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STEAM | November II 2014 - Autumn Sale starts the 26th

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Dr Dogg

I'm prepared to buy some stuff.

MGSGZ is the most likely thing.

After the Christmas kerfuffle with jumping the gun on Metal Gear Rising and it being mispriced higher on the store and then cheaper elsewhere I'm going to hold off for a few hours before diving in on that one.


Groupees BAGB14 bundle
Price: 1-3.32$
  • Anoxemia
  • Blade of the Righteous
  • One Final Breath (greenlit)
  • Go Kinok! Go!
  • X-note
  • Super Elf Jump
  • Dragon Maze
  • Nekochan Hero

GMG's deal of the day is Black Mirror Franchise 75% off

ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 6 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below that corresponds to the game you want. (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering). Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.

ModBot Basics:
- This giveaway has a manual blocklist. The giver has identified members who abuse giveaways and restricted them from participating.
- No need to thank me. Please don't post thank you messages in thread or in PM.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- This is a free for all! You can enter for multiple games on the list below. Send an individual PM for each game you'd like to win.
- This giveaway is a raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 3 hours after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.

Quest for Infamy -- MB-737A2592A21EE068 - Taken by KainXVIII
Kingdom Rush -- MB-47147F5744746AC8 - Taken by Lobogris. 8 entrants total.
Blue Rose -- MB-61EED3CAECF96413
SanctuaryRPG -- MB-DE0B4788AD19CABA
Beyond Space -- MB-7FA2F024F2E31B7C - Taken by Mengy
World War I - Centennial Edition -- MB-C12F1F81DB66EDF3


Blue Rose & SanctuaryRPG are Desura keys.


Blah. Every time there's a new thread I miss it.

I can't wait for Dark Souls 1 and 2.

But I don'r think I'm getting everything out of my setup. I haven't overclocked my GPU and haven't downsampled.

Does it really make a huge difference? Will the games become sharper?

Because it's like there's a grain filter on all of my games but I don't know if that's because of my monitors?
Anything more than 15 is over priced for ground zeroes. Its a pretty old game now and it doesn't have enough content to justify 20 bucks. Luckily I got it for 18 on release date on ps4. Its a really fun game tho. Wish it had more missions


After the Christmas kerfuffle with jumping the gun on Metal Gear Rising and it being mispriced higher on the store and then cheaper elsewhere I'm going to hold off for a few hours before diving in on that one.

Yup, same.

It was the first time I've ever canceled a preorder on steam, and even though it was only a couple bux, it's the principle of the thing.
Here's a piece of advice:


I have heard the same thing from friends. But there is no guarantees that games will show up on the daily deals is there?

Be careful. I think I bought around 150 games in my first sale last summer. It's so addicting, so I'm not participating in the sales this Autumn or Winter heh.

i created a wishlist on steam, let's see if i can stick to it. But realistically, i see myself not being able to. Already have so many games through the humble bundles.
Anything more than 15 is over priced for ground zeroes. Its a pretty old game now and it doesn't have enough content to justify 20 bucks. Luckily I got it for 18 on release date on ps4. Its a really fun game tho. Wish it had more missions

I don't even want to think about what it was originally priced at when it came out on consoles earlier this year. I still haven't bothered to get it because of the pricing, which ended up turning out to be a good thing since I'll be able to get a better version on Steam instead now (at least, whenever the pricing feels right).


So just got an email from Zavvi with the subject saying 'New Strategy stuff coming soon...' Thinking this might have a deal on TW Attilia or something I checked out the body text...

Yeah, that's not quite right Zavvi. I don't know if they're trying to tell me something like buy a PS4 or that 'The Crew is a Strategy title, honest' .

Zavvi not being very savvy there.

As for the forthcoming sale, I've got 50 games on my wishlist but I'd still be surprised if I buy many of them.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Only a few hours to go til the sales hit. I really hope that Enhanced Steam's servers can handle the traffic. Every sale since Enhanced Steam has been a thing has seen significantly increased (almost exponentially increased) traffic for each subsequent sale, which makes it hard to project usage.

I guess what I'm saying is, don't freak out if the servers die. They'll be back up as soon as possible.


The Autumn Sale is always the strange one to me, considering the Winter Sale is less than a month away at this point. So I'm not sure what I'm going to buy, since there's a high chance a given game will be cheaper during the Winter Sale, and a low chance I'll have enough time to finish many games in the next month.

Dr Dogg

Only a few hours to go til the sales hit. I really hope that Enhanced Steam's servers can handle the traffic. Every sale since Enhanced Steam has been a thing has seen significantly increased (almost exponentially increased) traffic for each subsequent sale, which makes it hard to project usage.

