I hope I can pet Quiet.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
in PoE news, pick my Race, class, and culture. i'll look at the responses and build tomorrow
I hope I can pet Quiet.
Invest your points wisely, you can't change them later.( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
in PoE news, pick my Race, class, and culture. i'll look at the responses and build tomorrow
What was the issue?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
in PoE news, pick my Race, class, and culture. i'll look at the responses and build tomorrow
Invest your points wisely, you can't change them later.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
in PoE news, pick my Race, class, and culture. i'll look at the responses and build tomorrow
VPN didn't work for me, it always detected I was US based, either at the checkout cart without a VPN, or after the Paypal confirmation with one on.
Xcom2 just shows up for me. It's not unavailable or anything.
I haven't played 2 yet but I have played a bit of 1 and finished 4. 4's controls are waaaay better than 1s but still have a couple issues. I primary issue with controls in 4 is that sometimes the "auto" parkour running picks the opposite direction than you wanted, but other than that I found the controls okay.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
in PoE news, pick my Race, class, and culture. i'll look at the responses and build tomorrow
Even Saints Row IV looks worlds better
why would you buy if you plan to sell? just rent.Now that I have my new monitor I am itching more than ever to go PC for most games. 60fps is just so good. Even Saints Row IV looks worlds better than the Xbox one version, which you'd think they could have made run great. The thing that keeps holding me back is that I generally buy games new with the expectation that I will be trading them off when I am done. Makes dropping $60 on a lot of games not that big of a deal.
But 1440p/60 fps, so good...
Best thing about SRIV is that while it's really beautiful, it also runs great on pretty much anything.
I think a milk carton could get 60 FPS on that game.
Before the AC defense for shows up let me run away.
Preorder option should be there.
why would you buy if you plan to sell? just rent.
thats what i mean, it's not locked. isnt it normally locked if it doesnt work in the US?
Did I just hear someone say Witcher 3's side quests suck? What the hell is this?
Now that I have my new monitor I am itching more than ever to go PC for most games. 60fps is just so good. Even Saints Row IV looks worlds better than the Xbox one version, which you'd think they could have made run great.
Can we all just agree that DA: I horse/creature is the worst?
Can we all just agree that DA: I horse/creature is the worst?
The worst part about the horse in Inquisition is that it removes your party from the field making you miss the dynamic party dialogue that's such a fun part of crpgs :/
I wish the game was able to sustain 60fps at all times, but alas, being written for lastgen consoles means it doesn't use more than three threads and generally slows down when there's a lot of open-world area to be drawn. :\
Well I only played it on PC a little into the open world part because I have a copy of Reelected/Gat out of Hell for xbone and only IV for PC, but it was definitely rock solid up until then and the car at night with lights and everything looked stunning.
The difficulty spikes would change your mind.pffft
worrying about that type of stuff is for chumps
First, no, second, I didn't say Roach controls better.Well, majority of them do suck. The problem is that you cannot be sure until actually play the quest. Even some of the great ones eventually just become "You are Batman, use Batman mode, then fight like Batman until enemy dies. Then return like 100... no two thousand metres back to where you started".
The ones that have actual relevance in the story should have been bumped up a tier or the shitty ones should have been tagged with shit tier.
Also if you think that Roach controls better than DHorse you are crazy and I am sorry about your poor opinion on video game horsies
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
in PoE news, pick my Race, class, and culture. i'll look at the responses and build tomorrow
So... AVG just told me a file in Paper Sorcerer was a trojan (it's been installed for ages, the warning just popped today). I find that hard to believe. Anyone else have Steam games trigger issues? Has a Steam game ever had an issue?
Krejlooc is getting his Steam controller today, so prepare for impressions, videos and stuff.
worked for 1 hour to make this
he is really look one of those forex ads i see everywhere
maybe i'll try this game when it become on sale
There is crazy people that like them tho.
Don't say that too loud in the wrong neighbourhood.Finished MGSV, it was a great game, ending included.
Don't say that too loud in the wrong neighbourhood.
Why bother at all? Just have a smart TV or steam streaming capable USB plug in.