You know guys and gals here, I am a bit happy I've found SteamGAF. Finding a fellow legit PC gamer in my country is tough, usually MOBA and F2P games rule here. I usually find building a rig, managing multiple accounts a bit intimidating. It doesn't help that games here DON'T GO ON SALE. EVER. Add to that the PC gaming = piracy heaven mode here. It doesn't help that the few PC gamers I find are so into the "PC MASTER RACE" mentality so I really was struggling to pursue PC gaming. So finding a group where I can find deals on a seemingly pricey hobby really helped me, especially since I have a very tight budget for everything. A group that you can talk games with no salestalk included, post reviews of their games helps.
Sorry if I ask a bit more questions than usual, since I am used to the easier life of just owning a console and buy what I want. While I can't post regularly due to a hectic work-school life, I'll try to minimize the offtopic chatter. Sorry for the bad English sometimes too, I try to fix them but being a non-native speaker, I don't know if I've made some occasionally.
We are the proud and the few. It's a bit hard to actually find anyone there in the Philippines that share our hobbies, what with everything we need being online only.