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Steam | November 2016 - Rally to Restore Fear and/or Sanity in the Steam Community

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Less than halfway, and I've already died more times in TR2013 than in the entirety of Rise (both on Hard). Your arsenal is still more than adequate, but Lara just isn't built to take hits in this one even with upgrades. If you plan on standing in one spot and shooting off bullets, you better be damn sure they all land. Combat still has a sense of urgency.

Also Lara may be a vampire. She bathes in the blood of her enemies, the environment is hell bent on impaling her on something wooden or steel, and she's constantly finding herself hanging upside-down. If not for the whole "fire = life" motif... although considering the game takes place in Oolacile...


Disappointing display Capcom. You're very own older games like Lost Planet worked so well out of the box at 21:9. Minor nuisance and a first-world problem I'm aware but an unexpected letdown.
You just learned qloc ports are pretty meh. Older titles (RE5, Lost Planet, DMC4 etc) support multi monitor setups, ultra ultra wide configurations, 8k+ resolutions and as a certain someone likes to say performance is 'amazing'. What Capcom dumps now are cheap outsourced ports with lame 16:9 lock and which are more obsolete than their 10 year old games. In DMC4 SE I get random slowdowns and drops to 30 fps just running around empty rooms while DMC4 was @ 300fps (I know dmc4 se isn't by qloc but what a shit port).


Neo Member

I still have hope

not me... i died


listen to the mad man
I think the rules are anyone who gets to 5000 games on Steam needs to give away Game Pump subscriptions, but I haven't checked in a while. That sounds right, anyway.


"the journey to a thousand games ends with bad rats. ~Lao Tzu" ~Gabe Newell
I think the rules are anyone who gets to 5000 games on Steam needs to give away Game Pump subscriptions, but I haven't checked in a while. That sounds right, anyway.

wasn't it the other way around, you guys get me a Game Pump subscriptions cause I'm kinda like a lower Steam god now?

I already did that... kinda, but not at once :p


*shakes fist*

Congrats on 5K! I hit 4K last week some time. Your post made me look at my modbot loot and it turns out there is some stuff still available. Should be fine, garbagedump just in case.

ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 7 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below that corresponds to the game you want. (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering). Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.
Want to make your own ModBot giveaway? Click here for a quick tutorial thread. Please give generously.

ModBot Basics:
- No need to thank me. Please don't post thank you messages in thread or in PM.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- This is a garbage dump. No other rules apply, you may claim as many as you want (there are no limits or throttles), and keys you win won't be counted as wins for your record. Do not SELL these keys for a profit.

Contagion -- MB-140E0C0B2ABEB962 - Taken by ModBot
The Killing Floor -- MB-6A2CED668877AE86 - Taken by Mikurden
Insurgency -- MB-882A0350F275CF2A - Taken by voodooray
Proto Raider -- MB-2F3F894669AACA35 - Taken by yoshizzle
AVENCAST -- MB-E36D7785B0E59651 - Taken by rainking187
Rhino's Rage -- MB-E9002D7D93C24A21 - Taken by Dusk Golem
Wooden Floor 1 -- MB-1D13A499FEEAD67E - Taken by pantsattack

There is a GAF ESO guild not sure if anyone is left though, been a while since I played it. Keep meaning to go back to it as some point now that the post L50 stuff is meant to be less grindy.
Guys I`m being peer pressured into buying a PC this week... well the parts for it anyway then building it this weekend or so...

Halp me, I just got paid and my check does not want to evaporate!

Seriously though getting a new PC soon. Partly cause I want to build a real gaming pc and partly cause my laptop graphics card seems to be kicking the bucket for no good reason. White scratchy graphics on Overwatch and even lower demanding games like Warframe... no es bueno.
Guys I`m being peer pressured into buying a PC this week... well the parts for it anyway then building it this weekend or so...

Halp me, I just got paid and my check does not want to evaporate!

Seriously though getting a new PC soon. Partly cause I want to build a real gaming pc and partly cause my laptop graphics card seems to be kicking the bucket for no good reason. White scratchy graphics on Overwatch and even lower demanding games like Warframe... no es bueno.

What's your budget?


Guys I`m being peer pressured into buying a PC this week... well the parts for it anyway then building it this weekend or so...

Halp me, I just got paid and my check does not want to evaporate!

Seriously though getting a new PC soon. Partly cause I want to build a real gaming pc and partly cause my laptop graphics card seems to be kicking the bucket for no good reason. White scratchy graphics on Overwatch and even lower demanding games like Warframe... no es bueno.

Black Friday / Cyber Monday is this weekend. There will probably be lots of good hardware deals. Don't commit to anything yet.


Any tips for the Salamander in Xanadu Next. I just got off for the night, and am thinking what to do. I'm assuming I should just buy the Ice spell since he's fire? Or should I keep grinding the area?


anyone put saran wrap on their monitor to prevent stains?

