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Steve Bannon replaces Joint Chiefs of Staff and DNI in the National Security Council

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"Peaceful" is a pretty huge qualifier. That's basically a yes.

If civilians attack soldiers of their nations army with intention of killing them or even kill several it could push the line into firing on attackers in self-defense. Peaceful protest and some dipshit tells army to open fire? No soldier worth of their oath will do it.

Edit: Even in riot situation they shouldn't follow such order
This doesn't work. Mattis is not in poor standing with the Joint Chiefs and the standing Generals of the Army.

They'd have to take him down AND the entire JCoS and standing Generals. Do this, and the military would kick their teeth in.

Marines would riot. There's Jesus, and just under him Mattis. Throwing him on his own sword would be the easiest way to try and have a real coup


Marines would riot. There's Jesus, and just under him Mattis. Throwing him on his own sword would be the easiest way to try and have a real coup

So both of you are saying "There won't be a counter-coup against a non-existing coup, because if they tried that there would be a coup.".

But then there would be a coup to justify the counter-coup, so...

And a counter-coup wouldn't be done with the army at all, whether there is a real coup or just claims of one.


Bannon is definitely the Karl Rove/Dick Cheney amalgam of this Republican Administration.

He's far too rash and rushed (and racist) to be put on the same caliber as either of those shadow men.

Rove and Cheney were smart puppet masters, Bannon is the the Wizard of Oz when you're looking at the man behind the curtain in terms of being subtle.


Does Bannon think that just by giving himself a title he'll in some way be in control of the Deep State institutions?


If civilians attack soldiers of their nations army with intention of killing them or even kill several it could push the line into firing on attackers in self-defense. Peaceful protest and some dipshit tells army to open fire? No soldier worth of their oath will do it.

Edit: Even in riot situation they shouldn't follow such order

Uhh that didn't hold true at Kent State.


He's far too rash and rushed (and racist) to be put on the same caliber as either of those shadow men.

Rove and Cheney were smart puppet masters, Bannon is the the Wizard of Oz when you're looking at the man behind the curtain in terms of being subtle.
I've been trying to get a better idea of what exactly Bannon is after. I can't find anything he's written, anything that really explains his plans or ideas. There are a few speeches he's made that are full of... basically nothing. The closest I've seen to an explanation of his understanding of history is that (I'm paraphrasing): "We could have avoided the Civil War if the generation prior to it had been more persistent in handing down its traditions." He mentions "Judeo-Christian values" every chance he gets, and seems to particularly dislike Islam. He's made a bunch of shitty movies in the conspiratorial vein of Infowars and stupid down-home zealotry of God's Not Dead. His persona is somewhere between insecure conservative freshman and deep-country right wing radio host. He doesn't seem to have any sort of balanced grasp on the topics he finds important and appears insistent on sowing little more than fear.

Andrew Breitbart once described him as "the Leni Riefenstahl of the Tea Party movement." That seems really generous.


Bannon is the closest thing there is to Nolanverse Joker. "Some men just want to watch the world burn". He is a psychopath, nothing more.





The American media needs to start making the real story here that these aren't Trump's moves. They're Bannon's.

Make it so everyone realizes this fuckhead is in charge.

An interview needs to happen. Thing is, he knows that a public, sit down, filmed interview with a credible journalist might result in headlines like,

"This just in, 'anarcho-capitalist', 'realist' and 'freedom of speech activist' Steve Bannon infuriated over accusations of being illuminati despite solely living for hate, money and power, covertly attempts to enlighten press on who the illuminati actually is" ;)

so he will probably do everything he can to stay completely out of the spotlight with the possible exception of Breitbart, Fox News, etc
Here's another scary theory on Bannon:


1/ There are very few people trying to figure out Bannon's psyche: Bannon's not a Nazi or a Leninist, he's the archetypal anarcho-capitalist

2/ That's why Bannon gets along well with the patrician class's über-capitalist libertarian crowd: Anarcho-capitalism is their ideology.

3/ The roots of anarcho-capitalism is in Herbert Spencer: the father of social Darwinism (whose ideas inspired Nazi eugenics).

4/ Bannon is not a Nazi, he's worse. Nazis believed in order, Bannon believes in an anarchy that only the fittest (=richest) will survive.

5/ Anarcho-capitalists consider any kind of state intervention for a level playing field is evil. They're for a "Lord of the Flies" world.

6/ As any true nerd would (& should) do, I've been trying to read everything I can to get a sense how Bannon thinks and I'm truly terrified.

7/ Bannon's racism, his misogyny, all the things that make us think that he's a Nazi, is actually because he's an anarcho-capitalist.

8/ He believes in bringing everything down, as he said, because the state is what lets the "unfit"s parasitic survival on the "fit."

9/ And his conception of "fit" is racialized, gendered, class-stratified and religious: Rich white Christian males. Ergo, Aryanism.

10/ Difference between Bannon's ideology & Nazism is that the latter wanted a welfare state for the Aryan. Even that is too much for Bannon.
Andrew Breitbart once described him as "the Leni Riefenstahl of the Tea Party movement." That seems really generous.

The most cogent thing I can see about him is that he's a nationalist, and by virtue of the facts present he's an ethno-religious nationalist. And a populist. He says he wants to dismantle the establishment - and is in the process of doing so, but to what end, I don't know, except raw power.


Remember GAF when you were shouting "throw Hungary out of the EU For being fascists"?

