Moving everything to a new computer is such a pain.
I could've just imaged my current one to the new one, but it was probably time for a refresh on my Windows install anyway. Being in that weird middle ground of not firmly on one computer or another is always terrible.
You guys weren't kidding about how amazing an SSD is, though.
EDIT: Top of the page -- anyone got any advice on getting Steam to mark games as installed when I move my Steam hard drive across? Last time I moved games I had to manually go and "install" each game for Steam to realize that the files were already there.
I'm not at my computer right now to confirm some of this information, as a result this is all off the top of my head.
Moving files between storage in Steam is actually really easy. What you forgot to move is the files that are attached to the appid numbers in the /steamapps folder. Move the actual game folder to the new drive, then move the files in the steamapps folder to the new drive.
I don't have the specific file extension for those files since I'm not at my computer, but their name is the steam app id which can be found at steamdb.