Which score system do you prefer if you are looking for a game to purchase?
Since I'm the OP of this post, my opinion is subjective, I'll instead start this post with the statement of AI.
Edit: By Metacritic score the entry included in the poll is specifically the Critic score, Not its User score. However you are welcomed to express your opinion regarding the latter.
Since I'm the OP of this post, my opinion is subjective, I'll instead start this post with the statement of AI.
Me: Which review score is better in terms of "For the right gamers to find the right games", Steam review or Metacritic review?
AI: That’s a difficult question to answer, as both steam reviews and metacritic reviews have their advantages and disadvantages. Steam reviews are based on the opinions of actual players who have bought and played the game on Steam. They can be helpful for finding out how well the game runs on different systems, how active the online community is, how often the game is updated, and how satisfied the players are with the game overall. However, steam reviews can also be influenced by factors such as review bombing, personal bias, trolling, or lack of context. Metacritic reviews are based on the opinions of professional critics who have reviewed the game for various media outlets. They can be helpful for finding out how well the game performs in terms of graphics, gameplay, story, sound, and innovation. However, metacritic reviews can also be influenced by factors such as paid reviews, score inflation, genre preference, or lack of diversity. Ultimately, I think the best way to find the right game for you is to do your own research and compare different sources of information. You can look at both steam reviews and metacritic reviews, but also watch gameplay videos, read user comments, check out forums or social media, and try demos or free trials if available. You can also ask for recommendations from your friends or other gamers who share your taste and interests. In this context, a human might say that there is no definitive answer to which review score is better, but rather it depends on your personal preference and criteria.
Me: But if I have to choose one for the purpose I've described above, which one should I choose
AI: If you have to choose one, I would say that steam reviews might be more useful for the purpose you’ve described, which is finding the right game for you. Steam reviews are more likely to reflect the actual experience of playing the game, and they can also give you more information about the game’s features, content, and quality. Steam reviews can also show you how popular the game is among other players, and how responsive the developers are to feedback and issues. However, you should also be aware of the limitations and biases of steam reviews, and not rely on them exclusively. You should still check out other sources of information and opinions, and ultimately make your own judgment based on your own preferences and expectations.
Me: Do you think there is objectivity in game review score
AI: This is a difficult question to answer, as different people may have different views on what constitutes objectivity in game review score. In general, objectivity means being impartial, unbiased, and based on facts or evidence. However, game reviews are not purely objective, as they also involve subjective elements, such as personal preferences, tastes, expectations, and emotions. Game reviews are a form of art criticism, and art is inherently subjective and open to interpretation.
Some people may argue that game reviews can be more objective by focusing on technical aspects, such as graphics, sound, gameplay, performance, and features. They may also use a standardized scale or criteria to rate games based on these aspects. However, even these aspects are not entirely objective, as they may depend on the genre, platform, audience, and context of the game. For example, a game that has simple graphics may not be objectively worse than a game that has realistic graphics, if the former suits the artistic vision or the gameplay better. Similarly, a game that has a short length may not be objectively worse than a game that has a long length, if the former offers a more satisfying or memorable experience.
Other people may argue that game reviews can be more objective by aggregating scores from multiple sources and critics, such as Metacritic or IGN. They may also use statistical methods or algorithms to weigh or normalize the scores based on different factors. However, even these methods are not entirely objective, as they may involve human judgment or error in selecting or evaluating the sources and critics. They may also ignore or overlook the diversity or complexity of opinions on a game, or the changes or improvements that may happen over time.
Ultimately, game reviews are not objective statements of truth or quality, but rather subjective expressions of opinion or preference. They are influenced by many factors, such as the reviewer’s background, knowledge, expectations, mood, and biases. They are also affected by the game’s genre, platform, audience, context, and goals. Therefore, game reviews should not be taken as definitive or authoritative verdicts on a game’s worth or value, but rather as informative or persuasive arguments that support or challenge one’s own views. Game reviews should also be read critically and carefully, with attention to the evidence and reasoning behind the scores.
In this context, a human might say that there is no objectivity in game review score, but rather varying degrees of subjectivity.![]()
Edit: By Metacritic score the entry included in the poll is specifically the Critic score, Not its User score. However you are welcomed to express your opinion regarding the latter.
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