Isn't it simpler to remove dust / clean the monitor screen from time to time?

Edit: Unless you like eating lots of ramen in front of youtube videos, then it is a different problem: you have to be more distant from the monitor while eating.


Any tips for the Salamander in Xanadu Next. I just got off for the night, and am thinking what to do. I'm assuming I should just buy the Ice spell since he's fire? Or should I keep grinding the area?

Might be a bit of both. If you're doing next to no damage, grinding a level might be worth it, in my experience. Sort of a Falcom staple.


How is ESO? Does it feel like an elder scrolls game?

It's like a weird mix of Elder Scrolls and a theme park MMO.

If you buy it on sale it's definitely worth it even if you just play the single player part of the game. You can easily spend 100 hours just playing through the world quests and finishing each zone without ever doing group content.

The group content is also fun, but is pretty much a standard MMO experience.

If you like Elder Scrolls lore then there is a ton in the game that you will enjoy.
Black Friday / Cyber Monday is this weekend. There will probably be lots of good hardware deals. Don't commit to anything yet.

No black Friday in Japan man
It hurts. But thanks to trump the costs on amazon are almost identical.

Also no real budget per say but would like to keep it on the lower end of $1300. Will post the current planned build when I'm not using my phone to post


It's like a weird mix of Elder Scrolls and a theme park MMO.

If you buy it on sale it's definitely worth it even if you just play the single player part of the game. You can easily spend 100 hours just playing through the world quests and finishing each zone without ever doing group content.

The group content is also fun, but is pretty much a standard MMO experience.

If you like Elder Scrolls lore then there is a ton in the game that you will enjoy.
Thanks for the reply. Not sure now is the best time for me to start it, but I'll keep this in mind in the future.


listen to the mad man
Happy Wars is shutting down. On Steam only. Because it's launching on Windows 10 Universal Windows App Store next month.

. . .


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Happy Wars is shutting down. On Steam only. Because it's launching on Windows 10 Universal Windows App Store next month.

. . .

I'd guess that's a result of some arm-twisting as the Steam version is the only one that Toylogic self-publishes (Microsoft itself publishes the X360 and X1 versions). I can't fathom a developer willingly dropping Steam for the WinStore.
Isn't it simpler to remove dust / clean the monitor screen from time to time?

Edit: Unless you like eating lots of ramen in front of youtube videos, then it is a different problem: you have to be more distant from the monitor while eating.
I clean my monitor with alcohol and cloth.


Isn't it simpler to remove dust / clean the monitor screen from time to time?

Edit: Unless you like eating lots of ramen in front of youtube videos, then it is a different problem: you have to be more distant from the monitor while eating.

I only eat in front of computer and once some dressing got on the screen.. now it's a mess, tried cleaning it with water only to spread it evenly across the whole screen, scrubbed few times more and got it somewhat clean but still hideous stains on the whole screen remain, at least can't see them from certain angles or when its turned on.

Deleted member 59090

Unconfirmed Member
I only eat in front of computer and once some dressing got on the screen.. now it's a mess, tried cleaning it with water only to spread it evenly across the whole screen, scrubbed few times more and got it somewhat clean but still hideous stains on the whole screen remain, at least can't see them from certain angles or when its turned on.

Use window cleaner.
So GMG was giving their gold pack away for free with a voucher code and the site has been down all day. It's finally back up and now the code no longer works. Really weak.


so having finished the witcha 3 dlc im thinking if i should move on to disho2 (specially since the latest patch sounds like it fixes a lot?) or dragons dogma

probably disho2 first since it's shorter, right?


So in New Vegas I walk up to a Powder Ganger camp and will be shot on sight because they are an enemy faction. After killing them, stealing their stuff gives me negative karma. That's...kind of dumb.


So in New Vegas I walk up to a Powder Ganger camp and will be shot on sight because they are an enemy faction. After killing them, stealing their stuff gives me negative karma. That's...kind of dumb.

Don't worry about karma in New Vegas, it's used a few times for flavor but Faction Relationship is much more important.

Obsidian would have scrapped that system and the game would be the same.


So in New Vegas I walk up to a Powder Ganger camp and will be shot on sight because they are an enemy faction. After killing them, stealing their stuff gives me negative karma. That's...kind of dumb.
karma is not like a reputation system or anything like that, it's just that if you do bad shit you create some sort of aura around you that's noticeable but not necessarily gonna have a much bigger effect than shaping someone's first impressions of you (with a few exceptions)

think of it like you have blood on your hands. people can tell you're a killer, but if you side with them and do what they ask of you they're not gonna care so much about the sick shit you've done in your past

and if you're like a walking messiah shady people might be mistrustful of you
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