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STEAM | September 2014 - Nice thread. Btw, Bayonetta 2 is out next month.

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sweet, got Arkham Oranges for 2 keys

is any of the DLC worth paying for?

Cold Cold Heart is the only story DLC. The rest are challenge maps or costumes. I would skip the MP stuff entirely though. Season pass nets you most of it if you want most of it.


Now, we must push for the true Final Fantasy game of last gen: Unreal Engine's own Lost Odyssey.

I'd love to see that. Sega should get around to porting Resonance of Fate to Steam too sometime.

Crazy that after years of hearing about Steam being utterly dead for JRPGs, we've got 6 of the Final Fantasy games there, with more coming.


I wake in the morning, tired of sleeping.. get in the shower and make my bed alone
I put on my makeup, talking to the mirror, ready for a new day without you

And I walk steady on my feet. I talk, my voice obeys me.. I go out at night, sleep without the lights. And I do all of the things I have to keeping you off my mind, but when I think I'll be alright
I am always wrong cause..

Don't wanna start again
No they don't wanna understand
They just shake and try to break whatever peace I may find

They only agree to hold
And they don't wanna be without
And they will not let me go
No they will not let me go!!

lol, I hate that song, but you just made me remember this FFXIII launch trailer, which is amazing:

Now I want to play it again even more...


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Did they lock Injustice? Every trader says they can't unlock it

Yes, several months ago. Valve added ACRTAG to a bunch of games and while WB initially did what the affected indies did and reverted the change, the decision was made to reinstate the restriction, I presume because somebody figured, "If Valve thought it prudent, then perhaps we should listen." Consequently, Injustice holds the dubious honour of being WB's one and only region-locked game.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Sounds like everyone likes both Lego Marvel Super Heroes and Lego Batman 2. Which is considered the best of those two? Is it just a matter of preference in regards to the roster of playable characters (DC vs. Marvel), is the open world/hub aspects different, etc.?
Batman 2 is better in every single way.
Sounds like everyone likes both Lego Marvel Super Heroes and Lego Batman 2. Which is considered the best of those two? Is it just a matter of preference in regards to the roster of playable characters (DC vs. Marvel), is the open world/hub aspects different, etc.?

They're both pretty much even. Which one is better tends to be a personal preference. In my opinion, Batman 2 is slightly better, even though I prefer the Marvel characters.

I once wrote up a lengthy comparison of the two, and if I find it again I'll edit this post.

Edit: Found it.

me said:
Storyline wise I'd give the edge to Batman 2. You start with Batman and Robin, you can use various powers as you change suits, you go through a few missions and then in comes Superman who feels like a walking, flying cheat code (as he actually should be.) In a lot of ways it feels like you're playing the Justice League cartoon. Marvel's story isn't bad, but as someone mentioned earlier, it plays a lot off the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It does have a better final level than Batman 2's though.

Characters wise, Marvel. A lot of the heroes in Batman 2 had virtually no powers except punching. In Marvel, almost anyone you choose has melee and ranged weapons, if not an energy beam of some kind. (Heck, even J Jonah Jameson can throw newspapers at enemies from a distance.) They did give away one character with almost every major power for free though, meaning you only had to buy a handful of characters in order to complete all the free plays - offhand I believe you only needed four others. But at least any other hero you DO collect has appropriate and cool powers. My favourite would be Super Skrull, who really does have all the powers of the Fantastic Four put into one, and thus less need to change heroes.

When it comes to the overworld, both have pros and cons. Batman 2's overworld has a lot of cool platforming segments that can only be done by Batman or Robin, and also several overworld bosses you can fight to collect them. On the other hand, there sure seem to be a lot of guys trapped in the exact same way, making it less of a puzzle to save them. Marvel has more varied overworld quests, but a lot more of them are "skippable" meaning you can fly right to the end and use the correct power instead of bouncing on platforms. Far fewer overworld bosses. And some of the Marvel overworld races are really damn annoying because of the flying mechanics and camera angles.

And of course let's not forget that Batman 2 has the edge in music. When you fly around as Superman you actually get the movie score playing while you do. Marvel did have fun music from the early days of Marvel during the end credits, but that's about as notable as it gets.

Personally, they're about even but my personal preference was Batman 2. I'd still recommend Marvel though.
For all you clowns holding out for a Final Fantasy Humble Bundle: Go check out how much Square Enix is asking for their current iOS Final Fantasy bundle. That shit will never, ever happen.


You know, the real tragedy about FFXIII topping the chart is that two of much better jRPGs released today are getting sales not even comparable to it.

Obviously, I'm talking about Final Fantasy IV and Elminage Gothic

Seriously, people, skip FF13 (or wait for the inevitable 66% off), and get those. Especially if you're into games requiring some though and not averse to punishing the player's mistakes.
Final Fantasy IV isn't very hard and all roadblocks can be grinded through whereas in FFXIII you have to get good at paradigm shifting at a certain point because otherwise the game will literally kill you for taking too long.

Know nothing about the other game but it's in a totally different genre anyway.

Edit: Nevermind, was confusing it with something else. Unknown IP with poor graphics so the lower sales make sense, will have to look into it.
They're both pretty much even. Which one is better tends to be a personal preference. In my opinion, Batman 2 is slightly better, even though I prefer the Marvel characters.

I once wrote up a lengthy comparison of the two, and if I find it again I'll edit this post.

Edit: Found it.

Very informative post, thanks for digging it up. I've been leaning towards Batman 2 but I was wondering if they had made some type of "learn from previous game" tweaks to Marvel. I know I enjoyed the Batman 2 demo more than Marvel on the 360 but I know those aren't the best gauges. Thanks again.


Steam-GAF's Official Ambassador to Gaming-GAF

you guys are crazy xD
I'm wondering if the only reason that PC gamers are getting FFXIII for $15 is that SE is planning a Lightning Trilogy collection for the XBONE/PS4 and they're just trying to make the PC version reasonably priced for when they make that announcement.


At this point I think I have more fun collecting Japanese games on steam rather than playing them. I just love showing support that the interest is there.


Are you being serious?

I am regretting buying Roundabout. It is painfully bad and is not at all humorous. Very disappointed. Don;t know if I will even bother to force myself to play more.

Note that I find Goat Sim highly amusing and laughed at most of the Bulletstorm jokes. Roundabout isn't on that level but fun/ny nonetheless.


Steam-GAF's Official Ambassador to Gaming-GAF
The hype is real.
and then when it come out, people will remember how much they hated it XD lol

it doesn't matter ... I'm betting most people aren't buying it to enjoy it :p

it's more of a "if this one doesn't sell well we won't get any more in the future" kind of thing


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
it doesn't matter ... I'm betting most people aren't buying it to enjoy it :p

it's more of a "if this one doesn't sell well we won't get any more in the future" kind of thing

It may be true for some, but I plan on actually playing / beating it.
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