MS needs to give this website more cloud power
It is amazing how many people have no clue how much good foreign aid spent by governments does.
USAFacts website seems to be working now.
WOW! I never knew the government cannot publish total amounts of firearms? And the NRA is okay with that? How does that not lead to more illegal untraceable weapons?
I mean if you can't check it against a total, you cannot check if something has disappeared. After all a false number, or a removed ID number just means that it is not the sold weapon.
WHAT?! The US government can't keep track of gun violence statistics either? What idiot proposed that law, and which idiots voted to pass it? Their names should be published after each mass shooting!Why would the NRA be against illegal, untraceable guns? The gun companies still get to sell them so that's a win and rising gun crime drives more gun sales for self defense so that's a win too.
They win on both ends and all its costs are countless (the government can't count those either) deaths.
After a few minutes: good idea, terrible execution. I was hoping for some neatly packaged data tables. Nope. And the figures...Axis, how do they work ?
Data seems to be inaccessible though, must have shut off parts of the backend to deal with the load. I'll give it a day or two till it becomes usable and recovers from the reddit hug of death
This website is psychotic. 51% of tax dollars go to "SECURE THE BLESSINGS OF LIBERTY TO OURSELVES AND OUR POSTERITY".
Phew, thanks for the info.
Government provides public education, encourages and mandates savings, manages our national debt, preserves the natural environment through conservation and pollution control, and maintains a healthy democracy.
So, did I miss something? I see how they came up with the four "pillars" but who decided which part of spending would go in which pillar?
We show government spending through two different lenses:
Spending by segment: We recategorized several programs and functions to align them with four constitutional missions based on the preamble to the constitution:
This approach is modeled after what businesses do for their own management accountability and shareholder reporting. Public companies present their businesses in segments – a logical framework for discussing the areas in which the they operate. We do the same for government. In using this constitutional framework, we have made judgements in how we group programs. The following are key examples:
- Establish Justice and Ensure Domestic Tranquility
- Provide for the Common Defense
- Promote the General Welfare
- Secure the Blessings of Liberty to Ourselves and Our Posterity
Wealth and Savings: includes both Social Security and Medicare, both of which contribute to the financial well-being of retired Americans
Standard of Living and Aid to the Disadvantaged: includes programs such as Pell Grants, Medicaid, food stamps (SNAP), and unemployment insurance, among others, all of which either help people in poverty, act as safety nets, or guarantee a minimum standard of living to all Americans.
Sustainability and self-sufficiency: includes energy production and consumption, environmental protection, and agriculture, all of which are relevant to our longevity as a nation.
We do our best to match up Census and OMB categorizations, even though they are not always the same.
Spending by function: We also show spending by functional categories such as compensation for current and past employees, capital expenditures, transfer payments to individuals, interest on the debt, and payments for goods and services.
There's negative spend on Housing Support, I guess because Fannie and Freddie make so much money it offsets the expenditures (and then some)?
His first instinct, naturally, was to go to a search engine. My favorite one, of course: I go to Bing, he said. And by the way, I check it with Google, just to make sure theres nothing Im missing.
Maybe the thread title needs to be edited. I would have thought this thread would be so busy.
I read about this earlier this morning on a local news site and couldn't wait to see Gaf's take on it.
Would be cool if they made the source data readily available in a non pdf format. Does that exist anywhere. Now i'm curious.
We have begun documenting the processes and related controls we use to obtain, store, and present our governments revenue, expenditures, and metrics data. Once the documentation is complete, we intend to engage a public accounting firm to opine on our assertion that the processes and controls are suitably designed and operate effectively to completely and accurately obtain and publish our data set.
Ballmer 2020
rich silicon valley dudes are utterly convinced of their own brilliance (because otherwise they wouldn't be rich) and utterly unaware of their massive blind spots
also good traits for a president
rich silicon valley dudes are utterly convinced of their own brilliance (because otherwise they wouldn't be rich) and utterly unaware of their massive blind spots
also good traits for a president