At least one thing our state can be proud of (and me in particular since I helped get her elected), Stephanie Murphy has introduced a bill that would kick Steve Bannon off of the National Security Council:
Label me an enemy of the state if old.
ACTION ALERT: The Senate Committee on Homeland Security is taking calls about Bannon's appointment to the NSC. You can call: 202-224-4751
Bannon, the former editor of the right-wing website Breitbart and now a senior White House adviser, was appointed by Trump to a permanent seat on the council – which makes key decisions on U.S. foreign policy – while at the same time removing the Director of National Intelligence or the Chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff from attending every meeting.
U.S. Rep. Murphy, D-Winter Park, introduced legislation Wednesday that would prevent political advisers like Bannon from being assigned to the council or being authorized to attend meetings.
The bill also states that Congress believes the intelligence director and Joint Chiefs chairman should be present at all meetings.
Label me an enemy of the state if old.
ACTION ALERT: The Senate Committee on Homeland Security is taking calls about Bannon's appointment to the NSC. You can call: 202-224-4751