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STEAM | September 2015 - The Phantom Pre-Load or: AAA Movies Are Just +1s To Us

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I couldn't resist any longer.


Remember me when it gets mispriced to 85% off in the next week. I loaded up vanilla Dark II but my, unfinished, save was gone so I just messed around a bit which was enough to convince me that I wanted more Souls action. I was tempted to go back to where I left off in Bloodborne but the idea of playing with my loud PS4 and long load times was enough to push me to SotFS.

Hopefully I'll be done in time for Zestiria which can carry me until Xenoblade Chronicles X. I started The Witcher 2 a couple of weeks ago but wasn't really feeling it and I wasn't in the mood for going back so I'll be starting SotFS after work tomorrow.
This Extract the Legendary Gunsmith Side Op chain is taking the piss now. Unless it's an out of sequence number it has to be third time lucky.

It's definitely worth it to complete the chain though. I think the third one is the last one, for what it's worth.
Yeah, the 3rd one is the final one of that mission.

Mods overreacting to some harmless banter, what else is new?
Indeed. Well, just one word, mainly.


I think it's the "fuck off" "fuck you" parts that got him banned. Hope it's not perma.

You are probably right, but I very much doubt it's a perma. Usually that kind of behavior gets a few weeks to a month ban just to teach person a lesson. If they have a history of getting banned for the same thing, then more drastic measures may be taken. There are certainly a few things you can do to get an instant perma, but it tends to be a lot more extreme than that.


How long until Rise of Tomb Raider gets new release date for US? I mean they can be brave and release it on that day but Fallout 4 and Legacy of the Void will really harm their sales.


that is truly awful, everything: campaign, video, logo.
I understand that younguns need something to do, but why ruin company image? Make some new brand if you need to, leave what's not broken unbroken.

Should have just made everything Logicool instead, unify the brand across the globe.

This Extract the Legendary Gunsmith Side Op chain is taking the piss now. Unless it's an out of sequence number it has to be third time lucky.

For me the third in the chain didn't actually do anything. I think it bugged out and I got the reward for the chain after the second one.


If you mean "will Bethesda cut content from the game and later sell it?," I find the idea that they would cut huge amounts of content at launch to be sold at a later time to be cynical, though I suppose that it could be a possibility. Most of that content will likely be made after the main game is finished, though. Most of the free content will likely consist of frivolous features standalone features that make the game slightly better when viewed as a whole. If you mean "will Bethesda lock away content that matters and make people actually pay for a patch?," I would say that the idea seems insane. There's no way in hell that Bethesda has the gall to do that. Releasing DLC that will never receive good discounts while the "complete" edition of the game receives heavy discounts and ends up being far cheaper, thus screwing over early adopters of the game, is essentially Bethesda's MO concerning DLC. I could even see Bethesda on what they said about Fallout 4 not having paid mods, though I fully expect some backlash if the game did have paid mods. But the idea that Bethesda would charge for patches, or lock patches away behind DLC of some sort, is just silly.
Besides, it's not like Bethesda is known for patching their games to fix glitches. That's what fan patches are for.

I'm sure that Fallout 4 will be a decent enough game with a world that has a lot of content once all of the DLC and free updates are available, but I can't see the game being that way at launch if some of their other titles, such as Skyrim, are anything to go by. It took two full expansions for Skyrim to feel "lived in," and even then, large parts of the game world feel empty and devoid of substance (like the ocean to the north, where there are barely any worthwhile locations or enemy types unless you play with mods).
cut content as dlc makes sense because games start getting cut like really early on in development, as well as later on because of unpredictable issues, random setbacks and surprises, etc., so it's not like it's an evil plan or anything

same with like concept artists not having much to do after design's done so they start working on dlc stuff even before the game's released or else they wouldn't have much to do/get fired

it's one of the things i think was pretty good for the industry and that publishers and developers came up with a good solution using dlc

open world in the witcher 3 seems like unnecessary, I mean I like the map and how cool some locations look but if you take out most of that crap I don't think it actually affects the missions, like at all, especially when some of the story missions allow you to just teleport/skip ahead, it's like they did the open world stuff because it's the trend and everyone loves it.
yeah, i agree

i think open world stuff should be more sandboxy and systems based to take advantage of the open nature of things. like old rpgs, in like fallout 2 u can like kill most ppl, steal, make enemies with a whole town, solve quests using different skills or combat or converation or bribing ppl or stealth or whatever, etc.

