Mr. Luchador
Pls stahp you're sounding like a mexican wrestler
what do you call those
And man this is kind of a zky-esque post init
Just be a man(iac) instead of hiding behind these thinly covered insults. Steam Community so bitter towards those who don't agree with them.
jke? im sorry but im very serious, I dont see how Valve can be considered...
(shit what was it?... fuck. Oh, yes!)
...can be considered the bastions of PC gaming with these shit deals
You too.
Steam Sales have been getting worse every year, and it's not because we own the games, it's because they don't need to try anymore. GMG and Amazon have been improving on their deals every year. Also nice of you to miss out the part on Regional Prices being terrible too, as well as the poor customer service and lack of regard for consumer laws. But no, lets ignore all of that and be horrible to someone within our Community as they don't 100% love everything Steam does.
Bunch of acerbic people in here at times.