Well, now you know what can happen when an idiot is elected via broken promises who is surrounded by powerful manipulators with the sole idea of taking profit, breaking down the freedom of press, civil rights, and only serve big corporation's interest in the meantime.

Except, in US's case, this happened within WEEKS. Jesus. :(


Not much of a theory. He's a self-described economic nationalist. His own words. Make of that what you will.

I was about to ask what the hell that actually means. Especially in the modern era. Truly, there are two worlds at fight here. One is the tech companies where people across the globe work together, regardless gender, skin color or belief, and the good old corporations of white man greed :p (I am exaggerating a lot, but still.)

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony

This fits better than most things with what I've seen. I believe you can see it partially reflected in the kind of people who admire and resonate with men like Bannon.

There's a lot of social darwinism, Ayn Rand-esque chatter in alt-right circles. Throw a brick and you can hit an alt-reich social media account by some white guy who says all tax is theft and the government allows the weak prey upon the strong in defiance of nature.

As for what Bannon actually wants, well. Power, sure. But all these people seem to vaguely imagine that it's possible for the world to be rewound to an era of kings and walled city states. They seem to really sell themselves on the idea of that as the most natural state of man and the pinnacle of civilization.

I think it's an extremely seductive delusion for people who are, at their core, simply misanthropes who despise humanity. The idea of a society that creates both equality and equity for all people, regardless of who and what those people are, seems to burn the skin of misanthropes like acid. Because remember, when you hate someone, anything they do angers you. And misanthropes hate everyone.

At their core they wish to cause suffering. The framework they create to justify that desire may vary, but the end result is always the same.
You guys are going to be shocked, but this was actually illegal.


Breaking: obscure law requires Sen confirmation for WH aide like Bannon to serve on NSC. 50 U.S. Code § 3021 [url]https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/50/3021

I was wrong, it seems this is not correct.

Comments are mentioning that Bannon is on principals committee so it doesn't apply.

Stephen F. Diamond ‏@StephenFDiamond 10m10 minutes ago
@WellWtfPhil @charlie_savage PC created by POTUS (Bush 41) while NSC is established by statute. So Congress set rules for latter.



Comments are mentioning that Bannon is on principals committee so it doesn't apply.

Stephen F. Diamond ‏@StephenFDiamond 10m10 minutes ago
@WellWtfPhil @charlie_savage PC created by POTUS (Bush 41) while NSC is established by statute. So Congress set rules for latter.
Comments are mentioning that Bannon is on principals committee so it doesn't apply.

Stephen F. Diamond ‏@StephenFDiamond 10m10 minutes ago
@WellWtfPhil @charlie_savage PC created by POTUS (Bush 41) while NSC is established by statute. So Congress set rules for latter.

I just saw that. Bummer.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
If civilians attack soldiers of their nations army with intention of killing them or even kill several it could push the line into firing on attackers in self-defense. Peaceful protest and some dipshit tells army to open fire? No soldier worth of their oath will do it.

Edit: Even in riot situation they shouldn't follow such order

I meant civilians attacking non-military government.


This fits better than most things with what I've seen. I believe you can see it partially reflected in the kind of people who admire and resonate with men like Bannon.

There's a lot of social darwinism, Ayn Rand-esque chatter in alt-right circles. Throw a brick and you can hit an alt-reich social media account by some white guy who says all tax is theft and the government allows the weak prey upon the strong in defiance of nature.

As for what Bannon actually wants, well. Power, sure. But all these people seem to vaguely imagine that it's possible for the world to be rewound to an era of kings and walled city states. They seem to really sell themselves on the idea of that as the most natural state of man and the pinnacle of civilization.

I think it's an extremely seductive delusion for people who are, at their core, simply misanthropes who despise humanity. The idea of a society that creates both equality and equity for all people, regardless of who and what those people are, seems to burn the skin of misanthropes like acid. Because remember, when you hate someone, anything they do angers you. And misanthropes hate everyone.

At their core they wish to cause suffering. The framework they create to justify that desire may vary, but the end result is always the same.

What I'm hearing is "if they come at you, self-defense is justified"

because they sure as fuck don't want to talk


Holy SHIT.

Where and when is Seinfeld himself on this week's developments, and his connection to Bannon?

He's not directly involved, so I wouldn't involve Jerry into this mix. Bannon collects from royalties on the program due to a deal from a settlement or something of the likes, the details of which I don't care to look up (sorry), but it's there if you look for it.
A friend posted this story on fb and some shithead went on a long ass rant about how it was probably better than Clinton and her globalist elites being in charge. Some motherfucking people I swear


Trump always has someone's hand up his ass manipulating him some how, jesus.

I was leery of attributing too much power to Bannon before but it's impossible to deny he is a bigger part of the picture than he ever had any business being.


He's not directly involved, so I wouldn't involve Jerry into this mix. Bannon collects from royalties on the program due to a deal from a settlement or something of the likes, the details of which I don't care to look up (sorry), but it's there if you look for it.
No, I know that. I'm just curious about if and when Seinfeld himself will come out and condemn Bannon (etc.) especially in light of knowing what his success has helped fund.


never left the stone age
Best case scenario was Pence leading and Trump just being the face but the reality is much worse somehow

Edit: Read that tweet chain. So Bannon is literally Senator Armstrong from MGR, sans (I hope) nanomachines
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