i think i would like witcha 3 more if it was a smaller more focused game

the quality of the writing for the quests and the how the world is realized is best in class and everything but i don't think i get much from having to ride the horse to where i want to go and just going off road every once in a while to destroy an endrega nest or grab a pillar of power to check off a question mark or whatever

it's a great game but i just think the open world stuff feels like filler. it's not ubi filler in that it's not completely boring and tedious and the writing is good and the world is so interesting and beautiful that you don't mind the padding so much but yeah, this is not new vegas quality open world design

Wait, that game came out? How is it compared to Love's other games?

just a fan proof of concept like demo

very chris love esque

in which u get whipped and slapped a lot

it's great


Unconfirmed Member
I had a lot of fun with Saints Row IV. I mean yeah I guess you could say the gameplay is more of the same, just with, y'know, super powers, but the writing's good (especially the characterization) and it's a great endcap to the series.
I've been watching a speedrun of SR4 (at least before my internet started crapping out, I can barely even browse gaf :'( ), and I think the superpowers would've been cool if they weren't so janky as hell. I'm a fan of platforming, and can excuse a lot of flaws if the movement feels good, but scaling buildings seems like an exercise in frustration sometimes. Otherwise, the most excited I felt about the gameplay was at the parts when it changed genres (e.g. the
beat 'em up and Metal Gear
sections). I just dislike the bullet sponge enemies and blowing up tanks/helicopters so often.

Honestly, I'd probably enjoy watching all of the cutscenes as a movie. The writing is definitely good. It's actually making me a lot more interested in the previous Saints Row games, if only to get more information on some characters' backstories (
like Shaundi and Johnny
open world in the witcher 3 seems like unnecessary, I mean I like the map and how cool some locations look but if you take out most of that crap I don't think it actually affects the missions, like at all, especially when some of the story missions allow you to just teleport/skip ahead, it's like they did the open world stuff because it's the trend and everyone loves it.

Open world is beautiful in Witcher 3 and it's so full of crap it's amazing how barren it still manages to be. Most of the side quests suck, so most of the time travelling in the wilds is just holding down the L2 button for Batman mode and running until you find something to kill. The cities are pretty cool though and like I said, the locales in general are beautiful. I have just gotten much more critical at the game after doing all the side missions and what not.

That said, I am much more impressed by the MGSV open world. There's less to "discover" (I guess?), but the way it is laid out makes it much more impressive: you can actually use the world in your advantage (or enemies disadvantage) instead of it just being in the way of getting some XP.

Also it doesn't help that Roach is such a piece of shit so you have to run everywhere.


Unconfirmed Member
What I meant is that you're right they'll have free updates, but those updates will still leave the game broken and thus requiring fan patches, and Bethesda has been itching to monetize community content.

But you do raise an important question. Is it really fair to call "the idea that they would cut huge amounts of content at launch to be sold at a later time" cynical? Since that's pretty much how video games work these days, and nobody expects Bethesda, who started this whole rotten trend, to be better than that.

It's more realistic to say that, but it's still cynical. I mean, the fully optimistic view would be "all, or most, content that makes it into the DLC is content that was made from scratch," which isn't normally true. That said, I don't think that Bethesda would cut major sections of the game to be sold as DLC at a later point. If anything, Bethesda would cut smaller areas that have little significance and retool them slightly to fit a different role.

cut content as dlc makes sense because games start getting cut like really early on in development, as well as later on because of unpredictable issues, random setbacks and surprises, etc., so it's not like it's an evil plan or anything

same with like concept artists not having much to do after design's done so they start working on dlc stuff even before the game's released or else they wouldn't have much to do/get fired

it's one of the things i think was pretty good for the industry and that publishers and developers came up with a good solution using dlc

I was really referring to "content cut from the game" as content that was already fully finished and then cut from the game, not stuff cut due to budget or time restraints early in development. I think that the latter is perfectly fine for the reasons you pointed out.
We will see about that.
Better than Perfect Dark Zero? pfft!
PDZ gets too much shit. It's not the best game in the world and it even runs kinda spotty in places but that multiplayer is really fun.
That's not really that tricky though. They've had one good game in their history.
I-I can't



I was really referring to "content cut from the game" as content that was already fully finished and then cut from the game, not stuff cut due to budget or time restraints early in development. I think that the latter is perfectly fine for the reasons you pointed out.
oh yeah then i agree with u, can't think it makes much sense for beth to make their game worse just to sell dlc, i totally see them removing stuff that wasn't up to snuff or that couldn't be fully developed in the main game (which is exactly what obs did for their dlc series), and that's perfectly ok


Steam slow and sometimes down over the last weekend and here we are with a peak of 10,4+ Million users.

