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Stephanie Murphy (D-FL) Files Bill to Remove Bannon from National Security Council

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At least one thing our state can be proud of (and me in particular since I helped get her elected), Stephanie Murphy has introduced a bill that would kick Steve Bannon off of the National Security Council:

Bannon, the former editor of the right-wing website Breitbart and now a senior White House adviser, was appointed by Trump to a permanent seat on the council – which makes key decisions on U.S. foreign policy – while at the same time removing the Director of National Intelligence or the Chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff from attending every meeting.

U.S. Rep. Murphy, D-Winter Park, introduced legislation Wednesday that would prevent political advisers like Bannon from being assigned to the council or being authorized to attend meetings.

The bill also states that Congress believes the intelligence director and Joint Chiefs chairman should be present at all meetings.


Label me an enemy of the state if old.


ACTION ALERT: The Senate Committee on Homeland Security is taking calls about Bannon's appointment to the NSC. You can call: 202-224-4751



Junior Member
I appreciate the sentiment of preventing Bannon from attending presidential meetings and all, but isn't this impossible with the Senate and the House currently run by Republicans?


I appreciate the sentiment of preventing Bannon from attending presidential meetings and all, but isn't this impossible with the Senate and the House currently run by Republicans?

Should the Republicans shoot this down (they will), this will put on paper that they support Bannon on the council. It's making them accountable either way.


I appreciate the sentiment of preventing Bannon from attending presidential meetings and all, but isn't this impossible with the Senate and the House currently run by Republicans?
Republicans don't like being pushed around by someone like Bannon when one of their own could be there.
I've definitely seen a lot of stuff suggesting that his appointment was already against the rules. Call if you are able to.
If Democrats are smart, they'll combine this with Pelosi's statement to create a narrative: "President Trump takes advice from a wife-beating white supremacist, and now Republicans won't even let us look into his background or ask why he's on the Security Council."

Republicans reject the bill, they look like Nazi enablers, or at least have the stink of the term "white supremacist" touch them. Republicans pass the bill, they run afoul of President Trump.
Good. Let this topic blow up. People spread the word.

So what do I call this number and tell them I don't like Bannon.

I haven't called but i'd probably say your name, where you're calling from and just say you support her bill and anything else you want to add(keep it short and to the point though since it's probably an aide that will be listening to the VM's.)
Anyone have a good statement for their call I can steal?

I'm working on something but it's basically going to state that I am deeply concerned about the removal of the Joint Chief of Staff and Intelligence Director in favor of a white supremacist itching to start wars we can't afford to fight. The failed raid in Yemen that killed 15 civilians and one of our own was a clear sign that Trump's team cannot be trusted to command our military without the involvement of proper intelligence and security officials.
I haven't called but i'd probably say your name, where you're calling from and just say you support her bill and anything else you want to add(keep it short and to the point though since it's probably an aide that will be listening to the VM's.)
I was about to ask if I had to leave my name and phone number. I'm scared what if someone comes after me? Lol


Anyone have a good statement for their call I can steal?

I'm working on something but it's basically going to state that I am deeply concerned about the removal of the Joint Chief of Staff and Intelligence Director in favor of a white supremacist itching to start wars we can't afford to fight. The failed raid in Yemen that killed 15 civilians and one of our own was a clear sign that Trump's team cannot be trusted to command our military without the involvement of proper intelligence and security officials.

Just say you think Bannon is a white supermacist. I'm sure they are getting a ton of ones like that.


Anyone have a good statement for their call I can steal?

I'm working on something but it's basically going to state that I am deeply concerned about the removal of the Joint Chief of Staff and Intelligence Director in favor of a white supremacist itching to start wars we can't afford to fight. The failed raid in Yemen that killed 15 civilians and one of our own was a clear sign that Trump's team cannot be trusted to command our military without the involvement of proper intelligence and security officials.

If anyone can get going a good script to use, I'll make sure to update the OP with it.


Should the Republicans shoot this down (they will), this will put on paper that they support Bannon on the council. It's making them accountable either way.

People keep saying stuff like this, but when's the last time Republican's have ever been taken to task for the shit they pull?


Most Republicans don't like Bannon.
Time and time again when I thought Republicans would have some small mote of morality I get proven wrong. So I don't have any confidence in Republicans voting this thing through since a Democrat filed this bill. These days, with them, a Republican aiding any sort of Democrat is tantamount to treason.
People keep saying stuff like this, but when's the last time Republican's have ever been taken to task for the shit they pull?
I was about to ask if I had to leave my name and phone number. I'm scared what if someone comes after me? Lol

no one's going to "come after you" if you say something among the lines of you being in support of the bill-especially when they're specifically taking calls for it. If you say something like "i'm going to murder everyone I see until this bill passes" or something then yeah-they'll probably look into you. Just keep it short(don't ramble) and just say what you want to say(without being offensive)


As if Trump would suddenly stop listening to him even if he was removed from the NSC.

Any method to get his hands out of as many cookie jars as possible should be immediately pursued.

And remember, this isn't just about getting Bannon removed, but to make sure that the intelligence director and Joint Chiefs chairman are required for every meeting.
Anyone have a good statement for their call I can steal?

I'm working on something but it's basically going to state that I am deeply concerned about the removal of the Joint Chief of Staff and Intelligence Director in favor of a white supremacist itching to start wars we can't afford to fight. The failed raid in Yemen that killed 15 civilians and one of our own was a clear sign that Trump's team cannot be trusted to command our military without the involvement of proper intelligence and security officials.

Well I just wrote this one up for myself because I suck at phone calls. if anyone wants to iterate off of it, or steal from it, go ahead.

My name is (name). I'm calling from (city, state). I'm calling to say that Steve Bannon is not qualified for a role on the National Security Council. He has no experience in intelligence or military matters and I feel less safe as a citizen knowing he has a role in decision-making on topics of national security. The failed raid in Yemen has already shown that the current administration needs to seek more extensive support from our intelligence community. His white supremacist background also makes me feel that his decisions will not be driven by concern for the welfare of American citizens, but instead by personal hatred. I'd also like to express my support for Representative Murphy's bill on the makeup of the National Security Council. The joint chiefs of staff and intelligence directors should be present at all NSC meetings.
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