now. It's not moving 100/50 pages a day anymore.

Did you try adding it from a paypal account? I'm wondering if all of the M&M money has run out or if it's just Steam directly blocking the cards.

Either steam figured to block it or they are on a roll giving people empty cards.

No I tried adding a custom amount ($6) to my steam wallet and it says declined or having trouble processing
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