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Your move Jeff the ‘Tuggin’ Toobin.
Your move Jeff the ‘Tuggin’ Toobin.
You live and learn.I should have set the video to start at 0:40 for maximum effect.
Your move Jeff the ‘Tuggin’ Toobin.
Developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS!
It was pretty weird to begin with, then he goes back in for the second grab and then collapses back in his chair…That much money and he’s jerking two dudes off on TV lol
I saw this live and realized who we’re working with here![]()
One of the guys is trying to push his arm away and turn his body as if he clearly doesn't like that contact and Stevesies goes in deeper.It was pretty weird to begin with, then he goes back in for the second grab and then collapses back in his chair…
I guess when you’re that rich, no one ever tells you when you’re acting like a weirdo in public.
Maybe next year.... But I was a spurs fan when Kawhi was on the team and this injury is reminiscent of the start of the wasted season where his uncle poured poison down his ear. He criticized his teammates from his box seats in the early games of this series. He's got talent, but damn if he's not a primadonna.As long as the clippers win a championship
Knowing our luck, Drama will happen in the offseason, and this team will self-destruct.Maybe next year.... But I was a spurs fan when Kawhi was on the team and this injury is reminiscent of the start of the wasted season where his uncle poured poison down his ear. He criticized his teammates from his box seats in the early games of this series. He's got talent, but damn if he's not a primadonna.
Oh he let er rip all right. If he kept it up too much longer, maybe the guys on either side of him would’ve let er rip too.Look folks, the man gets emotionally invested in stuff he does, not sure why that’s a bad thing?
The only unique thing here is that we usually don’t see this kind of behavior from corporate types. But again, if the guy is excited and wants to show it, I say let er rip.
Why did I open this thread.
This interview was so fucking cringey. Just the most awkward conversation I've ever witnessed. Imagine jackin it in front of your co-workers and millions of people around the world and they let you work in a public position. Then he says it was deeply moronic to masturbate. Cucks everywhere.
Oh my fucking god this is the most awkward shit imaginable.
"You got all that right, sad to say" what a clown world...
Perhaps. But it’s hard not to want him to be held to the standard his network and he have held lots of other people to. Louis CK got raked over the coals by CNN and run out of public life. Then they went after him again when he started working after almost two years. So I find it difficult to have much sympathy for a CNN employee when it comes to stuff like this. Live by the sword, die by the sword.I know this isn't the thread to talk about this interview, but I had kind of ignored it when it was in the news, and...
I know right? Tell me, GAF, I cannot be the only meeting host/manager/boss who, upon seeing my colleague let off a little steam like that, would have just quietly booted that fucker from the call and never said a word about it. If that wasn't possible because the host was away, well then instead of simply outright firing my guy I would have gone through HR to see about getting him some help. If he would agree to it, we would blame it on porn addiction and get him the rehab he needs. I would have addressed it with t he rest of the meeting occupants as a type of addiction he is dealing with and would have just handled it very quietly.
It was a mistake. I just don't believe in destroying other people for what they think they're doing in privacy. I don't think anybody who isn't a rapist or a murderer deserves the kind of grief this man is being put through.
Perhaps. But it’s hard not to want him to be held to the standard his network and he have held lots of other people to. Louis CK got raked over the coals by CNN and run out of public life. Then they went after him again when he started working after almost two years. So I find it difficult to have much sympathy for a CNN employee when it comes to stuff like this. Live by the sword, die by the sword.
That’s not an accurate summation of the CK stuff. Louie was not nearly as famous when the incidents occurred, he always asked (as strange as it may be) the woman’s permission, and no one was forced to watch anything. While people’s fetishes may be strange, there was no point where Louie was coercing anyone against their will. The idea that he was famous, which isn’t even accurate relative to the fame he ended up having when the allegations were made, so that somehow removes the women’s agency to object when he asked them to watch him masturbate presumes that these grown woman were more like children.I'm not as up to date on CNN and their handling of Louis CK, but from what I understand of that situation is that Louis CK basically used his position and status to make attractive women watch him masturbate. Toobin at least thought he had privacy and wasn't looking to force anyone to watch him.
He obviously made a mistake and his condcut wasn't very professional. Then again, anyone having quickies in the backseat of a car on their lunch break is also not being very professional. Only difference is they aren't butt dialing the office while they get freaky.
I was unironically expecting porn as well, you never know with this guy.I came for PornHub and all I got was Nickelodeon.
Play that funky music, white boy!
I have never seen a child repeatedly try to blast a dude's rope out of excitement, let alone make an attempt at dual wielding.something about Balmer seems so adolescent, innocent and pure. while this seems like something that is awkward or seedy by normal humans. i feel like this is just him being excited like a child that can't contain himself and isn't sexual in any way.
My thoughts exactly. They were developers.