Book 7 has a fantastic pace, and I liked the ending. My biggest gripe, and I'm talking about the series as a whole, would be that, all the boss battles are very anti climactic. Starting with The Tick Tock Man, and continuing with Walter, Mordred and finally The CK, all of them are disposed off pretty easily. There is so much buildup, yet they die so quick!
I guess when you have blazing fast gunslingers who will either shoot, or get shot, you arent really left with much of an option. Still I think King should have drawn out these battles more, made them more tense, suspenceful and overall TOUGHER. Roland is mostly one handed! Susannah IS IN A WHEELCHAIR!! They should have tougher time beating these baddies!
I mean take Mordred for example, he is supposedly this super powerful creature, is however weakened by freaking food poisoning?? Interrupted by Oy while attempting to kill Roland and takes only two shots to die?? Why couldnt he just creep close and take control of Roland's mind like he did with Walter? Hell for that matter, how come such a powerful Wizard like Walter fell victim to his mind tricks so easily?
The ultimate Arch-Nemesis, The CK, the would be destroyer of all existance as we know it, the ruler of all a senile old man??? And he only has a bunch of homing RPGs at his disposal? No wizardry? So how did he take over so many low men, taheen and humes to begin with??
The phrase "All hail to the Crimson King" was looing all throughout book 4 and onwards, and invoked a feeling of awe, of immense danger. We were lead to believe he is extremely powerful, and all knowing, like a god. Yet after eveything's said and done, he is erased by some geek? Inventive, yes...but there should have been more to it!
Basically that is my main gripe, the villains fell too quickly, too easily.
I liked Book 7 overall, very eventful, good character building as usual. Oy's demise was very touching. I did want to kick SK's ass for not getting with the program and finishing the book, thereby forcing the gunslingers to save his ass.
And the ending was definitely the
right one.
I'm glad that he didnt go the route of "rendezvous with rama" bringing in
*****RAMA SPOILER*****
heavy handed religious angles, what god's main purpose is and what not.
Or that SK didnt turn out to be on the top, "Welcome Roland, I am god!". Would have been very lame.
I mean what else could have been said about the Tower? Some ancient superior civilization built the Tower, and Roland was transported to their planet/dimension and was given the answer to life, the universe and everything? Nah. Though my curiosity about the Tower itself wasnt quenched, the ending itself felt right.
I also agree that the whole Susannah stepping out bit was a cop out. How could she be happy with a fake eddie and a fake jake? She should have stayed and died. I think she forgot the face of her father
Overall Ranking:
1) Wizard and Glass
2) The Wastelands
3) The Drawing of the Three
4) Wolves of the Calla
5) The Dark Tower
6) Song of Susannah
7) The Gunslinger
I love the series overall. Very satisfactory. Looking forward to some sidestories a la "Little Sisters of Eluria", stories of Roland's adventures after Mejis and before Tull, stories of his adventures with Alain and Cuthbert etc.