January 8,4
March 9 Million
May 9,5 Million
mid-June 10 Million

now we are cracking 10,5 Million The slow months are over. What would be the new peak in the Winter sale? 11 Million seems a given. Could we go to 12 Million?

All those Grandmas who got this malware installed by their grandchildren and dont know how to uninstall it!


I've been watching a speedrun of SR4 (at least before my internet started crapping out, I can barely even browse gaf :'( ), and I think the superpowers would've been cool if they weren't so janky as hell. I'm a fan of platforming, and can excuse a lot of flaws if the movement feels good, but scaling buildings seems like an exercise in frustration sometimes. Otherwise, the most excited I felt about the gameplay was at the parts when it changed genres (e.g. the
beat 'em up and Metal Gear
sections). I just dislike the bullet sponge enemies and blowing up tanks/helicopters so often.

Honestly, I'd probably enjoy watching all of the cutscenes as a movie. The writing is definitely good. It's actually making me a lot more interested in the previous Saints Row games, if only to get more information on some characters' backstories (
like Shaundi and Johnny

The movement is fine, scaling buildings is fast and easy (you literally just run up the sides), and the only enemies who are particularly spongey are the overseer types-- who, by the way, only really show up to punish you for fucking up, which it sounds like whoever you're watching did a lot of if he had to fight a lot of tanks and helicopters-- and even they die pretty easily once you've got powers.

It sounds like you're watching a pretty bad speedrun, and would be better served just playing it yourself.


worked for 1 hour to make this


he is really look one of those forex ads i see everywhere

maybe i'll try this game when it become on sale


Unconfirmed Member
The movement is fine, scaling buildings is fast and easy (you literally just run up the sides), and the only enemies who are particularly spongey are the overseer types-- who, by the way, only really show up to punish you for fucking up, which it sounds like whoever you're watching did a lot of if he had to fight a lot of tanks and helicopters-- and even they die pretty easily once you've got powers.

It sounds like you're watching a pretty bad speedrun, and would be better served just playing it yourself.
Actually, now that I think about it, I think the enemies just seem spongey because he's barely upgrading his weapons' damage and stuff. He just got a shotgun and is almost one-shotting everything he hits, basically.


-The statistic I don't understand is wishlist. The number of people who have the game on their wishlist is high, it's currently on 4,135 people's wishlist. Not included in that number, 1,058 had it on their wishlist but since got it. This number is only strange because the game is free, so they could just add it to their account. Most of these wishlistings have come after the game is out. My only guess is they have it on their as a reminder is exists to choose later if they want to download and play it.

Yeah, this is what I do to several free games on Steam. Putting them among my 90+ wishlisted games actually make them more visible than just downloading them (and join my backlog of 1500+ owned games).


STASIS finished. Disgusting and creepy from start to finish, story was somewhat predictable but good enough with many clever details. Biggest negative were the puzzle, they start easy and only become easier, towards the end there are even some impressive sections that you only run through. 8/10

Yeah, this is what I do to several free games on Steam. Putting them among my 90+ wishlisted games actually make them more visible than just downloading them (and join my backlog of 1500+ owned games).

You could tag them in your library.


Hmm, what glitch?

It's brilliant. Basically using a mouse and selecting something from one gun, cancelling it and then going to a gun that shouldn't be compatible, works if you use a certain double click somewhere.

You end up with hilariously preposterous guns. Vinesauce was where is saw it. He made a grenade launcher that was silenced and had machine gun ammo capacity. When you fire, enemies get thrown in the air but with no explosion. There are lots of other combinations too. You'd have to go to twitch to see the stream, no idea how to link it on mobile
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