I guess what I'm saying is, don't freak out if the servers die. They'll be back up as soon as possible.

That could be an interesting thing to track. Uptake of Enhanced Steam compared to increase in concurrent Steam users (because I doubt there's accurate account numbers outside of a few snippets every now and then). #TeamEnhancedSteam


Seems like the games currently weekly deals will be in a position for price mistakes, given that we know discounts of different types can stack. Too bad there's nothing worth watching for.

I think we should just make this thread the sale thread, and then insist to anyone who shows up there's not actually a sale.


Isn't the fall sale never on the same level as the winter? I don't remember having spent much money on the fall sales in the past, but everyone seems really excited around here...

So I've been cheating on Steam with Origin the last couple months playing through the Mass Effect franchise. Wow, I love that game! Going to miss it. Going to finish the final ME3 mission tonight. Trying to decide where to go next. I may continue my Bioware binge and work on Dragon Age Origin or maybe finally finish Skyrim. Or maybe I will pick up something in the fall sale and work on that :)


Completed FFXIII.
In the end, I think this is a 7/10. Not bad, but for me is the worst FF ever. I very liked the combat system, but there's simply too much backtracking, even on Gran Pulse. There's no exploration at all, because the whole game is a corridor. No cities to visit, no NPCs, no mini-game like Triple Triad, nothing at all.
There's only combat, and combat, and combat again.

Also, I think the plot is too...convoluted and bad narrated. There's a GREAT potential here, but is wasted by dumb dialogue. You can't do a game and explain NOTHING about the world, its rules, it's mythology etc.
Yes, there's a lot of stuff in the archive, but...it's in the archive. The game can't asl the player to read all that stuff to understand what is going on.

The game nees to give you main plot lines, and then if YOU WANT know more informations about the world etc, then you can read notes and archives.

Also, I didn't understand AT ALL the ending. Really, I need to look some plot explanations because I didn't understand nothing at all on what happened :l

I agree. For me it felt like a game that was spoiled by its own grandiosity without actually delivering on anything. It had the potential for a brilliant plot and setting but in execution it remained untapped and unexplored. You're a spectator to everything rather than a participant. This is where I feel XIII-2 makes up for it, but in true Square fashion they went ahead and created another batshit storyline that makes even less sense.

For all its faults, taken as a whole XIII-2 is a better game and more immersive than XIII. I personally can't wait to play it again on Steam followed by Lightning Returns which I never got around to playing.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
That could be an interesting thing to track. Uptake of Enhanced Steam compared to increase in concurrent Steam users (because I doubt there's accurate account numbers outside of a few snippets every now and then). #TeamEnhancedSteam

Well, the latest compiled stats I have are from the month ending Oct 2014. At the end of every month I track the number of downloads the extension has received for all of it's different incarnations and compile it into a spreadsheet I have set up that automatically generates graphs so I can keep an eye on trends.

At the end of October, Enhanced Steam had over 1,300,000 downloads.


Last year from October to January (the "sale season") Enhanced Steam's user base grew from 413,598 users (at the end of October 2013) to 612,746 users (at the end of December 2013) which was a 48.1% increase. If this year sees a similar increase in users (and it might) then I'm projecting approximately 1,925,256 users by the time the sale season is over with. Of course, a lot of the boom in popularity hinges on press articles and things, so we'll see how it goes.
Well, I skipped almost all cutscenes
excluding Seah and Snow one because I want take some screenshots
until the chapter where I dropped the ball on PS3 (
where you need to free Vanille and Sazh from the airship

One positive thing is you can skip all cutscenes in the game, so if you want replay it, you should reach that point very fast.
I mean, that dude completed the game in under six hours, I think if you know what to do, you can reach Gran Pulse very quickly.

The problem is I played it years ago and I don't remember shit, so I'd probably have to watch all cutscenes again.
Quick question again (sorry!): If I will use a new method of payment now, will I get locked out of buying anything in the Steam store? Paypal has been very shady to me the past few months so I want to charge it straight to my debit card.
At this rate, I *might* be awake till the sale starts.


Super Metroid is my favourite game of all time. Everything about it is perfect.


How can a game be perfect if it has been removed from the store?
At least in Europe, I can't even find the Store/Community page for the game. :\

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Quick question again (sorry!): If I will use a new method of payment now, will I get locked out of buying anything in the Steam store? Paypal has been very shady to me the past few months so I want to charge it straight to my debit card.
At this rate, I *might* be awake till the sale starts.
Yeah, they'll lock you out for 5 days if it's a new payment method
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