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STEAM | September 2014 - Nice thread. Btw, Bayonetta 2 is out next month.

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I'm assuming they're all good ports? I haven't seen a ton of negativity.

Actually yes, except for one thing... if you're playing with a controller you'll get messages like "press J08"! Which isn't ideal with quick time events (really really rare and only used in mini-games or boosting Junctions or whatever they're called in English).

For VII there's a mod to actually display xbox buttons.
I couldn't find anything similar for VIII.

You also get cloud support and some sort of trainer.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.

Are you kidding me? This mode is a pre-order exclusive only?

Just... what?


Something like that isn't going to be a pre-order bonus exclusively.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Says on the page it's a pre-purchase offer.

Seems like a core game mechanic..

Of course it's going to be advertised as one in the here and now; Techland wants you to pre-order. The implication of exclusivity is intended to attract people like me who'd rather be safe than sorry. ;)


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
I am saddened that FF13 is outselling FF4.

I'm not too surprised, considering:
  • Final Fantasy XIII is cheaper than Final Fantasy IV
  • Final Fantasy XIII has better graphics than Final Fantasy IV
  • Final Fantasy XIII is newer than Final Fantasy IV (13 > 4)
It's sad, but that's the way these things work.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I might go for the 980, for xmas at least if it's not within my current budget. Rumor says $330 for GTX 970, $549 for GTX 980.

If USD$549 for the 980 proves to be accurate then I'll be opting for two non-ref 970s. $549 is $50 north of my limit ($499).
That's not the theme song. That's the song that plays at the very end of the game, just before the credits start rolling (although it was also used in some of the promotional material). It's also only in the Western release. And yeah, it's pretty bad.

If anything, this would be the main theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5_pyG9C4po

There are several variations of that melody played throughout the game, and of course it plays on the title screen.
Oh my bad
I might go for the 980, for xmas at least if it's not within my current budget. Rumor says $330 for GTX 970, $549 for GTX 980.
I hope those are real prices cause I so want to upgrade my 650ti to a 970

Dr Dogg

Isn't Tages dead in the water anyway? Last title I can remember with it was Anno 2070. SolidShield was the replacement for Tages and still crops up on games now and then but mainly retail disc stuff. At least you can revoke activations yourself manually with SolidShield where Tages is either rolling reactivations or you have to contact the licence holder.


Sorry but FF4 doesn't have Lightning, so obviously people are making the correct choice.

I was talking to Kanokare the other night about how this game w/ cards would be insane... Lightning Wallpapers.... think of the market prices for LIGHTNING stuff.

Also now that the Warrior Goddess is on Steam, surely Japanese Steam usage will increase by at least 1000%

You heard it here first, folks.


Isn't Tages dead in the water anyway? Last title I can remember with it was Anno 2070. SolidShield was the replacement for Tages and still crops up on games now and then but mainly retail disc stuff. At least you can revoke activations yourself manually with SolidShield where Tages is either rolling reactivations or you have to contact the licence holder.

I don't know, but their website is top notch. I especially love the "Hackers' comments" and "Wrong statements" tabs, haha.


Just got a 25% OFF Heavy Bullets coupon out of nowhere. Anyone want it?

does it work with the current discount? been on my wishlist for a while but so many fps roguelites in backlog already

edit: how is everyone getting these hoovy ballet coups?


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
But that would be well north of your limit!

Per-card limit. ;) USD$999 for two GPUs is as high as I want to go. My original plan was to upgrade in time for Unity but in all likelihood I'll put that off until after the Winter Sale... in part because I may not have the money in time, anyway, but mostly because games.

Dr Dogg

quick question about something not so gaming related , should i upgrade from windows 7 to windows 8.1??

I'd hang on until later this month as there's some strong rumours (and more importantly videos out there) about there being a Windows 9 announcement. I'll dig out a link or two but looks like the perfect marriage between 7 and 8.1.

Edit: Here you go, should have all the relevant rumoured info in there.


I don't know, but their website is top notch. I especially love the "Hackers' comments" and "Wrong statements" tabs, haha.

Hahah it won't even load the page in an iPad. Just get a solid purple screen.
Sounds like everyone likes both Lego Marvel Super Heroes and Lego Batman 2. Which is considered the best of those two? Is it just a matter of preference in regards to the roster of playable characters (DC vs. Marvel), is the open world/hub aspects different, etc.?


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Monaco The World Is Yours -- MB-A096261D0F0F8767 - Taken by Purkake4. 1 entrants total.
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