Listen to any gaming podcast or watch twitch, everything is all about it lately.And i still don't know what is that PLAYERUNKNOWN game about exactly, and why it is so big. XD
Listen to any gaming podcast or watch twitch, everything is all about it lately.And i still don't know what is that PLAYERUNKNOWN game about exactly, and why it is so big. XD
The pre-order clothing pack pricing is ludicrous. Saw it earlier when wondering what the character customization was like, then saw the same set being discussed in the OT.
Thanks whoever recommended me Paradigm during the Steam Sale. Legitimately the funniest game I've played in a long time.
totally don't agree, FF7 is still the best overall FF game, Saga 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FF12, and the best Tactics game is still Tactics Ogre.
FF12 doesn't even get into my top 50 RPGs, not kidding, ignore list here I come
Battle royale, 100 men enter, 1 man leaves, that sort of thing,
Only on a huuuuge island,
With ARMA/DAYZ style Mil Sim-ish gameplay
It has stolen the DayZ cake for itself. Its a much more polished, focused version of what DAYZ wanted to be.
Its big because Youtubers love it and have been essentially the main advertising behind it, which just goes to show youtuber/twitch bait > huge marketing team and budget.
http://www.steamtradematcher.comThere is a steam card trade, but i can't find it. Can someone link it please ?
I went to go preorder the PUBG stuff a week before the game came out and it was already sold out.
I had the same reaction and it was compounded by the hilariously dumb name and all-caps.And i still don't know what is that PLAYERUNKNOWN game about exactly, and why it is so big. XD
It's probably just price speculation on something that could be used as a price anchor in the future (e.g., like buds in TF2).From what I can tell, the boxes have fixed set items in them, so people buying a box for 60 bucks that they could buy piecemeal for like 10 is pretty crazy.
Cuphead plays nothing like either of those. If you want to know how Cuphead plays, load up a game of Contra 3: The Alien Wars and play the skeleton boss at the end of level 3. Then play the sequence in level 4 where you pass under the mother ship, then fight a cyborg while hanging off of the helicopter, then fight the mother ship by jumping from missile to missile while taking out the shield then blasting the core.
Did you think that was fun? Then you will probably like Cuphead.
If you thought that was boring/all flash no substance/too hard/too simple/etc... you will probably not love Cuphead. And that's totally cool.
We've honestly had really good response from most people who've played it. At PAX and Gamescom and wherever else, we usually have people willing to play bosses over and over til they beat them. The biggest complaint is usually about difficulty, but I think that's mostly just show-floor jitters or needing to tune themselves to a run and gun game. Cuphead isn't bullet hell, but it's not easy. It's also nowhere near NES hard. I'd say that if you can beat Ori, you can beat Cuphead on Normal, no problem. If you can beat Spelunky, you can beat Cuphead on Hard, no problem. If you have ever beat a Mega Man or Contra game, you can beat Cuphead on Hard.
And if not, there's always Easy, specially added for Phil and Kanye.
totally don't agree, FF7 is still the best overall FF game
Jeez, $60 Twitch Prime thing, that crazy preorder pack. The funs I could have had.
Should have bought PUBG when it was new... I feel like it's too late now. Everyone knows the best sniping spots.
Played the demo for COMPOUND, it's a really cool looking low-fi VR shooter that has randomly generated levels. It controls and play really well and I had a lot of fun with it. Wish more games would go for this art style, it really pops especially in VR.
Antihero is a turn-based strategy game where your run a thieves guild. Hire street urchins, thugs, gangs, assassins, and more. Use them to earn upgrades for your guild, steal, set traps, buy bribes, blackmail, and assassinate higher up citizens, all with the goal of earning enough VPs to win the map. Single player story and multi-player versus options.
Yay Antihero made it over from June! If anyone has any questions about it , feel free to ask, I have over 100 hours in it since first access started late last year.
vaan lost his rock hard abs
Well fuck me. I couldn't get the free month because I'm on Amazon Student but if I knew that one could sell these crates these could've paid for the year of Amazon Prime I would've needed to buy to get the crate.
I don't understand this comment. I have Amazon Prime student (the one you pay a lower rate for) & I got Twitch Prime via it and have had it for over a year now! Was this giveaway different from the others they've been doing?
I currently don't have Amazon Prime. I had the free year and have no desire to pay for another year even with the lower rate. They burned me with adding access to the streaming just when my trial year was ending.
There's not really best sniping spots. One of the best things about the game is it's super dynamic, and the map is large, and the loot is fickle![]()
I think I redeemed that pack on twitch itself, but I didn't and still don't own PUBG. I guess I won't be getting the pack when I buy the game ?
I think I redeemed that pack on twitch itself, but I didn't and still don't own PUBG. I guess I won't be getting the pack when I buy the game ?
What was the discount? Looking at it seems PUBG hasn't had a sale at any point on its own. Looks to be doing well enough without one, too by the news I've seen.
Yeah I want to say for the moment to moment gameplay, this may be my favorite VR title of all time. I feel like every game that isn't using narrow corridors is missing out on a huge immersion thing in VR. These doorways are PERFECT to fight around in VR. They're perfect for blind firing around corners in a way that was never possible before in gaming.
Games like Serious Sam FE & SE also let you do that, but the level geometry isn't optimal for it, and sometimes there are invisible barriers where there shouldn't be.
Now his vest clips through his arm.
But in seriousness, he looks great. I really wanna play FF12 some time. IIRC it was directed by the Final Fantasy Tactics/Ogre Battle guy, who is a GOAT developer.
But in seriousness, he looks great. I really wanna play FF12 some time. IIRC it was directed by the Final Fantasy Tactics/Ogre Battle guy, who is a GOAT developer.
Same here, but i don't think we're gonna get the loot since we didn't link the game itself with Twitch at the time of the promotion...![]()
You have to link your PUBG account in-game to your Twitch to complete it, for what it's worth.
I'm not sure how long it stays redeemed on your Twitch, but it might be worth a try. You'd gamble on the cost of the game and then get it back + some if it works.
Matsuno yea, tho keep in mind that he left the project halfway through development and it unfortunately shows in later elements of the plot.
That said, it's the best mainline FF and second only to Tactics, the gameplay of RtwP Combat + Gambits was, and - going by how devs continue to ignore their existence - still is, ahead of its time.
Ooooh, and the dialogue, good lord, the dialogue. That's straight up porn sometimes.
What's RtwP?
totally don't agree, FF7 is still the best overall FF game
It's not really that much of a risk since you can just refund the game on Steam if you don't get the pack.Hmmm not worth the risk... have enough other stuff to play through.
I'll never get the hate for Vann's design. I don't think its good by any means but it's not even in the top 10 worst FF designs.
Other than the PS2 abs, I don't really have a problem with his appearance (except that official art where he's lying on his side and looks like some kind of male jail bait).
My problem is with him being the hero but useless to the entire game.
It is considered to have one of the better stories in the serieswas the story in ff12 any good?
i remember the judges being really cool looking and balthier (was it?) being a really fun dude but kind of hating the rest
i mostly like ff12 cos i liked fooling around with the ai
was the story in ff12 any good?
i remember the judges being really cool looking and balthier (was it?) being a really fun dude but kind of hating the rest
i mostly like ff12 cos i liked fooling around with the ai
Anyways, anyone here played neko para?