Orange Moon keys added to Groupees (whatever bundle it was in), this one looks quite good
Looks like not enough of you bought Grandia II on Steam: ESRB rates Grandia III for PS4
I mean, it's probably a PS2 classic, so it requires no effort to put it on PS4 outside of having a intern implementing the trophies.
classics have no trophies, so it's even less work
Episode 1 of the telltale Minecraft thing is free on Win 10 store.
So all you steam shills should go and enjoy something else for once![]()
classics have no trophies, so it's even less work
They have trophies if they are for PS4. Only PS3 classics have no trophies.
Insee thanks for the info
Id like a middle ground there but if using mods the survivors can have similar ai to dr2 id like that
Mainly because i dislike dumb ai and i dont want to look after 'capable' ai partners while im busy pilfering underwear from the shops ;p
Welp i guess decision had been made. I am getting GTX1060 this fall.
With the prices, isn't it a better deal to get a second hand 970 at half the price of 1060?
Let's see how the overclocked custom 480s will do, those, Vulkan and DX12 could give AMD the win the long run.
I have a 1080p display, and at this point, I might just wait til the holidays to see if I can pick up a MSI 1070 for near MSRP. I probably would be good at high settings for the next 4-5 years, and even would be able to jump into VR if need be.
I need a new gpu, with these new games running sorta lame on my 760 gtx I'd rather play old games than messing with settings just so they could run at astableliquid smooth 30fps
I probably would be good at high settings for the next 4-5 years, and even would be able to jump into VR if need be.
I am not quite sure about the 4-5 years. Remember when everyone said the same about the 970? That GPU is almost 2 years old but slowly with never games (like Division) you notice the limitations.
I think the GPU market is moving quite fast right now.
Does enhanced steam not support 125% dpi scaling? I can't see the whole price next to the 'add to cart' button on a game's steam page.
Why would you buy a card with such a bad RAM setup?
The 1060 is also near exact to the 980 in performance, but with better power consumption. Plus NV's habit of lax driver optimization on older cards.
Also free DLC Forge of Gods: Winter's Gasp Pack
new hitman content still not available?
Your actions and your choices will determine the fate of the Batman.
The day has come.
So is that new KR0 act the final one? Is it safe for people averse to years-long cliffhangers to purchase the game now?
One more left. So I guess by 2019 it will be done. Something to distract you from the dystopic life in Trumps new empire.So is that new KR0 act the final one? Is it safe for people averse to years-long cliffhangers to purchase the game now?
LOL at that Windows 10 Anniversary "offers", only Minecraft Story Mode is on sale (first ep for free btw, US only), a free Minecraft: Windows 10 Edition map and a free rental... of School of Rock -___-
I'd like to believe this is true. But Telltale hasn't done multiple endings before, so why would they start now?
LOL at that Windows 10 Anniversary "offers", only Minecraft Story Mode is on sale (first ep for free btw, US only), a free Minecraft: Windows 10 Edition map and a free rental... of School of Rock -___-
Telltale's Batman is up for preorders:
Batman: The Telltale Series - 20,69 at -10% / $22.49 at -10% -
You can change region form control panel and get that free minecraft episode elsewhere too. This won't work for movies or other content, only apps.
But generally, Microsoft deals are US only. They don't know about rest of world.
The day has come.