I don't get what's so funny about these. Last one I saw was the Minecon one where he just put together clips of kids being kids like, what's so funny about that?Finally, the E3 video we've all been waiting for. CrowbCat gives me strength.
Finally, the E3 video we've all been waiting for. CrowbCat gives me strength.
So just to be sure I didn't dream it :
Ni no kuni 2 is coming to steam?
What about the first game?
Yes, it was announced a while backSo just to be sure I didn't dream it :
Ni no kuni 2 is coming to steam?
What about the first game?
NopeI'm pretty sure it's just the first game.
Starting the DLCs now~
The back half of the game has been really good actually.
I don't get what's so funny about these. Last one I saw was the Minecon one where he just put together clips of kids being kids like, what's so funny about that?
Also suprised at how many people are shocked that he'd use racist /pol/ jokes.
The Topware developer, PR person or whatever his job is, trying to defend microtransactions being added and console being removed, in a six year old game, is one the best things I've seen on the internet in a long time.
The Topware developer, PR person or whatever his job is, trying to defend microtransactions being added and console being removed, in a six year old game, is one the best things I've seen on the internet in a long time.
I liked that area. Very atmospheric. Really cool boss too.For a second there I was thinking of replaying Dark Souls 2 to see what the DLCs had to offer. Then I remembered Shrine of Amana.
The Topware developer, PR person or whatever his job is, trying to defend microtransactions being added and console being removed, in a six year old game, is one the best things I've seen on the internet in a long time.
"Acting like a 10 years old kid will not make you or your company look like the good guys you know? Try at least to defend your choices. "
"Defend? - sure - we added Trading Cards, Achievents and Microtransactions because we have been asked to do it by hundreds of users (please read this forum). And we removed the console, because it is recommended. "
"microtransactions? asked by users?
please show me where instead of making up things"
Wait why would they add microtransactions now...on an old, dead, single player game. I actually played it on release and enjoyed it a bit but this is really random.
The strangest thing about this Topware situation is that they've announced a sequel (Two Worlds 3) as well. Why would you poison the well and burn away the goodwill of your potential audience by adding microtransactions on a six year old game? You're not going to make any money at all and instead you'll piss off the very people who might have bought the next game.
The thing is that microtransactions have been lucrative for the big companies eg EA, etc.
They wanna try and get a piece of that pie. Problem is they're not big enough to be overlooked and that they went about it the wrong way.
What're the microtransactions for anyways?
and their marketing guys said "microtransactions is great for making money off of this".
Do I need to unsubscribe from Humble Monthly if I selected only 1 month?
Time to buy HITMAN everyone.
Time to buy HITMAN everyone.
Koihime Enbu had a price drop to 19.99 so it should be easier to pick up on sale now. Wasnt it like 37.99 before or something silly?
Those anime fighters are expensive man
Koihime Enbu had a price drop to 19.99 so it should be easier to pick up on sale now. Wasnt it like 37.99 before or something silly?
Those anime fighters are expensive man
The Topware developer, PR person or whatever his job is, trying to defend microtransactions being added and console being removed, in a six year old game, is one the best things I've seen on the internet in a long time.
It was released over a year ago, so the price drop a year later is fine.
Just make sure the game has something you like about it, like the gameplay.
Why haven't you gotten Melty Blood yet Rhaky, you ought to get it if it goes for cheaper than Enbu come the Summer Sale
I bought that Blade Arcus game and while not being a bad game, it feels like the most barebone games I ever played...
Jim Sterling is on it. RIP Two Worlds 3 and/or whatever their future game is LOL.
Removal of the console - was more or less unintentionally or let say, we thought - in case of it makes problems we better remove it. We have been unsure if it could not be misuesed to generate achivements or for something else like manipulating the Steam wallet
I wish console commands would be powerful enough to add free money to steam wallet.
I do own Melty Blood
A lot of these anime fighters look brebones as shit, why do you think I keep hammering on how expensive they are.
Also, they are usually years late ports, which doesnt help.
That PR guy already says they will readd the console, but the reason why they deactivated was:
"Could unlock achievements easily.
Scared to tamper with Steam Wallet."
I wish console commands would be powerful enough to add free money to steam wallet.
That PR guy already says they will readd the console, but the reason why they deactivated was:
"Could unlock achievements easily.
Scared to tamper with Steam Wallet."
Coolios~ Check and see if you got Battle Fantasia too, that's been in a bunch of bundles and is an easy fighter to pick up and play.
How did you think I got 1 million $ in Steamwallet money?
And they listened to the fucking marketing guys?
Removal of the console - was more or less unintentionally or let say, we thought - in case of it makes problems we better remove it. We have been unsure if it could not be misuesed to generate achivements or for something else like manipulating the Steam wallet
And if I do it now, I'll still receive the other games in 20 days, right?
Housemarques (Resogun, Alienation, Super Stardust etc.) next game Nex Machina comes out tuesday next week on Steam and PS4.
Embargo lifts on monday 5pm BST. Im just gonna say, I dont' care what platform you buy it on, just buy it.
Fucking Skyrim got more marketing these past 2 years than it did back in 2011.
Game will never die. Guaranteed Bethesda will fully remake that shit in 10-15 years
I wish console commands would be powerful enough to add free money to steam wallet.
What if I'm more interested in their other game releasing soon which doesn't come to Steam?